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Transcript Enlightenment”

Do you agree or disagree why?
What is religion’s true role in history?
Science and the Enlightenment
1550 – 1789
Scientific Revolution
Age of Reason
Enlightenment: a European intellectual movement of the late
17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reason and individualism
rather than tradition. It was heavily influenced by 17th-century
philosophers such as Descartes, Locke, and Newton, and its
prominent exponents include Kant, Goethe, Voltaire,
Rousseau, and Adam Smith.
Move from God-centered society to man centered society.
How do we know?
 New “thinkers” began to doubt the ability to “know”
 Rene Descartes’ solution to doubt is “I think
therefore I am.” He claims the only certainty in reality
is doubt because all things can be doubted. So doubt
becomes the gateway for reality.
New Philosophies and Ideologies
Royal Absolutism – monarchs
attempted to control all aspects of
their subjects lives including religion.
2. Rationalism - philosophical view that
knowledge is acquired through
reason, without the aid of the
senses. Developed by Rene
Ex: “I think therefore I am”
3. Deism - belief in a God who has no
interest in creation. “The Great watch
maker god”
More Heresies…
Quietism - which declares that man's highest perfection
consists in a sort of psychical self-annihilation and a
consequent absorption of the soul into the Divine
Essence even during the present life.
Jansenism - theological movement, primarily in France,
that emphasized original sin, human depravity, the
necessity of divine grace, and predestination
Scientific Revolution
Refers to historical changes in thought & belief, to
changes in social & institutional organization, that
unfolded in Europe between mid 1500’s and late 1700’s.
Roman Catholic Contributions to
University System
Scientific Method
Big Bang Theory
Study of Genetics
Advances in Astronomy
Apparent contradictions between Bible and Science.
Bible (interpreted litterally) – Earth is 6000
Science – Earth is 13.7 billion years old
This leads some to question Religion OR others develop
Theological conclusions from scientific discoveries.
Does this make the Bible invalid?
Enlightenment and the Church
Decline of Faith and belief in God
View that the Church is not necessary
Reason alone is the basis of Truth
Church loses its political sway
Freemasonry develops – aim to undermine the
Catholic Church.
Thinking Thursday
 A man is six feet tall, he's an assistant at the local
butcher, wears size nine shoes and eats 3 square
meals a day. What does he weigh?
French Revolution 1789-1814
 Dissatisfaction of King Louis XVI by the people.
 Seven Years War and American Revolution causes
 Fueled by Enlightenment ideals
Estates General
First Estate – Clergy both rich and poor
Second Estate – Nobility
Third Estate – Everybody else, the middle class or
bourgeoisie and the poor. Comprised 97% of French
The Estates General was convened to deal with current
financial crisis.
National Assembly
 1st and 3rd Estate support the abolition of the 3
 The 3rd Estate proclaims itself the “National
Assembly” as the true representation of France.
 Nobility does not recognize the National Assembly
and locks them out of the meeting hall.
Tennis Court Oath
Kicked out of the
meeting hall the
National Assembly
meets at a nearby
Tennis Court and makes
the following Oath:
 The National Assembly, considering that it has been called to
establish the constitution of the realm, to bring about the
regeneration of public order, and to maintain the true
principles of monarchy; nothing may prevent it from
continuing its deliberations in any place it is forced to
establish itself; and, finally, the National Assembly exists
wherever its members are gathered. [It] decrees that all
members of this assembly immediately take a solemn oath
never to separate, and to reassemble wherever
circumstances require, until the constitution of the realm is
established and fixed upon solid foundations; and that said
oath having been sworn, all members and each one
individually confirm this unwavering resolution with his
signature. - See more at:
Quick Timeline
May 4, 1789 – Estates General Convenes
June 20, 1789 – Tennis Court Oath
July 14, 1789 – Bastille Day
1792-1794 – Reign of Terror
January 21, 1793 – King Louis XVI is executed
De-Christianization & Anti-Catholic
New National calendar created without Church holidays and
2. Church property taken by the state
3. Turned Churches into stables and stock exchanges
4. Mass forbidden
5. Icons, crosses, religious items destroyed
6. Clergy must swear allegiance to the state, not the pope
7. Creation of false gods/goddesses of Reason and Justice
8. Suppression of Religious Orders.
9. 1000’s of people are killed, including many clergy
10. Pope Pius VI condemns the Revolution
Reign of Terror – Enlightenment at its
 Radical period of the French
Revolution 1792-1794
 Instituted by the Committee of
Public Safety directed by
Maximillian Robespierre.
