Psychological First Aid: Supporting People in a Disaster

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Transcript Psychological First Aid: Supporting People in a Disaster

In Times of Crisis:

Supporting Others, Supporting Ourselves

John Gaspari, LCSW

Executive Director USC Center for Work and Family Life


Importance of beginnings and endings

Center for Work and Family Life

Available Services:

 Faculty and Staff Counseling  Faculty, Management and Departmental Consultation 

Critical incident response

 Work/Life Support  Family and Dependent Care: Consultation and Resources  Workplace Health and Wellness Programs

Role Expectations

 Are you clear about your the role expectations you carry as a member of the CERT?

 Can you imagine having any unfulfilled expectations or disappointments while functioning in this role?

 How might the many other roles you play at any given time impact your role as a CERT member?

Unit Objectives

1. Psychological impacts to expect after a disaster –

What happens for people?

2. How to work with the psychological impacts in your role –

Providing psychological support.

3. Responder stress management and self care.

Are We Psychologically Prepared?

For every physical injury, there may be 5-6 psychological injuries

 This may overwhelm and impede our emergency and/or medical response.

Critical Incident

 Exposure to a traumatic event in which both of the following were present:  The person experiences, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others.

 The person’s response involved intense fear, helplessness or horror. (DSM-IV TR)


danger; peril opportunity; crucial point

Coping Mechanisms

 People typically rely on past strategies to cope with new stressful situations  Past coping mechanisms can be functional or dysfunctional.

 Degree of hardiness (resilience) has been identified as a characteristic that can buffer extreme stress in older populations  Children can be vulnerable because they have no experience or known patterns of actions as a response to the experience.

Into every life a little rain must fall …..

But what happens when there is a flood?

Psychosocial Impact – Considerations

 Prior experience with a similar event  Prior trauma  The intensity of the disruption in the survivors’ lives  The resilience of the individual

Psychosocial Impact – Considerations

 The length of time that has elapsed between the event occurrence and the present   Pre-existing vulnerabilities Man-Caused vs. •Children/families •Seniors •Disabled •Bereaved •Health impairments •Women Naturally Occurring Events

Psychological Response to Trauma

Key Principles

Man-Caused vs. Natural Events

Adult Coping & Adaptation

Consequences of Critical Incidents Often include


Tangible Loss

 Loss of loved ones  Loss of home  Loss of material goods  Loss of employment / income

Consequences of Critical Incidents Often include


Intangible Loss

 Loss of safety / security (

real or perceived

)  Loss of predictability  Loss of social cohesion/connection/support  Loss of dignity, trust and safety  Loss of positive self-image/self-esteem  Loss of trust in the future  Loss of hope  Loss of CONTROL

Activity –

What if I lost…

 You have been given three cards each of three different colors:  Blue Card write the name of a person close to you on each card  White Card - write down one of your favorite belongings  Pink Card - write down something you enjoy, an activity, or hobby.

 After you have written on each card, place them face down on the table and shuffle them around. Close your eyes and pick three cards.

Activity –

What if I lost…

 These are the three things you will have lost in a disaster.

 Discuss with the group how you feel about losing these things or people

Possible Psychological Reactions to a Large-Scale Emergency  Many people survive disasters without developing any significant psychological symptoms.  For other individuals, the reactions will disappear over time.

“Just because you have experienced a disaster does not mean you will be damaged by it, but you will be changed by it.” (Weaver 1995)

Grief and Loss

 Not an even process  Takes time  Can become stuck in the process  May spawn other problems  Nothing like T & T (

Time and Talking


Supporting Others

“We’re a community that believes in ‘love thy neighbor’, but right now we need to love our neighbors a little bit more.”

 Man talking after devastating tornados ripped through his Tennessee neighborhood - 2/08

Role of Disaster Mental Health?

 Primarily directed toward “normal” people who are responding normally to an abnormal situation  Improve resistance, resilience and recovery.

 Identifying those at risk for severe social or psychological impairment  Identify those in need of additional or special services.

Role of Disaster Mental Health?

 Mitigate post trauma sequelae  May prevent future problems  Helps people to handle problems in a way that does not create MORE problems  Convey sense of compassion and support for people.

Psychological Response to Trauma

Key Concepts

Experience has shown that:

 No one who sees a disaster is untouched by it.

 Most people pull together & function during and after a disaster, but their effectiveness is diminished.

 Most people do not see themselves as needing mental health services following a disaster and will not seek such services.

