Transcript Document

Vulnerability Databases:

Everything is Vulnerable

Brian Martin Jake Kouns

© Open Security Foundation 2005

Vulnerability Databases:

Everything is Vulnerable

•Overview •Inherent Problems •Important Issues •Major Players •Research and Rankings •Future

© Open Security Foundation 2005

Vulnerability Databases:

Everything is Vulnerable


© Open Security Foundation 2005

Vulnerability Database Overview

• • • •

What is a Vulnerability Database (VDB)?

Database of information on security vulnerabilities. Simple!

What about “dictionaries” (CVE) or “searchable indexes” VDB!

Key is realizing VDBs will have their focus

Comprehensive Vulnerability Database Focused Vulnerability Database Vulnerability Notification ServicesValue Added Services © Open Security Foundation 2005

Brief History

• • • •

First VDBs were private, mostly maintained by hackers or budding security geeks (before security professionals were common) First public database?

Unix Known Problem ListInternal Sun Microsystems Bug ListEarly CERT database

VDBs abandoned (Fyodor), sold to corporations (BID), or home grown (X-Force) Additional VDBs continued to be launched to meet different demands (Secunia, OSVDB)

© Open Security Foundation 2005

Basics of a VDB

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Vulnerability information gathered Identification number/name assigned Adherence to standard format

• • • •

Ability to search and display data Optional: Mail lists (private or public) Exports for integration Other services

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Purposes of a VDB

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Provide accurate information on security vulnerabilities Provide historic reference on software bugs Provide information on solutions Provide innovations to help organizations deal with vulnerabilities But are they?

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WIIFM – What’s in it for me?

• • •


Information provided in timely fashion

Detailed Content

Concise description, additional analysis, references

Organized Information

Vulnerability statisticsTrending Historical context © Open Security Foundation 2005

Vulnerabilities Trends

CERT Vulnerability Counts ( 1995-2004) © Open Security Foundation 2005

Who uses a VDB?

• • • •

Administrators Auditors Security Testers

Penetration TestingVulnerability AssessmentsRisk Management


Hackers, Crackers, Blackhats, Greyhats, OH MY! © Open Security Foundation 2005

Legalities and Liability

• • • •

Issues with disclosure

Bug finder and irresponsible disclosureDo VDBs have a responsibility to be ethical for bug finders?

Liability for providing information

Liability for including exploit code?

Copyrights on information

Including unedited original source?Re-branding or re-writing?

Confusing lawsuits

Tegam vs. Guillaume Tena (France)Sybase vs. NGSS? (US)HP vs. NGSS? (US) © Open Security Foundation 2005

VDB Sociology

• • • • •

VDBs are taken for granted by users Users need them but do not appreciate Users rely on a VDB for 'thoroughness', when they usually are not Users quote VDB information as gospel, as if VDBs confirm and validate every entry Users typically have favorite VDB, and only use that one

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Vulnerability Databases:

Everything is Vulnerable

Inherent Problems

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Inherent Problems with VDBs

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If no entry for Product X, assumption it is secureAssume information is accurate, becomes gospelRely on VDB to alert you?

Lack of Updates

Hard to update old entries (why don’t new players care about

old entries?)

Solutions not there or not fully updatedWorkarounds not accurate or helpful


“multiple” entriesNo digging for detailsIgnoring obscure products © Open Security Foundation 2005

Inherent Problems with VDBs

• •

Lack of standard

Naming conventions“multiples” vs. breaking out entriesWhat deserves an entry at all

Accuracy and Integrity

Who updates? What motivation to be accurate?Myth/FakeWhy is the information inaccurate? • Poorly written advisory, Lousy research • Poor vendor communication/verification – Why do VDBs trust anything and everything they read? • Number of database entries matter © Open Security Foundation 2005

Inherent Problems with VDBs

• •

Pros & Cons of adding entries

Fast • No external references • Incomplete or inaccurate information – Slow • Not timely like many people want

Statistics & Metrics

Lack of classification (leads to problems)Lack of severity (debate unto itself) • Not only based on remote vs. local … • Availability of exploit • Impact of exploit • Installation base of software © Open Security Foundation 2005

Inherent Problems with VDBs

Relying on Bug finders

Double edge sword, good bug hunters provide great

information, many do not

Vulns being reported although previously disclosedNot including versions or vendor site, and not easily


Vague information, untested Advisories without dates (big vendors especially

guilty.. MS, IBM, Novell, Sun, HP)

People try to use bug finding as a way to advertise

their security services

© Open Security Foundation 2005

Inherent Problems with VDBs

What else?