 Newly invented Guillotine aided
the Committee in using terror to
control the people and destroy
government resistance.
 Many people were executed for
suspicion of usurping the
King Louis XVI Executed!
Read the eyewitness account of the monarch’s execution.
Discuss for 5 min with ONE person around you.
1. Discuss if this scene reflects Enlightenment views of,
equality, liberty and fraternity?
2. Do you think something like this could happen today?
3. The King was a divine ruler, what else does this regicide
express besides political changes?
• Carmelites of Compiegne –
• Forced to disband under anti- Catholic
• Volunteered to stay in France. And
continued their religious life together
even thought it was illegal.
• They were found out, put on trial, and
sent to Paris to be executed. They
offered their lives for the conversion of
France and an end to the Reign of Terror.
• As they were being executed they sang
Salve Regina
• 10 days after their deaths, the Reign of
Terror ended!
Napoleon Bonaparte
 http://www.history.com/top
Post Revolution France
 Established government but plagued with civil and
economic problems.
1800 – Napoleon Bonaparte mounts a coup d’etat in
Paris and creates the French Empire.
Napoleon and the Church
 The Concordat of 1801 was an agreement between
Napoleon and Pope Pius VII. It solidified the Roman
Catholic Church as the majority church of France and
brought back most of its civil status that had been
taken away in the revolution. However the
concordant favored the French state.
 Napoleon is excommunicated in 1809
 Pius VII is kidnapped and imprisoned. Finally the Pope
returns to Rome in 1814 after 6 years of mistreatment.
Church in the 19th C.
New Ideas of 19th c. Society stemming from the
Liberalism: Ideology focused on human freedom and the idea that
progress equals flourishing. Really an effort to gain more freedom,
which turns into a wish to do ANYTHING; it's an abuse of free will.
Tainted view of Freedom
Nationalism: Patriotism to the point of conquering and intolerance
towards other nations and even the Church if it stands in the way
These lead to further rejection of the Church, God, and
religion as a whole.
 Many new political trends develop during the 19th
 This time period sees many persecutions of the
 Confiscation of the Papal States in 1870 when Italy
unites. Pope Pius IX becomes “Prisoner of the Vatican.
 Otto Von Bismarck (Prussian Prime Minister) –
Kulturkampf or “culture struggle”
Catholic Revival
A. Why?
• More Catholics than ever before because of missionaries
 Amazing renewal and growth in religious orders
 growth in women’s religious orders
 Growth in missionary orders
B. Results
 Expansion of Catholic education system
 Increase in Catholic hospitals, orphanages
C. Missionary Age: made possible by:
 Medicine
 Transportation
 Communication
 Enthusiastic young men and women
Important Saints
John Vianney
Therese of Lisieux
John Bosco
Stuff Going on
Missionary Activity
Dogma of Immaculate Conception 1854
Pope Pius IX reigns 32 years: WORLD RECORD
Syllabus of Errors
Vatican I 1868-1870
 Defined Church teachings
God's existence
Relation between Faith and Reason
 Condemned
 Atheism - there is no God
 Materialism - Only material things exist
 Rationalism - If it can't be proven by science or reason, it's not
 Pantheism - many gods
Modern Era
Vatican II
 "Open a window in the Church and let the Holy Spirit blow through"
 This council is different from all other councils. The others were called to
fight heresies and correct errors. This was called to bring new life.
