Transcript Slide 1

Project Prioritization Framework
February 20, 2009
Metrolinx is an agency of the Government of Ontario
November 28, 2008, Metrolinx Board approved the
Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Investment
RTP identified Top 15 Priority Projects for early
implementation leveraging Province’s $11.5 B
MoveOntario 2020 commitment
Board also directed staff to complete project-level
Benefits Case Analysis (BCA) work for all Top 15
Priority Projects, beyond those with pre-existing,
legacy commitments
BCA/Prioritization Work Plan
Sheppard East LRT
October 2008
February 2009
Scarborough RT
Eglinton Crosstown
Finch West LRT
Yonge North Subway Extension
GO Lakeshore Electrification
November 2008
Spring 2009
February 2009
Spring 2009
Spring 2009
Hamilton King-Main RT
Halton-Peel Dundas RT
Peel Hurontario RT
Durham Highway 2 RT
GO Transit Rail:
• Bowmanville extension and
other service improvements
Pearson Airport-Union Rail Link
Spadina Subway Extension
Mississauga Transitway
Peel Queen Street RT
BCA Completion
Summer 2009
Summer 2009
Summer 2009
Summer 2009
Summer 2009
Proposed Workplan Strategy
Construction start in 2009
Construction start in 2009
Prioritization Framework
to support 2010/11 and
beyond Metrolinx Capital
Plan recommendations
(Summer 2009)
Pre-Metrolinx implementation priorities
Previously announced and funded by other sources
Continuing progress towards construction start
Prioritization Rationale
Ensure fair, transparent, defensible basis for
decisions on the optimal multi-year staging of Top 15
Priority Projects
Provide comparative, evidenced-based evaluation
and ranking of priority projects on a region-wide
basis for the first time in the GTHA
Prioritization decisions will support development of
the 2010-11 and 5-Year Metrolinx Capital Plan
“Made-in-GTHA” approach informed by best
practices in other leading jurisdictions
Proposed Prioritization Timelines
Three-step approach recommended for development of
Prioritization Framework:
February 2009
Board approval of Prioritization Framework guiding principles
Spring 2009
Board review of potential prioritization scenarios, weighting and
criteria following completion of additional BCA reports
Summer 2009
Final Project Prioritization recommendations, supported by completion
of all remaining BCAs, presented for Board approval
Allows sufficient time to complete:
• Outstanding BCAs and
• Consultations with municipal, transit agency, provincial and other
stakeholders on prioritization parameters
Proposed Guiding Principles
Staff recommend five principles be adopted to
guide development of Prioritization Framework:
1. Process should be clear, logical and transparent
2. Decisions should be evidence-based and data-driven
3. Consistent, region-wide application of prioritization
4. Build on project-level BCA results and broader RTP
goals and objectives
5. Provide advice and support to decision-makers, but not
prescribe decisions based on rigid, quantitative rankings
• Flexibility to accommodate Board-directed strategic policy
preferences and weightings
Prioritization Criteria – Considerations
BCA and RTP measures provide data that could form the basis of the
Prioritization Framework
BCA process provides comparative, standardized assessment of the
“triple bottom line” costs and benefits of project alternatives, consistent
with the goals and objectives of the Big Move
• BCA assessments undertaken in close collaboration with municipal and
transit agency staff through project technical teams
Metrolinx staff are reviewing BCA outputs to ensure comparability
between projects for the purposes of the Prioritization Framework
• Costs, benefits and other impacts can be scaled to allow comparisons
between projects of differing orders-of magnitude (e.g., benefits per dollar
invested/per kilometre/per new rider)
Additional criteria beyond BCA and RTP measures can be
incorporated, if appropriate
• Review required to avoid double-counting project costs and benefits
Potential Evaluation Criteria
Staff recommend that criteria broadly consistent with the
following categories form the basis of the Prioritization
Transportation User/Customer Benefits
Financial Impacts
Environmental Impacts
Economic Development Impacts
Social and Community Impacts
Other Impacts (e.g., potential network implications)
Staff will review BCA and RTP measures, as well as
potential additional criteria, and report back with
recommended criteria in Spring 2008, following
consultations with municipal, transit agency, provincial and
other stakeholders
Staff Recommendations
Receive Report ISP 09-002 “Project Prioritization Framework
Five principles to guide the development of the Project Prioritization
Clear, logical and transparent;
Evidence-based and data-driven;
Consistent, region-wide application across the Top 15 Priority Projects;
Builds on The Big Move and project-level Benefits Case Analysis
Accommodates strategic policy preferences and weightings as may be
directed by the Board
Staff Recommendations
Prioritization criteria broadly consistent with:
Transportation customer and user benefits;
Financial impacts;
Environmental impacts;
Economic development impacts;
Social and community impacts; and
Other impacts as appropriate.
Metrolinx staff consult with municipal, transit agency, provincial and other stakeholders
and partners in the ongoing development of a viable Project Prioritization Framework;
Metrolinx staff report back to the Board:
In May 2009 with the next iteration of the Prioritization Framework, including
project prioritization ranking scenarios based on BCA and RTP data inputs; and
In July 2009 with a final report and recommendations for prioritizing the balance
of the RTP Top 15 Priority Projects, and to support the development of the
Metrolinx 2010/11 Capital Plan and update to the rolling Five-Year Capital Plan.