Transcript Slide 1


2013 Washington State Public Transportation Symposium

August 26, 2013

Presentation Overview

• • • • • • MAP 21 Overview Program Consolidation Freight Provisions & other programs Performance Based Planning & Targets Schedule What is Washington Doing?

Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century (MAP-21)

More than two and a half years after SAFETEA-LU expired, Congress passed a bill with bi-partisan support, and President Obama signed MAP-21 into law on July 6, 2012.

Jobs Drove MAP-21

“… we have a bipartisan, bicameral agreement on a transportation bill which saves and creates millions of jobs.”

Senator Barbara Boxer 6/28/12

“The bill … is the result of strong bipartisan and bicameral work…Fortunately … thousands of projects will not be closed down next week, and hundreds of thousands of workers will not receive pink slips.”

Representative John Mica 7/6/12

MAP-21 Major Highway Policy Directions

• Strengthens America’s highways • Establishes a performance-based program.

• Creates jobs and supports economic growth • Supports the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) aggressive safety agenda • Streamlines Federal highway transportation programs.

• Accelerates project delivery and promotes innovation.

MAP-21 Overview

• • • • • Provides $105 billion over two years (through FFY14). o Extended current law through the end of FFY12 o Effective date October 1 st 2012.

o Federal gas tax extended through FFY16.

Average annual funding at FFY12 levels, plus a minor inflationary increase (i.e. no new funding).

Ensures two years of solvency for Highway Trust Fund.

Consolidates and eliminates programs and moves to a performance-based system with targets.

Fewer formula programs, most discretionary programs eliminated, no earmarks.

Consolidated Highway Formula Programs

What is Washington State Doing?

• • • •

Governor Gregoire’s Steering Committee established agreements on distribution of highway formula funds

between the State and locals.

MPOs’ Project Funding Retained Local Bridge Program Created Safe Routes To School Program Retained Transportation Alternatives Mostly Allocated to Regions Overall Split — 66% state, 34% local • •

Washington is a national leader on performance measures & is well placed to meet the new requirements.

WSDOT already makes investment decisions based on performance measures (Gray Notebook).

Washington State needs a collaborative process between the State, MPOs & transit agencies to establish targets and performance measures.

MAP-21 Highway Funding Splits

MAP-21 Distributions – FHWA Funds to Washington State Local Funds 34% CMAQ HSIP NHPP MPP TA State Funds 66% STP NHPP TA Statewide Planning and Research Section 164 Penalty HSIP STP Definitions:

NHPP National Highway Performance Program STP Surface Transportation Program CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program

Projects of National / Regional Significance

• Continues the PNRS Program by authorizing $500 million in FFY13.

• The funding will need to be appropriated from the General Fund.

• Aimed at critical high-cost capital projects.

o Competitive grants to states, tribes and transit agencies.

o No earmarks (vs. fully earmarked under SAFETEA LU).

• USDOT must compile a report that identifies and analyzes a comprehensive list of PNRS projects compiled via a survey of states.

TIFIA and Tolling Provisions

Expanded and enhanced TIFIA loan program.

o Annual funding increased from $122 million to $750 million in FFY13 and $1 billion in FFY14. (Lending capacity expanded from $1 billion annually to $10 billion annually).

o Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

o Increased TIFIA participation in project costs from 33% to 49%.

Revisions to toll authorities.

o Allows tolling/pricing of new capacity, including the Interstate (but generally requires current level of free capacity to remain unchanged).

o Continues to allow tolling of bridges and tunnels on the Interstate if they are reconstructed.

o Extends toll pilots for Value Pricing and Interstate Reconstruction.

Freight Provisions

• • • No dedicated freight funding.

National Freight Policy o o o o Directs USDOT to establish a National Freight Network & National Freight Strategic Plan.

USDOT must establish performance measures.

States and MPOs must establish targets.

State freight advisory committees & freight plans encouraged.

Prioritization of projects to improve freight movement.

o Projects must be identified in a state freight plan to qualify for increased federal share.

o Increases the federal share to 95% on the Interstate and 90% elsewhere.

o USDOT must certify project improves efficiency of freight movement.

Performance Based Planning

Source: USDOT

Performance Management Overview

• • • • • MAP-21 identifies national goal areas.

USDOT establishes measures, with input.

States & MPOs set targets.

State & MPO plans describe how program and project selection help achieve targets.

States report progress toward targets to USDOT (within 4 years of enactment, biennially thereafter).

o Reports are to show how states & MPOs are making progress towards targets.

Rule Making Process

Source: USDOT

Rule Making Process

Proposed Regulation • • FTA will issue ANPRMs prior to drafting NPRMs NPRMs will come out in three phases. Public Comment • • 90 day minimum comment period after NPRM is published One final rule effective date States, MPOs and public transportation agencies set their own targets • States set targets no later than 1 year after USDOT establishes measures • Public Transportation (FTA) Public Transportation Agencies set State of Good Repair targets no later than 3 months after USDOT establishes measures • MPOs select targets no later than 180 days after State and transit providers sets target

For More Information

U.S Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Federal Transit Administration

Puget Sound Regional Council

Charlie Howard 206-464-7122 [email protected]