Two main themes:
1. Renovation (new life) – aggiornamento
a. Mass in the language of the people (langue Franca)
b. Gestures (in the Mass) - some eliminated, some changed
c. Encouraging all the faithful to strive for holiness
d. Gave us fresh teaching on Catholic Social Doctrine
e. Guidance for missionaries, ordained ministry, consecrated, laity
f. Encouraged using the media for the glory of God
2. Return to the Sources - ancient Christian tradition, see if you've strayed too
 Pope John XXIII died before the end of the Council
 So far, his body is incorrupt. He looks as if he were sleeping.
 http://www.patheos.com/blogs/badcatholic/2012/04/r
Post Vatican II
 John Paul II (1978-2005)
 Encyclicals: Fides et Ratio, Evangelium Vitae, Veritatis
 Theology of the Body
 Engages the youth of the world: WYD!!!
 Influential in the in the breakup of the Soviet Union and
Diocese of Wichita History
 Founded in 1887
 Bishops
John Hennessy
Mark Carroll
Eugene Gerber*** - develops structural model of
 Thomas J. Olmstead
 Michael O. Jackels
 ????
Fr. Emil Kapun
 Fr. Emil Kapaun dies a
prisoner of war in a Chinese
Communist Hospital in Korea,
May 23 at the age of 35.
 Because of his heroism both
as a priest and a chaplain to
the prisoners of war in the
Korean prison camp, the
Diocese of
 Wichita and the US Military
are seeking his canonization.
Important Saints/Orders
-St. Katherine Drexel and St. Frances Cabrini encourage
missions in America
-French Jesuits missionize in Canada. Many martyrs.
-St. Rose Philippine Duchesne: Society of the Sacred
Heart opens school for girl in Kansas. “the Woman who
always prays.”
-Daughters of Charity and Vincentians : Vincent de Paul
(love of the poor), Louise de Marillac
Marian Apparitions
 Our Lady of Guadalupe
 Our Lady of Lourdes
 Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Gudalupe
-Juan Diego
-Hill of Tepeyac, near Mexico City
- The conversion of over 9 million Indians is attributed to this
Miraculous appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Spoke to
Juan Diego, asked him to have a church built. The Archbishop
wants a sign so Mary tells Juan Diego to pick flowers in
December. When he reveals his tilma…
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Tilma is made form coarse fibers which should have
deteriorated within 30 years, it is in pristine condition 500
years later. It has also survived acid and a bomb
Pigments of the picture do not come from any known
No brush strokes or sketches exist, it is almost like a photo.
The tilma maintains a temperature of 98.6 degrees F.
Heartbeats have been rumored to be heard
Microscopic views of Mary’s eyes show the image of a
man; a reflection of what she saw: Juan Diego and the
people around him.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
-Starts on her mantle match those of actual
constellations as seen in the night sky on that very day.
- Designs of her dress match the landmarks of Mexico
- “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed
with the sun, and the moon under her feet”
Revelation 12:1
- The Aztec word “quetzelupe” (sounds like
Guadalupe) means “one who crushes the serpent.” A
main Aztec god Quetzalcoatl was depicted as a
Our Lady of Lourdes
- 1858
- St. Bernadette
- Lourdes France
- Mary appears to Bernadette, “I am the Immaculate
Conception” (dogma was just promulgated in 1854).
Miraculous spring bubbles up and still exists today.
Over 4000 unexplainable healings have been
attributed to the water.
Our Lady of Fatima
Francisco, Jacinta, Lucia
Fatima Portugal
Six times Mary presented herself to Francisco, Jancinta
and Lucia, calling for the reform of the people and a
chapel to be built in her honor. Mary revealed three
“secrets” to the children about the world.
Our Lady of Fatima
1. Vision of hell
2. Prediction of WWI ending, and prediction of WWII
beginning unless Russia was consecrated to Mary.
3. Prophecy of 20th c. persecutions including the
assassination attempt on JP II.
Our Lady of Fatima
Miracle of the Sun
On October 13, 1917, a rainy overcast day where over seventy
thousand people witnessed “the sun appearing as a disk that
gave off various colors and could be looked at without
difficulty; it spun like a fireball and looked as it would fall to
the earth” (Dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima). The awestruck
onlookers discovered their wet clothes dry and local
newspapers recorded the astrologically unexplainable event