Transcript Slide 1

Everybody’s Talking…
Welcome to the Safe Harbor Term LIFE Insurance
"SafeHarbor is more than protection for the catastrophe of death...
it is here for you to weather the storms of LIFE."
Lets Talk About What's in it for You:
Access needed CASH for the
treatment of
and recovery from critical
or chronic illness.
The OLD vs. The NEW
Let’s start by understanding why Living
Benefits are so important …
Over the last 5 - 10 years, Can you think of
anyone in the last five years - family
members, friends, neighbors, work associates
- who suffered a CRITICAL ILLNESS such as a
heart attack, stroke or cancer?
Did your loved one or acquaintance die immediately?
It happens every day.
Let’s check the statistics!
Think about the statistics …
We could become CRITICALLY or TERMINALLY ill.
• Every 40 seconds someone in the US has a stroke.1
• In the US, stroke is the third leading cause of death, killing
144,000 people each year, but more importantly, it is a leading
cause of serious, long-term adult disability.2
• Every 30 seconds a new cancer is diagnosed in the U.S.3
• More than half of Americans diagnosed with cancer will survive
for at least five years.4
Heart Attack
• Every 26 seconds someone suffers a heart attack.5
• Every year in the US more than 1 million people who suffer a
heart attack survive for at least 12 months. Three-quarters of all
male, first-time heart attack victims aged 35-54 survive at least 5
1 American
Heart Association Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, 2008
National Stroke Association
3”Cancer Facts & the War on Cancer” LIMRA, 2007
4Health Insurance “Critical Illness Insurance is Critical to a Client’s Financial Survival,”
May 2008
5American Heart Association “Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics,” LIMRA 2007
What is the #1 reason people DO NOT
buy long term care insurance?
• It is never going to happen to me!
• My kids will take care of me.
• I can’t justify the cost or afford it.
• No one has ever brought it to my attention.
It is said that you will not need it if you die too young. BUT, the longer
you live, the higher your chances become for needing care.
Did you know?
For every couple turning 65 there is a 70% chance
that one of them will need long-term care.
Wall Street Journal
As Baby Boomers age, the number keeps rising. Experts now say that 65%
of people over 75 need long-term care coverage. The average facility
stay for the elderly is about 3 years.
Business Week
This is only a nursing home “stay” estimate and does not include home care or assisted living which
usually come first.
Did you know?
97 % of people over age 85 require assistance in their last years of life.
The LTC Report
Did you know?
Singles are especially at risk!
They are not usually with someone who can
properly care for them. The same is true
for wives, who tend to outlast their
husbands by an average of seven years.
Jane Bryant Quinn
Remember… accidents and disease do not discriminate against age.
Young people may need home and nursing facility care, too.
It doesn’t stop there …
Over 50% of all people entering a care
situation are penniless within one year.
Harvard University
Tax breaks for premiums highlight
Washington’s firm support of private
US Center for Disease Control
By 2018 a private room will cost over
$500 per day or $188,000 per year.
LTCI P Academy
What happens when someone experiences a devastating
critical or chronic illness such as a heart attack, stroke,
cancer, or they need home health care or nursing home
Besides a physical setback, do you think there might be
an emotional situation involving the family? How about a
financial hardship?
What happens?
Income goes down,
expenses go up
and in most cases, debt is
We can solve the
situation simply with a
Bucket of Money!
Now, imagine...
Where could you get a bucket of money that can be
used for medical expenses, mortgage payments, car
payments, etc. In other words, replacement income?
From disability insurance? Savings Account?
Are you in a position to have both?
I know what you can do!
Tell your local banker or friendly
stock broker that you need a bucket
of money available to you just in
case you need it due to one of the
conditions we have discussed.
AND, you want that bucket
• Interest free
• Tax free
• Repayment free
You’re Crazy!
So, how can the average American
family afford LTC to protect itself against
financial hardship caused by death,
critical illness, and/or chronic illness?
Let’s consider some examples…
Example monthly rates:
Male, age 50 Preferred non-tobacco
Term Length
20 YR
30 YR
$ 95.39
$10,000 LTC (4 Years)
$475,000 critical illness
Grand total
Now add:
Not bad if you can afford it!
For most people, it’s probably too costly.
There is, however, an affordable solution!
Now there is an ALL-INCLUSIVE PLAN that offers a
death benefit as well as chronic and critical care
Term Life with Living Benefits
I am a licensed agent and am able to offer this plan
that adds protection above and beyond death benefit.
The same 40-year-old preferred
non-tobacco example will have:
• $300,000 of 20 or 30-year term life insurance
• Up to $6,000 per month of chronic care (LTC)
• A bucket of money with up to $285,000 to be
used in the event of a critical illness such as a
heart attack, stroke, or cancer diagnosis or other
The same 40-year-old PNS
And the monthly cost for
Safe Harbor Term?
20 YR or
30 YR
$ 54.11 or $87.11
The same 50-year-old preferred
non-tobacco example will have:
• $500,000 20 or 30-year term
• Up to $10,000 per month of chronic care (LTC)
• A bucket of money with up to $475,000 to be
used in the event of a critical illness such as a
heart attack, stroke, cancer diagnosis or other
50-year-old PNS
And the monthly cost for
Safe Harbor Term?
20 YR
30 YR
Only $117.11 or $228.44
Let’s improve your protection today by applying for
a plan that will not only cover your loved ones
upon your death, but will also
provide financial protection in the event you live
through a critical or chronic illness!