Context and Remoting

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Context and Remoting

Module Subtitle

Building distributed applications and implementing attribute-driven behaviors with Microsoft .NET


 Introduction to the .NET Remoting core infrastructure  Explore the extensibility mechanisms  Available on the transport level  Available through the Remoting Context


 Section 1: Overview  Section 2: Remoting Architecture  Section 3: Context and Interception  Section 4: Serving and Accessing Objects  Summary

Section 1: Overview

 Looking back: Remoting in COM(+)  What's wrong with that?

 .NET Remoting Core Concepts

Looking Back: Remoting in COM(+)

 All Objects implement IUnknown interface  Dynamic exploration of object features  Lifecycle control with reference counting  DCOM: Object-RPC based on DCE Wire Format  Marshaling through MIDL generated Proxies/Stubs  Automation: Dynamic binding through IDispatch  Servers locally advertised in Registry  Activation "on-demand"  Servers launched at client request  Objects created through class factories

What’s wrong with that?

 DCOM protocol is binary and complex  Reference counting difficult to master  Common source of memory leaks for servers  Distributed operation require "pinging" clients  Marshaling is non-extensible  Registry is difficult to manage; registration clumsy  Activation paradigm has component bias  Difficult to locate and connect active servers  Connection oriented protocol  Does not work well on the Internet

.NET Remoting Core Concepts

The Federated Services Model XML EDIFACT X12 Trading Partners .NET

Building Block Services (“Hailstorm“) Financial News B2B WebService Providers SQL Server XML BizTalk Messaging Exchange WebStorage .NET

Enterprise Servers Open Standards: TCP/IP XML HTTP SMTP SOAP Enterprise Applications Website Knowledge Management Sales Procurement Accounting Organisation

Messages – RPC is not all

bidirectional message exchange Application Application Application unidirectional method call bidirectional method call queued message exchange Message Queue Application

Application Domains

 Isolated execution space for applications  Independent of OS concept of thread, process AppDomain

Object Object








The Remoting Context

 Derived from COM+ context idea  But: Remoting Context != COM+ Context  Encloses objects with same functional context  Carries shared properties that describe behavior

remoting boundary Object Object Object RqTx Sync Thrd Context Object Object Context Object Object AppDomain

What is


, What is



 "Local" are all objects within the same AppDomain  All other objects are "Remote"  Even objects in the same process!

 Context-bound objects:  "Local" if they share the same context  "Remote" if they are in different contexts  "Local": Not marshaled, immediate object calls  "Remote": Marshaled, calls through proxies

Section 2: Remoting Architecture

 What: Messages  Where: Channels  How: Formatters  Marshaling Concepts  Proxies

What to communicate: Messages

 Messages are objects that implement IMessage  IMessage: Simple dictionary of key/values pairs  .NET Message Types:  Construction call messages, response messages  Method call messages, response messages  Invocation Styles  Synchronous: Request with immediate response  Asynchronous: Request with delayed or no response

Where to communicate: Channels

 Channels transport messages  Built-in channels: TCP, HTTP  Establish endpoint-to-endpoint communication  Channels can listen for and send messages  Listen: IChannelReceiver, Send: IChannelSender  Makes no assumptions about endpoint architecture  Can implement channel sinks for logging, interception Client "Proxy" Channel Server Dis patcher

How to communicate: Formatters

 Formatters serialize .NET objects into wire formats  Used dynamically by channel architecture  Configuration-file based association with channels  Formatters are implemented as channel sinks  Built-in: SOAP and Binary Formatters  System.Runtime.Remoting.Serialization.Formatters

SOAP, Binary, Custom decode from wire format encode into wire format Channel

Selecting Channels: TcpChannel

 System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp

 Uses plain TCP sockets  Transmits compact, binary wire format  By default, serialized by the BinaryFormatter  .NET native wire-format  Fast  Can use custom formatters for other wire-formats  Best choice for LAN communication  Uses permanent socket connection  Not recommended for Internet communication

