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The Discussion Section

The Discussion Overall Purpose

: To explain the meaning of the results to the readers, and why they are important.


The Discussion

Further Purposes

– It’s the heart of the paper, but keep it as short as possible.

– Answers the question posed in the Introduction.

– Explains how the answers fit in with existing knowledge.

– Author can express his/her opinions.

Writing the Discussion

Commentary on your study

What did the study show?

What might that mean?

What are other possible alternative explanations for the findings?

Outline of a Discussion Section

Summarize major findings in first paragraph

Statement of the results should reflect the study design, i.e. stick to ‘associations’ unless it’s a RCT

Secondary Results

How do Results Compare with Prior Knowledge?

Limitations of the Study

Conclusions and Implications

What Results Mean

Interpret results and indicate how convincing they are

Discuss clinical versus statistical significance

You are telling your readers WHY your results matter

This is a LARGE part of discussion

Consider all the implications of your results: clinical, biological, methodological, economic, ethical

What Results Mean (cont)

Indicate strength of your conviction: How certain are you?

These findings demonstrate that effective therapy for disease X is a reality

Our results suggest that effective therapy for disease X is possible

Secondary Results

Discuss the most significant secondary results after you have discussed the primary results

Synthesize and summarize, don’t just repeat what you’ve found

Refrain from discussing results that are self-explanatory or common knowledge

How Do Your Results Compare With Prior Knowledge?

Compare to the results of prior studies

How does your study expand on those studies?

DO NOT review the entire literature

Pick the most important prior studies

Reference some of the other good ones

Sometimes it is more efficient to present main features of previous studies in a table

How Do Your Results Compare With Prior Knowledge?

If your results disagree with what other investigators have found, explain why

Do results differ completely or do they overlap with other findings?

Are there important differences in:

The design of the study

Characteristics of the subjects

Way measurements were made

How Do Your Results Compare With Prior Knowledge?

DO NOT be overly critical of previous studies

Remember, the authors may be assigned to review your study

Be gently critical by being FACTUAL

Don’t write a paragraph about each of the previous studies in your subject area

If there are a few significant/important studies, describe them in more detail

Limitations of the Study

Purposes: 1. Forces you to critique your work

This may help to improve your understanding of the results 2. Clear assessment of weaknesses shows the reader that you are an objective scientist who understands research 3. Helps the reader to understand the important methodologic points in the field

i.e. potential biases, importance of power

Limitations of the Study

What if you can’t think of any limitations?

Ask yourself:

– – – –

If I could do the study over, what changes would I make?

Was the design rigorous?

Were the subjects appropriate?

Measurements precise and valid?

Follow-up complete?

Consider ALL potential limitations —from design to interpretation -- Many investigators ignore the issue of interpretation - Don’t just concentrate on limitations of sample size, or precision of measurements – being critical of how you have interpreted your results is just as important

Limitations of the Study

Possible limitations:

Sample size is too small (under-powered)

Causality not established (study design)

Data are collected retrospectively

Data are self-reported with no record comparison

Different methods of measuring the outcome variable

Missing potentially important covariates

Study sample might not be representative of the larger population

Study Strengths

You can often mention study strengths and unique features right after the limitations (or sometimes in the first paragraph of the Discussion section)

The Conclusions

What to provide:

– A one paragraph summary of findings in relationship to the earlier stated hypothesis.

– How the findings agreed or disagreed with those of similar previous studies. Why?

– A speculation on what impact of study findings may have on current research controversies and theories.

The Conclusions

What to provide:

– A comment on the generalizability of the findings.

– The relevant program and policy implications of the findings.

– The implications for future research with



– Final concluding comments and the quotable main "take-home" points (but don’t repeat results!).

The Discussion —Overall Summary

Purpose: to interpret your results and justify your interpretation

Guidelines for Constructing the Discussion

Distill the essence of your study.

- Restate the key result.

- State the main conclusion.

• Be clear about why results support this conclusion.

• Maintain connection with purpose of the study.

Interpret your study in context of literature.

- Compare with results/methods from related studies.

- Emphasize strengths of study and what is new/useful.

 

State limitations/caveats (frankly, without apology).

Make recommendations.

- changes in practice/policy - future studies - include some specifics (methods/population/setting) can often be accomplished in four or five paragraphs 18

Common Mistakes in Writing the Discussion

• • Being unrealistically precise in the interpretation • Ex: Applying these results to the 41,253,483 U.S. adults between ages 30 and 64, we estimate that 8,333,203.6 Americans suffer from… Discussing results that are self-explanatory or common knowledge • Ex: In our study of patients with diabetes and hypercholesterolemia, more deaths resulted from heart disease than from watching a Kim Kardashian reality show.

• Reviewing the entire literature • • Pick the most important prior studies Reference some of the other good ones

• Overgeneralizing from a small sample or limited population to the rest of the world.

• Not keeping the results in perspective--ie, the greatest discovery since the ipod.

• Don’t be overly critical of previous studies

• Failing to address study limitations and sources of bias.

ALL results should be presented in the results section

Do not present any new results for the first time in the discussion

Methods should be in the Methods section, NOT in the results section

Structured Discussion – BMJ

Suggested structure for discussion of scientific papers

   Statement of principal findings Strengths and weaknesses of the study Strengths and weaknesses in relation to other studies, discussing particularly any differences in results  Meaning of the study: possible mechanisms and implications for clinicians or policymakers  Unanswered questions and future research 24