Psychological Response to Trauma

Key Concepts

Experience has shown that:

 Survivors respond to active, genuine interest & concern.  Survivors may reject disaster assistance of all types.

 Disaster mental health assistance is often more practical than psychological in nature.

 Social support systems are crucial to recovery.

Psychological Response to Trauma

Key Concepts

 While there may be specific disaster-related stressors, underlying concerns and needs are consistent across a range of traumatic events. These include:  A concern for basic survival  Grief and loss over loved ones & loss of valued and meaningful possessions  Fear & anxiety about personal safety & the physical safety of loved ones  A need to talk about events & feelings associated with the disaster, often repeatedly  A need to feel one is a part of the community & its recovery efforts

Phases of Disaster Pre-Disaster Honeymoon (community cohesion)


Heroic Disillusionment




Inventory Reconstruction (a new beginning) Trigger Events and Anniversary Reactions Time 1 to 3 days 1 to 3 years

Phases of Disaster

• Heroic Phase • Honeymoon Phase • Disillusionment Phase – May last from two months to several years. – Strong feelings of anger and resentment can be directed at volunteers and other public officials. • Reconstruction Phase


(community cohesion)

 Survivors may be elated  Happy just to be alive  This phase will not last


 Reality of disaster “hits home”  Loss and Grief becomes prominent

Psychological Support

 Your actions and interactions with affected people can  help provide critical support to people in distress.  relieve suffering, both emotional and physical  Improve people’s short term functioning  Accelerate the individual’s course of recovery


 What main attributes and skills should a volunteer have when offering psychological support?  Spend 5 minutes brainstorming and writing down those characteristics which are likely to be required.

Essential Attributes and Skills

 Good Listening skills  Patient  Caring attitude  Trustworthy  Approachable  Culturally competent  Empathetic

Essential Attributes and Skills

 Non-judgmental approach  Kind  Committed  Flexible  Able to tolerate chaos

Supportive Communication

 Supportive communication conveys:  Empathy  Concern  Respect  Confidence

Activity – Supportive Statements

 As a group, generate a list of supportive statements that you would find helpful if you were in pain, injured, and/or acute emotional distress.

Activity – Unhelpful Statements

 As a group, generate a list of statements that you would find unhelpful if you were in pain, injured, and/or acute emotional distress.

Guiding Principles in Providing Psychological Support in Your Role  Protect from danger  Be direct and active  Provide accurate information about what you’re going to do  Reassure  Do not give false assurances  Recognize the importance of taking action  Provide and ensure emotional support

Crisis Intervention

 Observe safe practices by showing concern for your own safety  Remain calm and appear relaxed, confident and non-threatening 

You must look and act calm even if you are not

Goals of Psychological First Aid  Psychological first aid (PFA) promotes and sustains an environment of:


Psychological First Aid

Promote SAFETY:

 Help people meet basic needs for food and shelter, & obtain medical attention.

 Provide repeated, simple and accurate information on how to get these basic needs met.

Psychological First Aid

Promote CALM:

 Listen to people who wish to share their stories and emotions, & remember that there is no right or wrong way to feel.

 Be friendly & compassionate even if people are being difficult.

 Offer accurate information about the disaster or trauma, and the relief efforts underway to help victims understand the situation.

Psychological First Aid


 Help people contact friends and loved ones.

 Keep families together. Keep children with parents or other close relatives whenever possible.

Psychological First Aid


 Give practical suggestions that steer people toward helping themselves.

 Engage people in meeting their own needs.

Psychological First Aid

Promote HELP:

 Find out the types and locations of government & non-government services and direct people to those services that are available.

 When they express fear or worry, remind people (if you know) that more help and services are on the way.

Do Say…

 Can you tell me what happened?

 I’m Sorry  This must be difficult for you  I’m here to be with you

Psychological First Aid


 Force people to share their stories with you, especially very personal details (

this may decrease calmness in people who are not ready to share their experiences


 Give simple reassurances like “everything will be ok”, or “at least you survived” (

statements like these tend to diminish calmness


Psychological First Aid


 Tell people what you think they should be feeling, thinking or doing now or how they should have acted earlier (

this decreases self-efficacy


 Tell people why you think they have suffered by giving reasons about their personal behaviors or beliefs (

this also decreases self-efficacy


Psychological First Aid


 Make promises that may not be kept (

un-kept promises decrease hope


 Criticize existing services or relief activities in front of people in need of these services (

this may decrease hopefulness or decrease calming


 Source: Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress

Avoid Saying . . .

