Transcript Document

1.00 pm Publishers Session MR 10/11

OVID Technologies

Ovid’s Linking Strategy

Nigel Ashworth Regional Sales Manager Ovid Technologies 10th Asia Pacific Specials, Health and Law Librarians Conference ©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Ovid’s Linking Strategy

• If an institution has purchased the rights to content, the institutional users should have access to that content from any application, regardless of where that content resides.

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First Generation • Linking from bibliographic resources to full text • OpenLinks and SilverLinker Second Generation • Universal (Central) Link Resolvers • Difficult to implement • Onerous to maintain ©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Universal (Central) Link Resolver

• • • • • Link from any OpenURL compliant application or resource to any Web based resource Up to date, centralised link repository Links to related internet resources Complete Appropriate Copy resolution Configurable end user linking experience ©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Universal (Central) Link Resolver

Ovid Full Text Target CSA A&I provider NLM

Link Repository to Information Resources & Services

OPAC Document Delivery Genome Db

etc. Internet Resources

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First Generation • Linking from bibliographic resources to full text • OpenLinks and SilverLinker Second Generation • Universal (Central) Link Resolvers • Difficult to implement • Onerous to maintain ©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Ovid LinkSolver


Third Generation • Universal (Central) Link Resolver • Easy to implement and maintain • Additional Features ©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Ovid LinkSolver™

• Ease of Administration − Importing utility, to upload electronic subscription lists from an OPAC or other serials management tool.

− Full Customization − Consortium capabilities − Quick Deployment − No PERL programming − A Central Link Repository hosted at Ovid – no additional hardware or server management requirements ©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Ovid LinkSolver™

• Ability to select journal coverage • Pre-set links to more than 10,000 Full Text Journals − Journals@Ovid − Full Text external to Ovid − Ovid Pay Per View • Appropriate Copy resolution ©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

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Add your branded graphic here!

Define My Institution Full Text ©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

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Determine display conditions Automatically activate links Proxy server pre-fix

Only if no Full Text Customizable Button ©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

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Multiple catalogs available

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Information Professionals determine what are relevant resources

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The Ovid Difference

• • • • • • • Easy to Buy Quick Implementation Ovid Hosted Import Utility Designed for multiple sites One Click Access to Full Text from with Ovid and WebSPIRS Ease of Administration (no PERL programming)

Limit to Available Full Text!

©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Questions to ask when looking at universal link resolvers

• Does it link from any OpenURL compliant application or resource to any Web based resource?

• Is it an up to date, centralized link repository?

• Can it create links to related internet resources?

− Not just Full Text • Does it handle complete appropriate copy resolution?

©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Questions to ask when looking at universal link resolvers

• Do the administrative tools make it easy to set up and maintain?

− Is PERL or other programming required?

− What kind of training is required?

• What are the consortium/multi-site capabilities?

− Can settings be duplicated for different groups of users? Different sites?

• Is it service based?

− Will the vendor do the implementation and maintenance work for you?

• Is it hosted remotely or locally?

©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Questions to ask when looking at universal link resolvers

• How customizable is it?

− Is the end-user linking experience configurable?

− Are there conditional display capabilities?

− Are there opportunities for branding the library?

• Is there a limit to All available full text?

• Can the end user get one click access to full text?

• Are the links accurate?

− Are there dead links?

©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Questions to ask when looking at universal link resolvers

• • How quickly can a defined set of resources be implemented?

What is the value for the investment in...

• Time?

• • Money?


©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.

Thank you

Nigel Ashworth Regional Sales Manager Ovid Technologies Booth # ©2003 Wolters Kluwer Health. All Rights Reserved.