Diapositiva 1 - Physics education

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Report Thematic Group 1 part 2

The Physicist in the European Knowledge Society “the Physics Tuning Brochure” (i.e. the Physics Tuning outcomes! )

LF Donà dalle Rose Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia

TUNING MOTTO Tuning of educational structures and programmes on the basis of diversity and autonomy A project by and for universities THE TUNING PROJECT: universities respond to the Bologna challenge

PUNTI DI RIFERIMENTO EUROPEI Tuning Educational Structures in Europe

Tuning II: 27 countries 135 HEIs 9 subject areas Tuning III: 33 countries 143 HEIs


Member institutions of the SAG Physics and their representatives

Austria - Maria EBEL

Technische Universität Wien Belgium - Hendrik FERDINANDE (Higher Education Expert) Universiteit Gent

Denmark - Stig STEENSTRUP

Københavns Universitet

Finland - Jouni NISKANEN

Helsingin Yliopisto France - Jean-Claude RIVOAL , Odile HAMON and


Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI

Germany - Peter U. SAUER

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Greece - Ev.G. VITORATOS

Panepistimion Patron

Ireland - Eamonn CUNNINGHAM

Dublin City University Italy - Luigi F. DONÀ DALLE ROSE (Subject Area Coordinator) Università degli Studi di Padova

Italy - Ennio GOZZI, Francesca MATTEUCCI

Università degli Studi di Trieste

The Netherlands - Hay GEURTS

Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Portugal - Maria Celeste DO CARMO

Universidade de Aveiro

Member institutions of the SAG Physics and their representatives (ctd)

Romania - Laura TUGULEA

Universitatea din Bucureşti

Spain - Fernando CORNET

Universidad de Granada

Sweden - Göran NYMAN

Chalmers Tekniska Högskola

Ukraine - Oleksandr SUK

National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute

United Kingdom - W. Gareth JONES

Imperial College London

The Physics Tuning Group story


2000 – 2007

Tuning Phase main activity 2000 – 2003 pilot phase LAUNCH

Development of Tuning methodology Tuning surveys (1° time) Identification of core knowledge and subject specific competences in physics curricula

2003 – 2004 phase II 2005 – 2006 2007 – 2008 phase III phase IV

Summary of Tuning outcomes (on the basis of a common template for 9 Subject Areas) Teaching/learning/assessment methodologies Tuning methodology in the third cycle (doctoral studies) Dissemination and further development peer review : assessment and validation of Tuning outcomes

The Physics Tuning Group story


2000 – 2007

Tuning Phase main activity 2000 – 2003 2003 – 2004 2005 – 2006 2007 – 2008 pilot phase LAUNCH phase II phase III phase IV Phase V ?

Development of Tuning methodology Tuning surveys (1° time) Identification of core knowledge and subject specific competences in physics curricula

preliminary / preparatory papers

Summary of Tuning outcomes (on the basis of a common template for 9 Subject Areas)

the Physics Template

Teaching/learning/assessment methodologies Tuning methodology in the third cycle (doctoral studies)

paper on doctoral studies

Dissemination and further development peer review : assessment and validation of Tuning outcomes




? Tuning Sectoral Frameworks ?

Physics Validation Panel (March 2007)

Prof. Norbert Kroó (Chair)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences,Vice Pres. , Prof. R. Eötvös &Technical Uni, Member of EURAB & ERC

Prof. Stefan Antohe

Universitatea din Bucuresti Head of the Ministry Physics National Committee

Liviu Bilteanu

International Association for Physics Students

Prof. Paolo Blasi

Università di Firenze Former Rector Università Firenze & Former Chair of the Italian Rectors’ Conference (CRUI)

Prof. Antonio Fernández-Rañada

Universidad Complutense Madrid President of the Spanish Royal Physical Society

Prof. Dr. Hans Kaiser

Vice Rector TU Wien

Prof. Peter Main

Institute of Physics (IoP), London Director Education and Science

Prof. Carlos Matos Ferreira

IST - Universidade Tecnica di Lisboa President IST-UTL

Prof. Ryszard Naskrecki

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza Chair Polish Forum of Physics Faculties

Updated methodology and definitions

Learning outcomes: Statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of learning. They can refer to a single course unit or module or else to a period of studies, for example, a first or a second cycle programme. Learning outcomes specify the requirements for award of credit.

[learning outcomes are formulated by academic staff]

Updated methodology and definitions Competences: Competences represent a dynamic combination of knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities.

Fostering competences is the object of educational programmes. Competences are formed in various course units and assessed at different stages.