Selecting Channels: HttpChannel

 System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http

 Uses HTTP 1.1 protocol  Transmits SOAP 1.1 XML format  Serialized by SoapFormatter  Open standard  Basis for W3C SOAP/XMLP Protocol activity  Can use custom formatters for other wire-formats  Best choice for Internet communication  Stateless protocol, scales well  Best choice for interoperability and integration

Selecting Channels: Custom

 Bring your own Protocol (APPC,IPX,Pipes, ...)  Transmit any format that fits  Can use SoapFormatter or BinaryFormatter  Or bring your own formatter: IIOP, RMI, ORPC, ...

 Applies to integration scenarios

The Message Box: IMessageSink

 Message Sinks are the .NET message drop-off  Implemented by channels to accept messages  Implemented by context properties for interception  Allows building chains of sinks  Simple linked list through NextSink property  Messages can be intercepted, modified or processed anywhere in the chain Client "Proxy"

SynchProcessMessage() or AsynchProcessMessage()

IMessageSink Channel

Objects To Go: Marshaling

 Definition: Packaging Data for Transfer  For objects passed as arguments, return values  Marshal-By-Value  Entire object is packaged as-is  Copy is transferred to destination  No link between copy and original  Marshal-By-Reference  Just a reference to an object is packaged  Reference is transferred to destination  "Proxy" object links destination with original

Concepts: Agile and Contextful

 Agile Objects  Independent of Context  Called directly from any AppDomain or Context  Do not use channels  Unbound Classes:  Travel between AppDomains, marshal-by-value  AppDomain-Bound Classes:  Reside in a single AppDomain, marshal-by-reference  Contextful Objects  Bound to AppDomain


Context  Marshal-by-reference outside of context

Objects calling Objects: Proxies

 "Proxy" Definition  Object that acts locally on behalf of a remote object  Looks like and accepts calls as if it were "real"  Forwards them to the remote object  Real Proxies  Inherit System.Runtime.Remoting.RealProxy

 Are the communication layer for transparent proxies  Transparent Proxies  Built dynamically through RealProxy  Exact pass-through mirror of the remote object

Proxies illustrated

Client "Proxy" IMessageSink Channel Server Transparent Proxy MethodA() MethodB() PropertyQ PropertyP FieldX FieldY

builds Invoke()

Real Proxy


The Dispatcher

 Simplified model:  Located at the channel endpoint  Receives messages  Builds stack-frame from message content  Invokes actual method on object  Collects result and creates response message

The Dispatcher illustrated

Client Server Dispatcher Channel

actual method calls



MethodA() MethodB() PropertyQ PropertyP FieldX FieldY Object

Channel Sinks

 Formatter, dispatcher and transport are in sinks  All channel sinks are linked in chains Client Server Client Object Server Object Proxy StackBuilderSink Formatter Sink Custom Sinks Custom Sinks Transport Sink Formatter Sink Custom Sinks Custom Sinks Transport Sink

Some Advanced Topics

 Declaring Methods "One-Way"  Use the "oneway" attribute: [oneway] void FireAndForget();  The Call Context  Property bag passed with every IMessage  Dictionary entry "__CallContext", class CallContext  Allows to pass processing information along

Section 3: Contexts and Interception

 Context Rules and Concepts  Context Attributes and Properties  Context Characteristics  Interception: Context and Message Chains  Standard Context Attributes  Custom Context Attributes

Context Rules and Concepts

 Contexts enclose "contextful" objects  Classes derived from System.ContextBoundObject

 Behavior for class declared using context attributes  Common context boundary is shared when  Objects have identical attributes


 Context attributes actively agree to deviations  All objects in other contexts are "remote"  Conceptually similar to AppDomain boundary  Messages crossing boundary may be intercepted  Chains of IMessageSinks allows hooks at any stage

Context Attributes and Properties


ContextBoundObject Yes! Use existing context.

