Implications of Devolution for VCFSE groups

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Implications of Devolution
for VCFSE groups
Warren Escadale, VSNW, &
Tony Okotie, Liverpool CVS | United Way
Why we’re doing this….
• Three VSNW priorities
• Radical opportunity for the sector
• Scotland: health inequality at heart of devolution agenda
• Turning point in relationships, role of communities, role of voluntary
community faith and social enterprise groups
• Devolution, Our Devolution: “current situation …. isn’t good enough”
• No Stone Unturned (October 2012)
• Money heading to LEPs
• Councils funding reducing and being
redirected to economic agenda
• GM business case making heading:
Growth - Reform
• April 2014: 4 new Combined Authorities,
including Liverpool City Region
• This is economic development linked to
public service reform
1. Geography and voice – incl other
agencies and footprints
2. Public Service Reform:
“cuts… through to the marrow”
“framework for Austerity 2.0”
3. Health and Social Care:
core VCFSE business
4. VCS role in local economies:
Thriving Places
Devolution in England –
Core City agenda
1. Place based budgeting
2. Health & Social Care
3. Complex dependency
4. Work Programme
5. Skills
What’s the sector doing elsewhere?
North East
• Pushing for VCS reps on LEP Board and substructures;
• Delivering a Big Society Capital project with LEP;
• Involvement in a NE Independent Economic Review;
• LEP staff attend VCS Skills & Employability Group
• Engaging CA lead officers as structures develop
• Alongside VCS invovlement in EU SIF governance
• 2 reps on Social Inclusion Advisory Group
West Yorkshire
• Developing an infrastructure consortium
What’s the sector doing elsewhere?
Greater Manchester -- GMCVO is embedded in CA hierarchy of structures:
• Sits on GM Health and Wellbeing Board
• Sits on Employment and Skills Board
• Sits on public service reform substructures
• Works closely with New Economy (GM policy support and delivery agency
for economic development for CA incl LEP)
• Involved in EU SIF Governance
• Core funded by AGMA (which effectively became GMCA)
• Contributed to Manchester Independent Economic Review and updates
1. Combined Authorities are not a side-show: Think CA, then think LEP
2. New model of economic + PSR (growth – reform) will affect why
and how councils work with VCFSE groups
3. Fundamental decisions that will affect the sector locally will
increasingly be made at a City Region level
4. Growing need for coordinated VCFSE strategic activity on a larger
footprint (PCC, Health Structures)
To what extent will very local working, relationships and
delivery become more important?
1. Establish a partnership to support sector engagement with and
influence the Combined Authority
2. Engage with Employment and Skills Board
3. Start discussions with members of the Combined Authority, and
lead officers, about a VCS offer around broader sector engagement.
4. Develop a coordinated programme of evidence-building to
demonstrate the economic and social impact of the sector across
the Liverpool City Region.
5. Develop strategic relationships with other local agencies operating
at a City-Region level e.g. private sector, health agencies, PCC
What do you think?
• What should be the vision for the City Region in
the next five years?
• What are the key implications for the sector?
• What are the key actions for the sector?
Warren Escadale
[email protected]
Tony Okotie