 “I understand what it’s like for you.”  “Don’t feel bad.”  “You’re strong/You’ll get through this.”  “Don’t cry.”  “It’s God’s will.”  “It could be worse” or “At least you still have . . .”

Intense Emotions

Are often appropriate reactions following a disaster

Can often be managed by community responders


 A state of intense apprehension, uncertainty and fear  Results from anticipating a threatening event  Intense anxiety = “fight or flight”


 Sometimes, despite our best attempts at active listening, people become agitated  It is usually not personal 

This is their reaction to an extremely abnormal situation, and it has nothing to do with you


The Energy Curve

Agitation Tension Reduction Baseline

Elements of Escalation

 Challenging authority or questioning  Refusal to follow directions  Loss of


, becoming verbally agitated  Becoming threatening

Elements of Escalation

 Challenging Authority or Questioning  Answer the question  Repeat your request in a neutral tone of voice 

Remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Elements of Escalation

 Not Following Directions  Do not take control, help the individual gain control of him/herself  Remain professional  Consider restructuring your request  Give the person time to think about your request

Seek Assistance

 Loss of Control, Becoming Verbally Threatening  Verbal Vomit 

If the person becomes threatening or intimidating and does not respond to your attempts to calm them, seek immediate assistance

Elements of De-escalation

  Establish a relationship Introduce yourself if they do not know you  Ask the person what they would like to be called  Don't shorten their name or use their first name without their permission  With some cultures, it is important to always address them as "Mr." or "Mrs.", especially if they are older than you

Elements of De-escalation

 Use concrete questions to help the person focus  Use closed ended questions (yes/no)  If the person is not too agitated, briefly explain why you are asking the question • For example:

I'd like to get some basic information from you so that I can help you better. Where do you hurt?

Elements of De-escalation

 Come to an agreement on something  Establishing a point of agreement will help solidify your relationship and help gain their trust  Positive language has more influence than negative language  Active listening will assist you in finding a point of agreement

Elements of De-escalation

 Speak to the person with respect This is communicated with:  Words  Para-verbal Communication

(how we say the words – e.g. tone, pitch)

 Non-verbal behavior  Use of words like



thank you

Elements of De-escalation

 Don't make global statements about the person's character  Use “I” statements  Lavish praise / support / encouragement is not believable

Activity – De-escalation

May I have two volunteers?

Activity – Observation of De-escalation

 One of the volunteers will play an agitated individual and the other will play a community responder.  Observe closely to see what de-escalation skills the community responder is using to help calm the agitated individual.  What did you observe?

Responder Stress and Well-Being:

Helping the Helpers

Adrenaline, Friend or Foe?

 Increase in speed and strength  Tunnel vision – eyes revert to default survival position.

 Reduced Near, peripheral, depth  Hearing muted  Changes in reaction time  Freezing and unable to react  Overreacting  Increase in sensory acuity  Slow motion time  May act in a way that seems inappropriate for the situation (e.g. giggle, yell)

Psychological Response to Trauma

Survivors’ Needs and Reactions

 People often experience strong and unpleasant emotional and physical responses following exposure to traumatic events (e.g. disasters).

 These may include a combination of: •

Fear & anxiety

Grief & loss



Loss of Confidence


Sleep disturbances

Physical pain



Shaken faith


Possible Physiological Symptoms

 Loss of appetite  Headaches, chest pain  Diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea  Hyperactivity  Increase in alcohol or drug consumption  Nightmares  Inability to sleep  Fatigue, low energy

Possible Emotional/Psychological Symptoms  Irritability, anger  Self-blame, blaming others  Isolation, withdrawal  Fear of recurrence  Feeling stunned, numb, or overwhelmed  Feeling helpless  Mood swings  Sadness, depression, grief  Denial  Concentration, memory problems, confusion  Relationship conflicts/marital discord

More Typical Reactions…

 Fear of darkness  Fear of being alone or of crowds or strangers  Sensitivity to loud noises  Somatic complaints  Guilt, anger, grief  Reliving past traumas

Main point – Disaster stress is a normal response to an abnormal circumstance. If symptoms persist, they must be treated.

C. Fasser, 2004; B. Young, 2006

Possible Psychological Reactions to a Large-Scale Emergency

For most people, things get better with time…

Possible Psychological Reactions to a Large-Scale Emergency  For some, however, the reactions may evolve and even worsen.