Many don’t make database easily available in

full or not portable

Don’t support third party utilities and useVDB snobs, refuse to reference certain other

databases or sources

Narrow focus on where to find vulnerability

information (life outside Bugtraq)

Often don’t give credit where due[…] © Open Security Foundation 2005

Vulnerability Databases:

Everything is Vulnerable

Important Issues

© Open Security Foundation 2005

Important Issues for VDBs

• •

Most issues are easily overlooked 7 key issues for a VDB to address

• User Dependency • Content Updates • Content Depth • Standards • Accuracy and Integrity • Statistics and Metrics • Integration Ability © Open Security Foundation 2005

User Dependency • • • •

Can you rely on a VDB?

Do you verify the VDBs statements?

Do you read into the information and make assumptions?

Rely on VDB to alert you?

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Content Updates

• • • •

Turnaround on new entries Older entries need attention

Updated external referencesUpdated solutionsUpdated information on risk ratings

Do all VDBs care about older entries?

Corrections to entries

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Content Depth

• • • •

Number of entries

Catalogue all vulnerabilities or just major issues

Vague information on vulnerabilities

Often due to poor research or vendor not providing

details (thus, external references are important)

Effort to correlate or research

Weeding out duplicate entries

Types of products cataloged

Not just about Windows and Unix anymore © Open Security Foundation 2005


• • • • • •

Definition of a Vulnerability Naming Conventions Dates Write-ups Risk Ratings Solutions

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Accuracy and Integrity

• • • •

Who maintains the data How are updates justified Motivation for entries Motivation for accuracy

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Statistics and Metrics

• • • • • • •

How many entries exist?

How many entries are missing?

How do we know?

How many entries have solutions?

How many are critical?

How many vulns per month/year?

How many vulns per vendor/product?

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Integration Ability

• • • • •

Can users change or ask for updates Is the data easy to obtain Does the VDB support 3 rd parties Does the VDB reference all information Can users dynamically pull information

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Vulnerability Databases:

Everything is Vulnerable

Major Players

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Major Players

• • •

Comprehensive VDBs

BID - - X-Force - – - Tracker -

Vulnerability Notification Services

CERT - Advisory -

Value Added Services

ICAT - © Open Security Foundation 2005


• • •

Started in 1999, acquired by SecurityFocus on 07/17/2002 Full time dedicated resources Free, 72 hour delayed information (SF researched)

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BID – Pros/Cons


Brand awarenessVery detailed and technical information providedQuick posting of new vulnerabilities due to hosting of Bugtraq

mail list


Practices changed once acquired by corporationLittle response to feedback providedSlow to load, banners ads a pain, 39 images per entryProduct information based on erroneous assumptions © Open Security Foundation 2005


• • • • • •

MITRE and NIST Full time dedicated resources, federal funding CVE started in 1999, ICAT ~2000 Both claim not to be a VDB ICAT adds vulnerability classification and statistics to a predominantly CVE based database Free

© Open Security Foundation 2005

CVE/ICAT – Pros/Cons


Detailed statistics and classification schemeEasy ability to download entire databaseWidely adopted, heavily integrated into security products


Heavy use of CVE for vulnerability informationCVE “candidate” process slow and backloggedLimited external references (ICAT) © Open Security Foundation 2005

ISS X-Force

• • • • • •

Run by Internet Security System (ISS) Full time resources dedicated Started around Aug, 1997 VDB is free and public Heavily used and referenced in ISS security products Fast and courteous reply to emails with questions or errors

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ISS X-Force – Pros/Cons


Very detailed, very thorough, historical entriesFairly standard naming conventionsVery thorough external references


Disclosure IssuesMany entries related to IDS events, not classic vulnerabilitiesNo easy export, can’t easily integrate © Open Security Foundation 2005


• • • • • •

Open Security Foundation, 501(c)3 non-profit organization 3 project leaders, over 200 volunteers since inception First started on 08/30/2002 Free security information Security community driven Vendor dictionary, ethical disclosure service, active integration

© Open Security Foundation 2005

OSVDB – Pros/Cons


Vendor Neutral, Un-biasedIntegration with open source productsBroad source for data importation (sources, dates)Very thorough, attention to detail, historical entries


Slow updates on new vulnerabilitiesRelies on community for resourcesCurrently no long term funding © Open Security Foundation 2005


• • • • •

Corporation located in Denmark Full time staff Launched 03/26/2003 Focus on timely vulnerability alerts Free mailing list of new vulns mailed daily

© Open Security Foundation 2005

Secunia – Pros/Cons


Free mailing listVery strong on monitoring vendor advisories and updatesAttempt to work with open source community


Lack of standards/confusing standards • Issues lumped into “multiple” entries • Same vulnerability assigned a dozen entries, one per linux vendor – Only focuses on new vulnerabilitiesSome solutions not practical or helpful © Open Security Foundation 2005

