Transcript Slide 1

The indefinite Pronouns

Some: algum(a), alguns, algumas, um pouco de, aproximadamente

 I’ll bring you some contáveis) candies. (substantivos  We want some incontáveis) water. (substantivos  Would you like some beer? (oferecimento)  May you lend me some money? (pedido)  I have answered some 20 e-mails (aproximadamente)

Any: algum(a), alguns, algumas, nenhum(a), qualquer

    Do you have any doubts? (pergunta – substantivo contável) Did she drink any wine? (pergunta – substantivo incontável) I don’t have any friend. (negativa - nenhum) Any day is happy when I’m beside you. (qualquer)

Usado com palavras de sentido negativo como: never, without, hardly, seldom e rarely, barely e scarcely.

 He never eats any food.

 I seldom practice any sport.

 The teacher scarcely has any problems with the students.

 If you see any me.

people here, don’t forget to tell

NO: nenhum(a)

  I have no negativo) money. (afirmativa, sentido There aren’t any cars on the street. = There are no cars on the street.

Gabriel doesn’t receive any letter. = Gabriel receive s no letter.

 We didn’t eat any food. = We ate no food.

 She won’t buy any fruit. = She’ ll buy no food.

None = nenhum(a)

 - Did you get any fruit in the tree?

 - No, I got none .

 - I read no books this year.

 - I read none .

(Usado em frases com verbo na afirmativa, não vem seguido de substantivo, pois já foi citado anteriormente)

None of + substantivo None of + Pronome oblíquo

 None of the cars is yellow.

 None of the teachers spoke about him.

 None of my cousins will come to the party.

 None of them understood the subject.

 None of us is going to travel this weekend.

 None of you would do that.

Derivados do Some, Any e No

  There is somebody ( someone ) looking for you.

There isn’t anybody ( anyone ) in the street.

 I saw nobody ( no one ) there.

  Jennifer is holding something .

Caroline isn’t speaking anything .

 Maggie will admit nothing .

Advérbios:   Somewhere over the rainbow.

They didn’t stay anywhere .

 She would like to go nowhere .

 Somehow (de algum modo), sometime ou some time (algum dia, um dia ), anyhow (de algum modo, de nenhum modo, de qualquer modo)