*Victims of Hurricane Katrina

: Significant increase in serious mental health problems two years post Katrina

(PTSD, suicidality, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, domestic violence)

across all racial and socio-economic groups.


 Responders are, by definition, exposed to a critical incident  They may experience critical incident stress because of the work they do  Often have a feeling of not having done enough  Are sometimes overwhelmed by the needs of the community  Need to cope with their own fears

Challenge to Helpers

 Being part of the collective crisis  Repeated exposure to grim experiences  Carrying out physically difficult, exhausting or dangerous tasks  Lacking sleep and feeling fatigued  Facing the perceived inability to ever do enough

Challenge to Helpers (cont.)

 Feeling guilt over access to food, shelter, etc.

 Facing moral and ethical dilemmas  Being exposed to anger and lack of gratitude  Being detached from personal support systems  Feeling frustrated by policies and decisions by supervisors

Categories of Reactions After the Incident •




Resilience Mental Health and Illness Distress Responses

Avoidance (emotional)

Substance abuse

Risk taking

Over Dedication Human Behavior in High Stress Environments

Fear / worry

Sleep disturbance

Altered productivity

Loss and Grief –

Signs of Trouble

 Avoiding or minimizing emotions  Using alcohol or drugs to self-medicate  Using work or other distractions to avoid feelings  Hostility and aggression toward others


 A state of physical and/or psychological arousal  Often brought about by a perceived threat or challenge  May be expressed differently by different cultures

Coping with Stress

 Coping is a way to prevent, delay, avoid, or manage stress  Coping mechanism categories:  Changing the source of stress  Changing the view of the situation  Tolerating the stressor until it passes or becomes less troublesome

Examples of Coping

 Seeking help from others or offering to help others  Using natural support systems  Talking about their experiences and trying to make sense of what happened  Hiding until the danger has passed  Seeking information about the welfare of loved ones  Gathering remaining belongings

Examples of Coping (cont.)

 Beginning to repair the damage  Burying or cremating the dead  Following religious or cultural practices  Setting goals and making plans  Using defenses like denial  Remaining fearful and alert to further danger  Thinking long and hard about the event

Activity – Decompression

 Take a few moments to write down five things that help you relieve stress and feel calmer  Share these methods with the rest of the group

Self-Help Techniques

 Know the normal reactions to stressful events  Be aware of your tension and consciously try to relax  Use the


system  Talk to someone you trust and with whom feel at ease  Listen to what people close to you say and think about the event 

Reconcile expectations with results

Self-Help Techniques (cont.)

 Work on routine tasks if it is too difficult to concentrate on demanding duties  If you cannot sleep or feel too anxious, discuss this with someone you can trust  Express your feelings in ways other than talking:  Draw  Paint  Play music  Journal

Self-Help Techniques (cont.)

 Do not self-medicate  Go easy on yourself  Avoid inflated or perfectionistic expectations  Seek professional advice if reactions continue

Cognitive/Behavioral Approaches to Stress Reduction

 Adequate Rest  Exercise / Movement  Diet / Balanced Nutrition  Enough H


O  Moderate Chemical Use  Laughter / Tears  Time Away From Work Role

Cognitive/Behavioral Approaches to Stress Reduction

 Religious / Spiritual  Relaxation Techniques / Breathing  Yoga  Meditation  Social Support / Discuss Feelings  Allow yourself to receive as well as give

Cognitive/Behavioral Approaches to Stress Reduction


: Hobbies / Personal Interests Exposure to Nature  Biofeedback  Massage / Human Touch  Sex  Professional Assistance  Medication 

What Else Works for You???

Team Well-Being

CERT team leaders should:

 Provide pre-disaster stress management training  Brief personnel before response  Emphasize teamwork  Encourage breaks  Provide for proper nutrition  Rotate  Phase out workers gradually  Conduct a brief discussion  Arrange for a intermittent and post-event debriefing

No Macho (Wo)Man, No Pity Party

Do not create an expectation there will be a problem, but when there is a problem, go get help.

Lt. Col Dave Grossman (ret.)

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) 

Debriefing / Defusing:

 is a specific technique designed to assist responders in dealing with the physical or psychological symptoms that are generally associated with trauma exposure.  allows those involved with the incident to process the event and reflect on its impact.  allows for the ventilation of emotions and thoughts associated with the crisis event.  provided as soon as possible but typically no longer than the first 24 to 72 hours after the initial impact of the critical event.

When you come to the edge of all that you know, You must believe in one of two things; There will be earth on which to stand, or You will be given wings.


Questions / Discussion