No! Create new context.

IsContextOK() ?

Attribute 1 Context-Bound Class 2 3 create object Object No! GetPropertiesForNewContext() !


Interception: Message Chains

 Every message passes a four chains of sinks  Context properties contribute these sinks  Custom attributes allow intercepting all traffic

Client Server Channel Server Envoy Chain Client Context Chain Server Context Chain Server Object Chain

Chain Hooks: Message Sinks

 Server Object Sink  Installed to intercept messages per-object  Allows to modify object behavior on message level  Server Context Sink, Client Context Sink  Installed to intercept messages per-context  Allows to see, modify and possibly block all traffic  Server Envoy Sink  Installed by the server on the client side (!)  Allows to pre-scan messages before transmission  e.g. parameter validation  e.g. queuing of multiple calls for optimization

Attribute Driven Behaviour

 Sample Context Attribute: CallTraceAttribute  Intercepts all calls crossing the context boundary  Writes methods and arguments to log file  How to establish interception?

 Property implements IContributeServerContextSink  GetObjectSink() returns new IMessageSink

Server Context Chain Server Property contributes sink for server context chain Context Property

Standard Context Attributes

 [Synchronization()] Attribute  Synchronized (serial) calls into context only  Calls are queued at context boundary  Allows to mimic the COM+ Apartment Model  COM+ Context Relationship  COM+ Context is a different boundary  May or may not overlap with remoting context  No relationship whatsoever  Belongs to COM/Interop Services domain

Context Characteristics

 Context Local Store  Allows any data to be associated with the context  Context.SetData(), Context.GetData()  Context Statics  [ContextStatic] static int q = 4;  Static (class) member with per-context scope  Access to the current context via Thread class  Thread.GetCurrentContext()

Section 4: Serving & Accessing Objects

 Remoting Services  Exposing Well-Known Objects  Exposing Classes for Client-Side Activation  Configuring Remoting and Registering Channels  Activation and Access

Remoting Services

 System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices class  Provides fundamental remoting infrastructure  Connecting to remote object instances  Object marshaling  System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration

 Provides infrastructure for Remoting configuration  System.Runtime.Remoting.ChannelServices

 Channel registration and management  System.Runtime.Remoting.LifetimeServices

 Lease-based lifecycle management for objects  System.Runtime.Remoting.TrackingServices

 Universal hooks for tracking remoting activities

Exposing Well-Known Objects

 .NET's activation model is very unlike COM's  .NET rather resembles CORBA model (!)  If there is no actively listening endpoint: no connection  No surrogates, no registry, no location transparency  EXE servers are not remotely activated  Simplifies Remoting greatly  Expose well-known object for clients to connect.

 Bound to known channels with known name  Does not use static registration, prog-ids or class-id  Can expose "single call" or "singleton" objects

Single Call and Singletons

 "Single Call" Objects  Object instance is created for each call on channel  Implements the stateless model of the web  "Singleton" Objects  One shared instance provided for all clients  Serves as "gateway" into stateful application  Object is created at registration time  RemotingConfiguration.

RegisterWellKnownServiceType  WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall

 WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton

Server Setup Example


HttpChannel chan = new HttpChannel(8080); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(chan); RemotingConfiguration.

RegisterWellKnownServiceType( typeof(ServerClass), "MyEndpointURI", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall);

Channel registration Object registration

Registers the single-call endpoint:


 Channels and Objects are AppDomain-Global

Client-Side Activation

 Client-Side Activation similar to COM  Client requests creation of remote object  Core difference: Server must be running  Server Side Implementation:  Class registered with RemotingConfiguration class  RemotingConfiguration.RegisterActivatedServiceType()  Runtime creates objects on client request  Client Side Implementation:  Object created through Activator class  Alternatively: Configuration and language binding  Allows creating remote objects using "new"

Object Activation and Connection

 The Activator (System.Activator)  Creates or connects local and remote objects  Activator.CreateInstance()  Creates client activated objects  Activator.GetObject

 Connects to well-known objects  RemotingServices  Connect – lower level connect to remote object  Relationship: Activator uses RemotingServices

Activation illustrated

tcp://server:8501/uriD http://server:8080/uriB

RemotingServices.Connect() Activator.GetObject() HTTP 8080 Identity Table

uriA uriB

Language binding Context Object

o = Activator.