[competences are obtained by the student]


Written Report of the Validation Panel (general part)

Aims of the Brochure and Executive summary

1.Introduction to the Tuning project

(by the Tuning Management Committee)

2. Introduction to the Physics Area 4 5


2 7

CONTENT of the Physics TUNING CONTENT of the Physics TUNING BROCHURE (ctd)

3. Summary of outcomes 8

Degree profile(s) and occupations

8 Typical degrees offered in the subject area Typical occupations of the graduates in the subject area Role of subject area in other degree programmes – Learning outcomes and competences; level cycle descriptors 12 Generic competences in the first and second cycle Subject specific competences for the two first cycles Further remarks about levels. Trends differences. Consultation process with stakeholders – The third cycle outcomes: a more complex scenario Learning Outcomes in a Physics doctoral programme 16 Level descriptors for the third cycle

CONTENT of the Physics TUNING BROCHURE (ctd) 4 . List of Physics specific competences (annex to previous section 3) 18 5. Background papers regarding the reference points of physics 20 6. Approaches to teaching, learning, assessment used in physics 21

– Introduction – The organisational and qualitative variables – Developing the Tuning Physics-related competences 21 23 Overview Physics Subject Related Competences – First Cycle 25 Physics Subject Related Competences – Second Cycle 28 23 21

References for further information concerning physics List of Physics Subject Area Group (SAG) Members 34 35

Role of the Physics Tuning brochure

Still a draft !

A public good, for free inspiration

A contribution to implement Bologna Reforms at grass-root level

(Council of Teachers, Director of studies, Teachers, students, …; quality agencies, etc.) •

Further dissemination of Tuning



Course unit/ learning outcome

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Competence A B C D E F G H I F x x x x x

x x x


Esercizio del CCdS in Fisica, Università di Padova (autunno 2006) - 1 la DOMANDA Does your teaching method provide improvements on these competences ?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




on completion of a first cycle degree in Physics, the student should:


Unità 1 Unità 2 Mathematical skills Problem solving skills in Physics Deep knowledge & understanding be able to understand and master the use of the most commonly used mathematical and numerical methods be able: - to evaluate clearly the orders of magnitude in situations which are physically different, but show analogies, thus allowing the use of known solutions in new problems - to perform calculations independently, even when a small PC or a large computer is needed, including the development of software programmes have a good understanding of the most important physical theories (logical and mathematical structure, experimental support, described physical phenomena), including a deep knowledge of the foundations of modern physics, say quantum theory, etc .

Experimental skills Modelling skills have become familiar with most important experimental methods and be able to perform experiments independently, as well as to describe, analyze and critically evaluate experimental data -be able to identify the essentials of a process / situation and to set up a working model of the same ; -- be able to perform the required approximations; i.e. critical thinking to construct physical models ; - be able to adapt available models to new experimental data Physics culture Basic & Applied Research Literature search Learning ability A-B A-B A B B be familiar with the most important areas of physics and with those approaches, which span many areas in physics acquire an understanding of the nature and ways of physics research and of how physics research is applicable to many fields other than physics, e.g.

engineering; be able to design experimental and/or theoretical procedures for: (i) solving current problems in academic or industrial research; (ii) improving the existing results be able to search for and use physical and other technical literature, as well as any other sources of information relevant to research work and technical project development. Good knowledge of technical English is required.

be able to enter new fields through independent study A A-B-C E E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 4 3 2 2 0 1 1 … …

Esercizio del CCdS in Fisica, Università di Padova (autunno 2006)-2: LE RISPOSTE raggruppate per insegnamenti omogenei Matematica Fisica Esperimentazioni SHORT NAME

OF THE SUBJECT SPECIFIC COMPETENCE corso 3 corso 6 corso 7 corso 2 corso 9 corso 4 corso 5 corso 8 corso 10 Mathematical skills Problem solving skills in Physics Deep knowledge & understanding Experimental skills Modelling skills Physics culture Basic & Applied Research Literature search Learning ability 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 3 4 3 3 0 5 0 0 0 5 4 0 4 0 2 4 0 1 1 4 3 2 2 3 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 5 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 4 5 1 4 1 1 3 0 4 2 1 1 3 2 0 0 1 4 0 1 3 5 4 1 1 2 5 1 2


: QUESTA COMPETENZA E’ SVILUPPATA e VERIFICATA e FA PARTE dei RISULTATI DELL’APPRENDIMENTO della UNITA’ DIDATTICA indicata in colonna Descrittori di Dublino e competenze Unità didattiche


: CONOSCENZA E CAPACITA’ DI COMPRENSIONE Biologia dei microrganismi Biologia degli organismi animali Biologia degli organismi vegetali Aspetti morfologici/funzionali Aspetti chimici/biochimici Aspetti cellulari/molecolari Aspetti evoluzionistici Meccanismi di riproduzione e di sviluppo Meccanismi di ereditarietà Aspetti ecologici/ambientali Fondamenti di matematica, statistica, fisica, informatica


: CAPACITA’ APPLICATIVE Analisi della biodiversita’ Procedure per l’analisi e il controllo della qualita’ e igiene dell’ambiente e degli alimenti Metodologie biochimiche, biomolecolari e biotecnologiche Analisi biologiche e biomediche Analisi microbiologiche e tossicologiche Metodologie statistiche e bioinformatiche Procedure metodologiche e strumentali ad ampio spettro per la ricerca biologica


: AUTONOMIA DI GIUDIZIO Valutazione e interpretazione di dati sperimentali di laboratorio Acquisizione di competenze teoriche e operative con riferimento a: Acquisizione di competenze applicative multidisciplinari per l’analisi biologica, di tipo metodologiche, tecnologico e strumentale, con riferimento a: Acquisizione di consapevole autonomia di giudizio con riferimento a:


Tuning Europe: http:// europa.eu.int/comm/education/socrates/ TuningProject http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu/ Tuning America Latina: http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningal/