Transcript Document

Chapter 5 Section 4 Pages
Objectives: Students will be able to examine
why the Declaration of Independence was
written and what was involved.
I. Colonial Leaders Emerge
A. The Second Continental Congress
assembled the first time on May 10, 1775.
However, it would more than a year before
the delegates would draft a document
declaring independence from Britain.
B. The 2nd Continental Congress
included some of greatest political leaders
of the time. John and Samuel Adams,
Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, George
Washington, Ben Franklin, John Hancock,
Thomas Jefferson were but a few.
C. The 2nd Continental Congress
1. Authorization to print money.
2. Set up a Post office.
3. Establish a committee to talk to the
Native Americans.
4. Most important; set up an Army.
With George Washington as the
Commander in Chief.
D. Before the Declaration of Independence
Congress sent Britain a final petition, or
formal request called the “Olive Branch
1. First it asked for peace.
2. It asked for protection of their rights as
This caused King George III to hire 30,000
German troops to fight beside the British
Troops and they prepared for war.
I. a. The Colonies Take the Offensive
A. The British were preparing to attack
New York from Canada, however the
American Continental Army hit first at
Quebec lead by Benedict Arnold; they lost.
B. G. Washington reached Boston soon
after the Battle of Bunker Hill and trained
the Army to fight. When they were ready
he attacked the redcoats commanded by
Sir William Howe in Boston and they ran to
their ships and sailed up to Halifax Nova
b. Moving Toward Independence
A. Thomas Paine published a
pamphlet that captured the attention of
most American colonist. He called for
complete independence in bold
language. His pamphlet was called
“Common Sense.”
B. This inspired thousands Americas
in the cause for independence.
II. a. The Colonies Declare Independence
A. The Colonist debated their decision
to declare independence, or to stay
British, under British rule.
B. While this debate went on a
committee of delegates wrote a
document called The Declaration of
Independence. Thomas Jefferson was
selected to write this document.
C. Richard Henry Lee of Virginia.
First to officially state that the colonies
ought to be free and independent.
D. Thomas Jefferson was chosen to
write the Declaration of Independence.
He took ideas from John Locke (English
philosopher) Congress approved the
Declaration on July 4, 1776.
E. John Hancock signed it first really big
so King George could see it without his
glasses. (56 delegates signed it.)
II. a. The Colonies Declare Independence
A. Four Major Sections make up the document.
1st The Preamble: An introduction that the
people wish to form a new country.
2nd and 3rd : list the rights, the colonist
believe they should have and list the complaints
against Britain.
4th proclaims the existence of the new nation.
A. The Preamble states what many Americas
thought were universal principles. “We hold
these truths to be self-evident that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by the
Creator with certain unalienable rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness.”
B. It declares that government exists to
protect their rights, and if it does not then, “it
is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish
it and to institute new government.”
C. Sections 2 & 3 states the crimes of
King George: “cutting off trade with all
parts of the world,” and “imposing taxes
on us without our consent,” and ignoring
our petitions to fix our grievances.
D. It ends with America’s new status.
Now pledging, “to each other, our Lives,
our Fortunes, and our scared Honor,” as
America declares themselves a new
nation. So, begins the American