GetObject("http://...") o.methodCall(); o = new myClass(); o.methodCall();

Object TCP 8501

uriC uriD

Object Object AppDomain

Configuring Remoting

 Remoting Configuration Architecture enables:  Definition of endpoints at installation time  Well-known ports, full control for administrators  Application component distribution by configuration  Configuration can define which classes are remote or local  Configuration is file-based  Integrated with .NET configuration infrastructure  However: Must explicitly load  RemotingConfiguration.Configure(


)  Hides most details of Remoting shown here

Server System Configuration

SoapServerFormatterSinkProvider, System.Runtime.Remoting" /> Specify formatter

Server Application Configuration

Declare singleton service endpoint Associate channel with application Associate formatter with channel

Section 5: Putting It Together

 Variations of Objects  Context Attributes and Interception

Variations of Objects


 Agile (never marshaled) public class MySimpleObject { public MySimpleObject() { } }  Agile (marshal-by-value) [serializable] public class MySimpleObject { public MySimpleObject() { } }

Variations of Objects


 Agile (marshal-by-ref, AppDomain-bound) public class MySimpleObject : MarshalByRefObject { public MySimpleObject() { } }  Context-bound (marshal-by-ref) [CallTrace()] public class MySimpleObject : ContextBoundObject { public MySimpleObject() { } }

Context Attributes & Interception


 A Simple Context Attribute public class CallTraceAttribute : ContextAttribute { public CallTraceAttribute(): base( "CallTraceAttribute" ) { }


forces new context public override bool IsContextOK( Context ctx, IConstructionCallMessage ctorMsg ) { return false; } install property public override void GetPropertiesForNewContext( IConstructionCallMessage ctorMsg ) { CallTraceProperty prop = new CallTraceProperty(); ctorMsg.ContextProperties.Add( prop ) ; } }

Context Attributes & Interception


 A Simple Context Property public class CallTraceProperty : IContextProperty, IContributeServerContextSink { public String Name { get { return "CallTraceProperty"; } } Installed props public virtual bool IsNewContextOK (Context newCtx) { return true; } check context public virtual void Freeze (Context newContext) { } Installs sink on runtime request.

public IMessageSink GetServerContextSink (IMessageSink next) { } return new CallTraceObjectSink(this, next); }

Context Attributes & Interception


 A Simple Message Sink public class CallTraceObjectSink : IMessageSink { private IMessageSink _nextSink; public CallTraceObjectSink(CallTraceProperty prop, IMessageSink nextSink) { _nextSink = nextSink; } Dumps content of IMessage for each call public IMessage SyncProcessMessage Console.WriteLine(o); } (IMessage reqMsg){ foreach( object o in reqMsg.Properties) { return _nextSink.SyncProcessMessage(reqMsg); Next sink receives control thereafter } public IMessageCtrl AsyncProcessMessage Console.WriteLine(o); } (IMessage reqMsg, IMessageSink reply){ foreach( object o in reqMsg.Properties){ return _nextSink.AsyncProcessMessage(reqMsg, reply); } public IMessageSink NextSink { get {return _nextSink; } } }


 .NET Remoting is open-standards based  ... supporting SOAP, XML and HTTP  The infrastructure is extensible at every level  ... and useable on every level  .NET Remoting Contexts build on the COM+ idea  ... but make contexts available for your extensions  Attribute driven behaviors can be built on Contexts  ... to separate plumbing from business code  .NET Remoting is configurable at installation time  ... and on an application level
