Transcript Slide 1

Comparison of
OFIL’s Corona Camera &
Ultrasonic instruments
What is Corona & What Causes it?
• Corona is an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization
of a fluid (air) surrounding a conductor.
• It occurs when the potential gradient (strength of the electric
field) exceeds a threshold value, but conditions are
insufficient to cause complete electrical breakdown or arcing.
• The ionization process generates, UV light, radio frequency
and wide spectrum sound energy, including both audible and
ultrasonic components.
How do the technologies works?
OFIL’s Corona Camera
Ofil’s Corona Cameras pinpoint the
ultraviolet light coming form the
corona source.
Ultrasonic instruments detect the
ultrasonic energy (usually at 40 KHz)
created by the corona.
The signals are demodulated to
audible frequencies so the technician
can listen to them to determine
presence of corona by sound
Some models can display relative
signal strength and also record the
The corona location is displayed on
real time visible image for analysis by
the technician.
The corona intensity value is
displayed. Video clips & still images
can be recorded for further analysis
and documentation.
Selectivity to Corona
OFIL’s Corona Camera
Ofil’s Corona Cameras specifically
detect energy in the UVC band
related to corona activity. Potential
interferences are limited to sources
that generate UVC (electrical arcing,
Ultrasonic instruments detect all
ultrasonic signals in the frequency of
interest, not just those from corona.
The technician must make a
qualitative judgment by listening to
the demodulated signal to determine
if the source is corona or something
Strong competing ultrasonic energy
may mask signals from weak to
moderate corona, making detection
difficult under some conditions.
Localizing the Corona source
Ofil’s Corona Cameras
Ofils’s corona cameras uses bispectral technology to directly display
the location of corona on a live video
Ultrasonic is highly directional,
making it relatively simple to initially
locate the general source of a signal.
The corona source can be pinpointed
to a specific location on a component
(valuable information for diagnostic
purposes) without having to get close
to it.
By decreasing the sensitivity while
moving closer, the source may be
narrowed down to a specific
Some models have zoom capability
for distances of 100 meters and
Strong competing ultrasounds and/or
other corona sources in the area
make localization difficult.
Determining Corona Strength
Ofil’s Corona Cameras
Corona strength is determined by
directly counting the photons emitted
from the source, then integrating
them to generate and display a rate
value in photons/minute that is
directly proportional to the corona
Some instrument models can display
the ultrasonic signal strength (usually
in db), which includes all ultrasound
energy in the frequency range, not
just that from corona.
Strong competing ultrasound or
other corona sources can make an
accurate corona strength
measurement very difficult to
Decision Chart
Corona- where?
Material type
Can it
be damaged by
Photons per Minute
Repair or replace
Monitor for
additional signs
High> 5000
Repair or replace
Schedule repair or
“…Attempting to measure and trend levels of observed
ultrasonic activity and trying to relate them to the potential
seriousness of surface partial discharge or end of life is not
valid and could potentially lead to misleading conclusions…”
“Testing Distribution Switchgear for Partial Discharge
in the Laboratory and the Field”, by EA Technology, IEEE2008
Enclosed Electrical Equipment
Ofil’s Corona Camera
Direct line of sight to the corona
source is required.
Inspection of enclosed equipment
requires the enclosure be opened
prior to inspection.
Ultrasonic detection of corona does
not require direct line of sight to the
corona source.
Inspection of enclosed equipment
can be accomplished by listening via
enclosure openings (vents, etc.).
• While at first glance it may appear that these are competitive
technologies, when you dig a little deeper, you find that they are, in
reality, complimentary.
• Solar blind UV technology adds a new capability to your predictive
maintenance toolbox. It allows you to quickly and accurately pinpoint the
source of corona and accurately evaluate and trend it’s strength. As a
result, you can reduce energy losses, plan maintenance based on
equipment condition and keep your electrical transmission/distribution
system running at peak efficiency and reliability.
The next slide describes a test, comparing Ofil’s Corona Camera and
ultrasonic device results. The white dot is the corona source’s location
according to Ofil’s Corona Camera while the red dot indicates about the
corona spot’s location according to the ultrasonic device. The red dot is a
laser that was placed under the ultrasonic device.
White Ofil’s Corona Camera
Red  Ultrasonic
Can you pinpoint, based on the red dot only ( ultrasonic device), the exact
corona location?
Can you distinguish, based on ultrasonic device only,
between the dead and the live end corona sources ?
The picture describes contaminated substation.
Can distinguish nearby corona sources and their
strength based on ultrasonic device?