Transcript Document

Identifying the Application of
Rhetorical Terminology
Assonance – a repetition of vowel sounds preceded and followed
by different consonant sounds
John met his fate by the lake.
Polysendeton – figure of addition and emphasis which
intentionally employs a series of conjunctions (and, or, but, for,
nor, so, yet) not normally found in successive words, phrases, or
clauses; deliberate and excessive use of conjunctions
In years gone by, there were in every community men and
women who spoke the language of duty and morality and loyalty
and obligation
Personification – giving human characteristics to non-human
Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered
Ellipsis – the omission of understood words
Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I go to my friends.
as opposed to
Some people go to priests; other people go to poetry; I go to my
Anastrophe – inversion of normal word order
John was a forgotten man.
John was a man forgotten.
Asyndeton – use of words or phrases without connectives such
as and or so
One cause, one country, and one heart.
One cause, one country,_one heart.
Parenthesis – a word or phrase inserted as an explanation or
afterthought into a passage which is grammatically complete
without it.
Bill – let’s face it – is too young.
Antithesis – placement of contrasting or opposing words,
phrases, clauses, or sentences side by side
The world will little note nor long remember what we say here,
but it can never forget what they did here.
Simile – a comparison of two unlike things using like, as, or so
The barge she sat in, like a burnished throne, burned on the water
Apposition – a relationship of two (or more) words or phrases,
especially noun phrases, such that the two units are
grammatically parallel and have the same referent; employing
A portrait of Benjamin Disraeli, the famous statesman, hangs in
the foyer.
Parallelism – figure of balance identified by a similarity in
syntactical structure of a set of words in successive phrases,
clauses, sentences; often occurs with other figures.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we
shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support
any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success
of liberty
Cliché – overused expression
There were chills running up and down [Larson’s] spine.
Hyperbole – extreme exaggeration
Oscar has the appetite of a starving lion.
Understatement – a presentation of something as being smaller
or less important than it really is.
A scratch, a scratch… ‘tis not so deep as a well, nor as wide as a
In this case from Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio claims that his
mortal stab wound is but a scratch.
Pun – a play on words
They went and told the sexton and the sexton tolled the bell.
Examples of Rhetorical
Terminology in Context
Anaphora – repetition of a word, phrase, or clause at the
beginning of word groups occurring one after the other
Give me wine, give me women, and give me song.
Give me wine, give me women, and give me song.
This phrase used above also illustrates the concept of hendiatris,
a figure of speech used for emphasis in which three words
express one idea. The phrase, which can be traced back to a
conceptually similar tetrad from 14th century Persia ( ‫دویار زیرک و‬
‫)از باده کهن دو منی فراغتی و کتابی و گوشه چمنی‬, is common across
cultures and expresses the desire for a hedonistic lifestyle.
Epistrophe – figure of repetition that occurs when the last word
or set of words in one sentence, clause, or phrase is repeated one
or more times at the end of successive sentences, clauses, or
We are born to sorrow, pass our time in sorrow, and end our days
in sorrow.
We are born to sorrow, pass our time in sorrow, and end our days
in sorrow.
Epanalepsis – figure of emphasis in which the same word or
words both begin(s) and end(s) a phrase, clause, or sentence
A minimum wage that is not a livable wage can never be a
minimum wage.
A minimum wage that is not a livable wage can never be a
minimum wage.
Anadiplosis – figure of speech in which a word or phrase at the
end of a sentence, clause, or line of verse is repeated at or near
the beginning of the next sentence, clause, or line of verse
The peasant pledged the country his loyalty; loyalty was his only
The peasant pledged the country his loyalty; loyalty was his only
Climax – high point in a story
In Hamlet, Hamlet and Laertes duel with swords and mortally
wound each other.
Something to Remember…
Some rhetorical devices or terms can be employed in tandem
with other devices or terms. For example, “We are born to
sorrow, pass our time in sorrow, end our days in sorrow” can be
both an example of epistrophe and asyndeton.
When identifying terminology in context on a test, you are
always to go with what is making the greatest rhetorical impact.
The preceding example is more effective because of the repetition
of “sorrow” than it is by leaving out a conjunction.
Some Basic Sentence Types (Q. 2)
Simple Sentence: A sentence with only one independent clause
Period Sentence: A long and frequently involved sentence, marked by
suspended syntax, in which the sense is not completed until the final
word--usually with an emphatic climax
Cumulative Sentence: An independent clause followed by a series of
subordinate constructions (phrases or clauses) that gather details about
a person, place, event, or idea.
Compound Sentence: A sentence that contains at least two
independent clauses.
Compound-Complex Sentence: A sentence with two or more
independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.