Security Tracker

• • • •

Corporation in MD, USA Full time resources dedicated Started in 2002 Free weekly summary of vulnerabilities, fee for instant alerts

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Security Tracker – Pros/Cons


Maintain their own standards, uniform entriesIncludes data source for vulnerabilityGood data importation, monitor broad source of



No statisticsLimited external references © Open Security Foundation 2005


• • • • • •

Carnegie Mellon, funded by US government Full time staff dedicated Started in 1988, after Morris worm Advisories for important issues Maintains CERT-VU/KB Database National Cyber Alert System

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CERT – Pros/Cons


US Federally funded and supportedProviding reports to technical and non-technicalStatistics provided


Limited vulnerabilities trackedProvide early information for exorbitant feeNot always willing to coordinate with security communitySerious questions about statistics, efficiency of staff/fundsOverlap with CIAC and others © Open Security Foundation 2005


• • • • •

US funded and supported, DOE Full time dedicated resources Started in 1989 Advisories for major issues Free service

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CIAC – Pros/Cons


Stability, around since 1989Updated regularly


Limited vulnerabilities coveredLimited external referencesMany advisories reprinted, no value addedOverlap with CERT © Open Security Foundation 2005

Additional Resources

• • •

Vulnerability Sources Not Included:

COOP = - - - Watch-

Focused Vulnerability Database

Nikto, NessusSun, HP, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, etc

Vulnerability Sharing Clubs © Open Security Foundation 2005

Government Funded

• • • • •


The CERT/CC is funded primarily by the U.S. Department of Defense and the

Department of Homeland Security, along with a number of other federal civil agencies. Other funding comes from the private sector. As part of the Software Engineering Institute, we receive some funds from the primary sponsor of the SEI, the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology.


U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funded


CVE is sponsored by the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) at the U.S.

Department of Homeland Security. US-CERT is the operational arm of the NCSD.


ICAT is maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.


US-CERT is part of the Department of Homeland Security

Little overlap? Consolidation? Oversight and audit?

© Open Security Foundation 2005

Vulnerability Databases:

Everything is Vulnerable

Research and Rankings

© Open Security Foundation 2005

Data Harvesting

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Where is information usually gathered?

Mail lists (Bugtraq, Full-disclosure, Vulnwatch, Ntbugtraq)Vendors (advisories)

Where else should information be gathered?

Mail lists (Freshmeat, Vuln-dev, Dailydave, Pen-test, other

specialty security focused lists)

Vendors (Changelogs, Knowledge bases, Vendor forums)Exploit archives © Open Security Foundation 2005

VDB Incest

Who references who? Who refuses?


ISS , BID , Secunia , SecurityTracker , OSVDB


CVE , Bugtraq , ISS , Secunia , SecurityTracker , OSVDB


CVE , BID , Secunia , SecurityTracker , OSVDB




CVE , OSVDB , Nessus




CVE , BID , Secunia , SecurityTracker , ISS , Nessus , Snort , more

Red denotes an apparent refusal to reference, even if the original point of disclosure or only available source.

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VDB Ratings

• • • • • •

Based on important issues identified Score of 1-10 provided for each of the 7 key performance areas 1 = lowest, 10 = highest Ratings given for each issue per VDB Provides baseline for expectations for each service Identifies areas of improvements

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VDB Individual Rankings

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Ratings For Each Category Top 3 VDBs Top 3 Areas for VDB Improvement

See research posted at:

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Vulnerability Databases:

Everything is Vulnerable


© Open Security Foundation 2005

Future of VDBs

• • • • •

Long way to go Hope to improve existing resources

Better search interfacesBetter upkeep of older entries

More services available to more people Further integration into products Better statistics and trending

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Standardization of Definitions

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Risk ratings Vulnerability Classifications

Local vs. Remote (Remote Local)Impact assessment (CIA)Exploit availabilityAccess required to exploit (Dependencies)

Vulnerability definitions and terminology

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VDBs Suck - Expect More

• • • • • • • • • • •

20 years since inception, Limited improvements Same mechanism for updating/verifying info Very few classify or assign risk Still no standardized classification for the few who do Still no standardized risk value for the few who do Still offer limited search ability overall Many don't follow their own standards consistently Most still very weak on external references Barely any new services or ways to use information Many don't seem to care about the vuln disclosure process (why did it take 20 years for a vendor dict to emerge?) Bottom line, VDBs need to drastically improve

© Open Security Foundation 2005

Vulnerability Databases:

Everything is Vulnerable

Brian Martin – [email protected]

Jake Kouns – [email protected]

Open Security Foundation

© Open Security Foundation 2005