
Towards a Legal Framework for
Transnational Company Agreements
Presentation of the Report to the ETUC
By Silvana Sciarra, Maximilian Fuchs
and André Sobczak
Lisbon, 9 September 2012
1.Introduction to Transnational Company Agreements
2.Literature Review
3.Empirical Study
4.Draft Proposal for an Optional Legal Framework
1. Introduction to
Transnational Company Agreements
Introduction to TCAs
More than 230 TCAs, mainly in companies having their
seat in EU Member States
TCAs are negotiated in the absence of a specific legal
Questions about the legal status of TCAs and the
consequences of a non-respect
Introduction to TCAs
Content of TCAs
Fundamental social rights
Corporate social responsibility
Equal opportunities
Introduction to TCAs
Scope of application of TCAs
Application to the subsidiaries
How to define subsidiaries?
What happens if the scope of the group changes?
Information to suppliers and subcontractors
How far going down the supply chain?
What happens in case of non respect?
Introduction to TCAs
Signatory parties on employer’ side
TCAs signed by the group’s (European) headquarters
Headquarters are not the employers of the workers in
the subsidiaries
Headquarters are not legally liable for the non respect
of labour law standards by subsidiaries
Introduction to TCAs
Signatory parties on workers’ side
European (or Global) union federations
European Works Councils
National unions
2. Analysis of
EU Policy Documents
EU Policy documents
Usefulness of an optional legal framework
European Commission’s Social Agenda 2005-2010
European Parliament Resolution 2005
European Economic and Social Committee 2005
European Commission’s Staff Document 2008
Actors involved in negotiations
Legal effect
Dispute settlement
EU Policy documents
European Commission’s Staff Document 2012
Identifying the actors involved in TCAs and clarifying
their roles
Promoting transparency of TCAs
Implementation of TCAs
Improving legal certainty with regards to the effects of
Prevention and settlement of disputes
EU Policy documents
European Parliament Resolution 2013
Legal framework has to be optional
TCAs shall be negotiated and concluded only by
representative European trade union federations
Insertion of most favourable clauses and nonregression clauses have to be inserted into TCAs
Introduction of alternative dispute settlement
3. Lessons from interviews
with actors involved in TCAs
Lessons from interviews
Motivations of social partners
Long tradition of social dialogue at the level of the
Good experience of social dialogue at the European
level, mainly in the EWC
Trust is the key condition for the negotiation of a TCA
Using social dialogue to strengthen the company’s
culture and the workers’ commitment
Lessons from interviews
Negotiation process
Great diversity in the negotiation process as well as in
the actors involved
Some interviewees ask for a legal framework; others
appreciate the current freedom
Local managers are not always informed about the
negotiation of a TCA
Negotiation with European union federations seen as
more efficient than with national unions
Lessons from interviews
Implementation of TCAs
Different national traditions or legislations may create
problems for implementation
Lack of a legal framework pushes to the definition of
specific implementation and monitoring procedures
TCAs aim at stimulating social dialogue at the level of
the subsidiaries
Importance to take into consideration that the
economic context may change
Lessons from interviews
Dispute Settlement
Few conflicts between the signatories of TCAs
Signatory companies do their best to respect the
External dispute settlement mechanism seen as an
interesting opportunity
4. Draft Proposal for an
Optional Legal Framework
Draft Proposal
Legal Basis
Art. 155 TEU:
“Should management and labour so desire, the
dialogue between them at Union level may lead to
contractual relations, including agreements.”
Draft Proposal
Council Decision
Art. 155 TEU:
“Agreements concluded at Union level shall be
implemented either in accordance with the procedures
and practices specific to management and labour and
the Member States or, in matters covered by Article 153,
at the joint request of the signatory parties, by a Council
decision on a proposal from the Commission.”
Draft Proposal
Conditions to access the Optional Legal Framework
Signatory parties
Legal representative of the headquarters
At least one European union federation or two
national unions
Disclosure of the mandate to negotiate
Rules to operate the mandate are left to the social
Definition of the scope of application
Opt-In clause
Draft Proposal
Conditions to access the Optional Legal Framework
Most favourable clause
Non-regression clause
Internal dispute settlement
Date and venue of the signature
Expiry date and rules to promote renewal
Duty to notify the TCA and the subsequent
amendments to the EU Commission
Draft Proposal
External Dispute Settlement
Development of an external dispute settlement
mechanism based on national experiences
Access limited to the signatory parties of the TCA
Mediators to be chosen by the signatory parties
EU Commission may establish a list of potential
mediators among legal experts and staff members
Thank you for your attention!
André Sobczak
[email protected]