Guardian League Table Rankings 2013
Transcript Guardian League Table Rankings 2013
B.Ed Y1 Mentor Training &
Development Meeting
October/November 2013
BEd Y1 Stage Tutor
Jane Hart
[email protected]
01332 591352
ITE Partnership Website
USERNAME: primary
PASSWORD: w2eb415log
Direct email addresses &
telephone numbers
All PT documentation
Exemplar Materials
Dates for Your Diary
Photo Gallery
Extracts from External Examiners’ Report (2013)
‘Students were frequently described (by mentors) as showing
‘initiative’, ‘engagement’ and being ‘very hardworking’ and
‘well prepared’. The calibre of student was felt to be high.’
‘Complete dedication of the team who have maintained, in
the midst of considerable challenge and change this year,
coherence, clarity, cohesion and quality in the provision that
the University of Derby provides.’
The Interview Process
All day process
Basic skills test
Group interview: 3 questions
with discussion and creative
thinking task
1 to 1 time and feedback
Who is offered a place?
Intake: 300 points & min. 6 GCSEs
Experience in schools/with children
Awareness of recent developments
and the primary curriculum
Realistic but enthusiastic view of the
qualities required to be an effective
Independence, use of language &
interpersonal skills
B.Ed Year 1 student: a portrait
EYFS Settings
Now in our third year!
Fantastic opportunity for the Partnership to fully access the
skilled practice of early year teachers
Clearly establishes the importance of play!
Allows all of our BEd yr1 students to gain a very valuable insight
into child development linking (beautifully!) to this identified
focus in their yr1 studies
Facilitates students’ developing understanding of observational
techniques and assessment strategies found in the Early Years
Grading vocabulary across all cohorts
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
For completing students this results in QTS.
Grade 4
For completing students this results in failure of the
placement and the withholding of QTS.
For non-completing students this results in failure of the
Assessment of grades can only be made using the stage specific criteria
contained in Assessment Handbooks for Practical Teaching.
No other assessment criteria can be used.
The Assessment Handbook
Assessment Handbooks provide stage specific grading criteria.
Structured around all of the teaching standards
Specific to the student’s stage of development
Criteria to support grading decisions
Criteria can be used to assess current attainment
Criteria can assist target setting
Report formats for Assessment Phase 1, 2 and 3.
Guidance on supporting underperforming students
No other grading criteria to be used to assess attainment
Module Booklet
Induction Day: Monday 11th November
SLT Checklist & Health & Safety checklist
3 Orientation Weeks : w/c 11th & 25th November & 20th January
Planning Day & AP1 (part 1): Friday 24th January
AP1 (part 2): Mon 3rd February
4 Week Block Practice
AP2: Friday 27th February
2 Reorientation Days : 7th & 8th May
Planning Day 2 : 9th May
Fortnight Block : w/c 12th & 19th May
AP3: Friday 23rd May
The Yr1 Student
They need and value your input to ensure that they are making best progress
They should become increasingly proactive through the placement to drive
their development
They should demonstrate:
Clear understanding of the expectations for Yr1 students, informed by
the ‘Good profile’ and the graded portraits within the Assessment
Increasing confidence to identify T standards to be developed
informed by self audits, appraisals and student/mentor dialogue
Regular engagement with their RRP
Reflection on and evaluation of taught sessions
Students carry out focused observations throughout their placement
Subject Co-ordinators
Paired student
Always an agreed focus to maximise the learning potential offered by
the experience
Opportunity for student to ask questions and discuss their thoughts
about the observation
Whilst placed in Reception it is important for each student to observe
practice in KS1 and, if possible, KS2
Key elements:
Orientation wk 1: Journal
Orientation wk 2 onwards: RRP
To engage with it – working document
Chronological entries (for each standard) on a frequent basis
A brief context but with a focus on reflection to explore the
IMPACT on their progression and on outcomes for pupils
Range of evidence to support their journey
Revisit date (Cyclical process)
The Record of Reflective Practice (RRP)
Students should use the RRP meaningfully to:
Reflect upon (and not describe) their professional learning, particularly in
terms of impact on pupils.
