Transcript Slide 1

Meridian Middle School

Parent Orientation and Internet Safety Evening


Welcome Rationale General Guidelines Internet Safety, Kent Police Home Use and Care Discipline Hierarchy Student Parent Laptop Agreement

   There is more technology outside of schools than in schools.

It is critical that students have essential 21 st century skills.

Kids are wired a bit differently.

◦ The world is wired ◦ Distance is becoming less relevant ◦ ◦ We compete increasingly on a world stage Work that can be digitized can go anywhere

Why One to One Computing?

Kent School District #415 3

General Guidelines

 All use of the system must support education.

 All use of the system must follow local, state, and federal law.

 No use may disrupt other users: hacking, abusing software, download or altering files, or introducing viruses .

General Guidelines

 Users may not develop programs to harass other users.

 Users are responsible for the appropriateness and content of public and private material on the system in any form.

 Using chat groups or other online services is prohibited.

General Guidelines

 It is important to remember that there are acceptable legal and ethical behaviors related to information and technology.

◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ No music, no movies, no games No downloading Follow Electronic Use Respect Copyright Don’t Plagiarize ◦ Use good common sense

Intellectual Property

With DyKnow Monitor


, educators can experience the teaching and learning benefits of computers without introducing electronic distraction.


Classroom Management Software

Teaching and Learning Benefits

       Blocking non-curricular applications and URLs Taking remote control of student computers Blanking students' screens and sending a message Opening and closing applications on students' computers Shutting down and restarting students' computers Transferring files electronically Polling students and receiving immediate feedback

Internet Safety

Cesi Velez Kent Police Community Education Specialist

 Users should not share login or passwords.

 Users should follow Internet safety guidelines.


 KSD will review and monitor all activity on the network for responsible use.

Dyknow Classroom Management Software  Users should be aware that technology use can be traced throughout the network.

 All files stored on the system are the property of the district and are subject to regular review and monitoring.

Monitored Use

 KSD may remove a user’s access to the network without notice at any time if the user is engaged in any unauthorized activity.

 KSD will cooperate with law enforcement investigations relating to any inappropriate activities.

Monitored Use

 District Internet filter ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Filters are not perfect Filter works at home but parents still need to monitor Don’t bypass: violation Report any glitches to teachers.


Laptop Care

At home use

Online gaming is allowed if: • All school work is completed • A parent/guardian has given permission and monitors the activity • Gaming is educational appropriate.

• No download of any kind is needed, including ActiveX

 Instant-messaging (IM/AOL) is acceptable at home under the supervision of a parent/guardian and it follows the electronic use policy.

 Watching DVDs or listening to CDs is permitted with the permission of a parent/guardian.

Laptop Care

 Do not put stickers on the laptop.

 Do not deface the laptop in any way. This includes but is not limited to marking, painting, drawing or marring any surface of the laptops.

    Think of a laptop like a textbook—same rules apply for excessive damage or lost item.

Students are responsible for their laptops and assigned parts.

Students will be assessed the fee of the cost of the item.

Severe damage will be evaluated by the district’s support vendor.



Full Package: Laptop, Charger, Extended Battery, Internal Battery and Laptop Case



Laptop Charger Extended Battery Internal Battery Laptop Case Gross Negligence Damage

Fees and Fines






Prices vary

 If a laptop is stolen while off campus, report stolen items to the police and bring the case number to school administration for the district security office.

 Not providing a police report and case number will result in the cost of the full laptop or any other part/item.

 On school site theft should be reported immediately to school security.


What happens if….?

Discipline Hierarchy

Typical Tech Violations

• •

Placing the computer at risk of damage Off-task behavior during class

• • • • • • Email IM Surfing the web Working on assignments for other classes Listening to headphones when not directed by teacher Multi-tasking •

Violating the Acceptable Use Policy

• • • • • • Non-school related photos Downloaded material Inappropriate content (low level) Playing games Accessing Facebook/MySpace outside of school Applying an unapproved desktop background

Violations Of A Greater Nature Should Be Treated as a Level 3 School Violation – e.g. Student and Paperwork Sent to Main Office.

Meridian Discipline Hierarchy

Loss of all KSD Tech Privileges

Fifth Offense

Indefinite Restricted computer use Tech Use Review Board/Suspension

Fourth Offense

1-Month Restricted Computer After-School Detention Tech Use Review Board

Third Offense

5-Day Restricted Computer License at school (computer does not go home)

Second Offense

3-Day Restricted Computer License (computer does not go home)

First Offense

Tech violation referral to Mrs. Duckett /Infraction relating to tech. violation

Classroom Interventions

Verbal Warnings Teacher Contact with Home Seating Changes Re-teaching

Student Parent Laptop Agreement

Taking laptops home


Pass driver’s license test with 80% proficiency 2.

Parent attend orientation 3.

Parent and student sign laptop agreement 4.

Continue appropriate use


Remind your child of the rules.


Handle the computer safely.


Fully charge the battery every evening.


Your child is responsible for damage.

Family responsibility

Thank you for coming