Transcript Document

Spina Bifida
-An unfortunately common birth defect
that affects about 1,300 babies each year-
What is spina bifida?
Three forms of spina bifida
Who is at risk?
Medical problems that occur with spina bifida
Role of March of Dimes
What is spina bifida?
• birth defect resulting from
the incomplete closure of the
embryonic neural tube
• the vertebrae overlying the
open portion of the spinal
cord remains unfused and
• the abnormal portion of the
spinal cord sticks out through
the opening in the bones
Three forms of spina bifida
• mildest form
• no symptoms
• gap in one or more of the
vertebre of the spine
• dimple, hairy patch, dark
spot or swelling over
affected area
• spinal cords and
nerves usually normal
• no treatment needed
• rarest form
• cyst or fluid-filled sac
pokes through open part of
• sac contains membranes
that protect spinal cord,
but not spinal nerves
• cyst removed by surgery,
usually allowing for normal
• most severe form
• cyst holds both membranes and
nerve roots of spinal cord and,
often, the cord itself
• sometimes, a fully exposed
section of spinal cord and
• closed surgically after birth
• affected babies: leg paralysis
and bladder and bowel control
• causes of spina bifida are
not completely understood
• scientists believe both
genetic and environmental
factors cause this
• however, 95% of affected
babies are born to parents
with no family history of
these disorders
Who is at risk?
• ANYONE! :(
• couples who already had an affected baby has an
increased risk of having another affected baby
• women who are obese, have poorly controlled diabetes, or
who are treated with certain anti-seizure meds have a
higher risk
• more common in Hispanics and Caucasions
Medical Problems that occur
• Hydrocephalus (70-90%)
• Chiari II malformation (change the brain's
• Tethered spinal cord (held in place by
connective tissue)
• Urinary tract disorders
• Latex allergy (73%)
• Learning disabilities (20%)
• Folic Acid -- 70% NTDs can
be prevented
• multivitamin of 400
micrograms of folic acid
every day
• every day foods: grain
products, fortified foods,
leafy-green vegetables,
dried beans, oranges, orange
Role of March of Dimes
• award grants to research labs
o search for genes that may
contribute to spina bifida and
other NTDs to develop new ways
to prevent these disorders
o seek better understanding of how
folic acid prevents NTDs
o develop programs to prevent
behavior and adjustment
problems in children and
adolescents with spina bifida
Thank you for listening!