Design SMART targets (informed by appraisals, informal feedback and selfevaluation) that will support progressive attainment of the Teaching Standards
and evaluate their progress towards these.
Note sources of evidence for the attainment they confirm in their RRP.
Refer to their RRP during discussions of progress and assessment.
Ideally colleagues should invite students to refer to the RRP in weekly progress
meetings and when writing reports at the end of assessment phases (AP2 and 3)
Practical Teaching File
Guidance on PT File (p38)
The Placement Context
Sequences of Learning and Teaching
Professionalism and Professional Development
Informs your judgements at Planning Confirmation (AP1 part2)
Student should develop and maintain throughout placement
Appropriate focus of appraisal(s) particularly before AP2
On line exemplars within the interactive glossary
The Placement File
It is important that students see the file as a meaningful:
tool for securing effective planning and teaching
store for information about what children have achieved and what they
need next
a place to account for and illustrate their own progress and attainment
against the standards, particularly in terms of outcomes for children
a developing portfolio of best practice
a statement of values and aspirations
It is not an instrument of torture!
Placement File Expectations
An interactive file glossary is available online via the Reflective
Teaching Modules.
It describes and illustrates what is expected at each stage of the
Examples and exemplary materials are available via hyperlinks.
Students are expected to explore the file glossary thoroughly as a
preparation for their placement.
School Based Tasks
Module leaders provide students with the
necessary information - you facilitate tasks and
discuss outcomes
Part of the weekly meeting discussionopportunity for professional dialogue and
collaborative reflection
Students must plan them in and complete
them during their placement!
School Based Task For RT
Observations of 2 Profile Children in a range of contexts
These observations inform their Assessed Presentation in December
In University sessions the students have explored child development in 2
lead lectures and 2 workshops
They have been advised to extend their knowledge of this area through
their own wider reading (supported by a reading list for the module)
The 10minute presentation requires the student to evidence their
knowledge and understanding of child development and to evidence their
ability to link theory to practice through an informed discussion of the 2
profile children
Please help each student to identify 2 profile children by 12.11.13
Student’s Minimum Entitlement
2 appraisals each week
An agreed weekly meeting
Discuss progress and identify key target(s)
Review RRP: linked to previous week’s target area(s)
Confirm timetable for the following week
Assessment Phase Reports carried out at the scheduled times
Input from student (self assessment) noted
No surprises!
Usually 1 appraisal per week.
The focus should be agreed beforehand.
Can be based on observed teaching or on other aspects of professional
development (e.g. teamwork, their PT file).
Mainly provided by the mentor but supported by ULT and possibly other staff
Areas of strength/competence and areas for development should be clearly
described with reference to the Teaching Standards.
Where there are instances of underperformance terms such as ‘requires
improvement’ or ‘inadequate’ should be used.
SMART targets designed to secure continued progress with a review date.
All parties should sign and date the appraisal.
The appraisal must make reference to the impact of the student’s practice on outcomes
for children and will include subject specific targets.
Weekly Progress Checklist
The students are responsible for maintaining this record of
their minimum entitlement
A weekly meeting with focused discussion, closely linked to
T Standards, is required to
Confirm teaching commitments
Agree focus of appraisal
Identify Key Target Area
Support reflective practice through focus on RRP
Induction Day
How to make the day a success! Your ideas?
Consider your placement context. What challenges
and opportunities does it offer?
With your SLT agree a timetable for the day
Prepare a class list and, if possible, a data set
Students’ names on door
Time in the classroom, time to tour the school
Explore the catchment area?
Orientation Weeks
Students must be proactive – these weeks are vital to a successful placement
Compile class data and assessment information so they have a sound
understanding of the needs of the class
Identify 2 Profile children & carry out SBT for this module (p31 & 33)
Carry out focused observations to support their knowledge & understanding
of the pupils, class routines/systems and develop awareness of best practice
Gather copies of school’s systems for planning, relevant resources and other
pertinent information to support their planning for Orientation wk3 onward
Support groups of children, within mentor’s own planning
Whole class interactions e.g. register, circle time, story time
ULT will make a school visit w/c 18th or 25th November
Orientation Weeks
Students must evidence their actions by completing
Pupil Needs Audit
Context for Learning and Teaching (p43)
Positive Behaviour Plan
SBT for Reflective Teaching Module
Summary of Key policies
Throughout the placement they must maintain
PT File (Guidance on p38)
Records of observations
Weekly Progress Checklist (p40)
Record of Professional Engagement in School(p41-2)
Professional Development Timetable
Planning in Orientation
Orientation Week 1 & 2
Students work from your planning (paper copy/ discussion)
and transfer to the University planning proforma
Orientation Week 3 (January)
Students continue to transfer your planning to the University
planning proforma
Students plan, teach & evaluate 2 or 3 different group
Planning in Block
Block Week 1
Students continue to transfer your planning to the University
Students plan, teach & evaluate at least 3 different group sessions
in Mathematics &/or CLL/L
Block Week 2
Students plan, teach & evaluate at least 5 different group sessions
in Mathematics &/or CLL/L
Block Week 3 & 4
Students plan, teach & evaluate at least 6 different group sessions
in Mathematics &/or CLL and one other area of learning
Assessment Phase 1
Assessment Phase 1 comprises the orientation weeks
The AP1 report is written at the end of the Assessment Phase 1 and is in two
Assessment of Attainment at the end of Orientation
Planning Confirmation Day – Readiness for Placement
AP1 (Part 1) Report – Assessment of attainment at the end of
Indicative actual attainment grades against all 8 teaching standards and
actual overall attainment grade at the end of AP1.
A predicted overall attainment grade for the end of Assessment Phase 2
Commentary on strengths.
Priority targets for development to support movement towards a final
outcome that is at least ‘good’.
Where any grade is 4 or where the predicted grade is 3 or 4, the ULT is
informed by the SLT via the placements office.
Derived from on going, formative assessment (e.g. appraisals, RRP)
Grading decisions supported only by stage specific criteria.
AP1 (Part 2) Report - Planning Confirmation Day
A check that the placement file meets expectations.
A check that the student is sufficiently prepared for the
Confirmation that their professional conduct is commensurate
with Part Two of the teaching standards.
Setting of targets for further development of the file.
Where students are not sufficiently prepared, please ensure that
your SLT informs the ULT via the placement office.
Main Block
The module booklet contains
detailed information on the range, variety and % teaching requirements
for each week of the main block.
Clear explanations of student and mentor ‘tasks’
Opportunity for personalised response to student need
Contextual factors are recognised
Please remember students are undertaking their first PT!
ULT Moderating Visits
w/c 10th or 24th February
The ULT will observe the student working with a group for a session they
have planned.
Grading judgements will be discussed and moderated through discussion
with the mentor.
Following discussion the ULT will complete the appraisal.
The ULT will support the feedback and reflection process.
A file audit will take place.
A quality audit will take place.
The ULT will provide advice and support for the mentor.
AP2 Report
A more detailed analysis of the student’s areas of strength and/or
Actual attainment grades against all 8 Teaching Standards and actual
overall attainment grade for end of AP2.
Confirmation that the student has conducted themselves in ways
commensurate with Part Two of the Teaching Standards (Personal and
Professional Conduct)
Predicted overall attainment grade for the end of AP3
Targets that will secure movement towards at least grade 2 by the end of
the placement (or grade 1 in cases where grade 2 is already attained).
Derived from on going, formative assessment (e.g. appraisals, RRP)
Grading decisions supported only by stage specific criteria.
Placement Fortnight (p19-21)
Includes 2 reorientation days and a further planning day
Offers a range of whole class experiences, including solo
and shared teaching opportunities
Develops Teacher role: making independent decisions –
bridging BEd yr1 - BEd yr2 placement
Looking outward: shift of focus from ‘self’ to ‘individual
children and their needs’
Developing critical viewpoints
Student attainment and pupil progress
Grading criteria make reference to outcomes for children.
Grading decisions must be informed by evidence of ;
the students’ impact on the children’s well-being.
amounts and rates of children’s progress
However, it is important to consider this fairly and realistically in the context
The on-going progress of the children
The on-going practices within the school
The context of the school/class
The students’ stage of training
The length of the placement
Levels of student attainment and pupil progress
BEd yr1s are unlikely to bring about significant changes in
attainment over their placement period since there is not enough
The impact of their practice on pupils cannot be judged with
reference to national benchmarks.
However, BEd yr1s can show pupil progress against objectives in
lesson plans.
Student teachers can also illustrate achievement in its wider sense.
The priority is for BEd yr1s to begin to develop a systematic
assessment and planning routine that helps this to come to fruition
and be evidenced.
Assessment Phase 3 Report
Assessment Phase 3 comprises the final 2 weeks of the block. It is the period
during which all students should be progressing towards an attainment outcome
that is at least ‘good’ for their stage.
The AP3 Report is usually completed on final day of placement.
General comment on student’s progress.
Comment from teaching assistants on their experience of working with the
Record of days missed/made up.
Confirmation that student conduct has been commensurate with Part Two of
the Teaching Standards (personal and professional conduct).
Actual attainment grade for all 8 Teaching Standards with commentary on
achievements and targets for future development.
Additional comment on early mathematics and reading.
Evaluations of placement by students
Students complete an online evaluation of their placement, grading the
following 10 areas on a scale of 1 (outstanding) to 4 (poor)
1. Arrangements for Induction
2. Health and Safety
3. Effective mentoring
4. Materials, resources and opportunities
5. Guidance and feedback
6. Life of the school
7. Moderation
8. Quality of written assessment
9. ULT role
10. Diverse opportunities to achieve the standards.
Typical student comments for placements rated as good or
Induction day was well organised.
I felt like a welcome and included member of the teaching team.
I felt valued.
The mentoring style balanced strong support with freedom to learn from
mistakes, to experiment and to be creative.
I was valued.
Feedback was clear and fair with manageable targets.
Strengths as well as weaknesses were noted in feedback.
The mentor had time for me and knew what was expected.
I gained support and useful feedback from colleagues in addition to my
I was graded fairly with reference to university criteria.
Typical student comments for placements rated less than good
Induction day was not well organised
The mentor did not understand what was expected.
The mentor did not spend time with me and seemed very pressured.
The mentor told me on the first day that she did not ask for a 2nd year
A job share situation made communication difficult.
Feedback focussed exclusively on the negative.
The mentor would not award good or outstanding grades even though I
had achieved the criteria because he felt that a student teacher couldn’t
be ‘good’
The mentor did not use the university criteria.
There was no space to learn from failure.
There was no space to be creative.
Student Evaluations 2012 - 13
Good or
Good or
There is a strong trend towards outstanding overall and in the
majority of the specific aspects (e.g. quality of written
Feedback from last year’s BEd yr1s
My mentor is without a doubt the most inspirational, motivated and
passionate teacher I have worked with. Her drive has helped me see
what a difference can be made if you put in the effort.
My mentor let me develop at my own pace, whilst still giving me the push
I sometimes needed to get past concerns/barriers. Guidance in the module
booklet was followed, but with extra experiences offered if I felt confident
enough, such as phonics/readers. If I was unsure, my mentor would help
me to build up to feeling confident enough to have a go. The balance was
just right. My mentor was prepared to observe my teaching or help me
with any lesson or planning that I was struggling with, and I felt fully
supported which was brilliant!
The agreed purpose of partnership arrangements is to provide an
appropriate learning environment and forum for continued
personal and professional development whilst supporting students
in their training and teachers in schools. The ultimate aim of this
partnership is to continue to improve the quality of children's
educational experiences and the professional development of
teachers, students and tutors in school and the University.