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July 2010
Sustainability refers to measurable
environmental conditions and strategies
that meet present needs without
compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
Avoid resource depletion of energy, water and raw
Prevent environmental degradation
Reduce waste
Promote adoption of sustainable practices
Create environments that are livable, comfortable,
safe and productive
Strategy providing plan for the future
Effective communication of strategy
Implementation of initiatives
Clear reporting on results
Continuing assessment and development of new
Executive Order 2008-03
Executive Order 2008-03 was signed by the
Mayor John Peyton, on September 26, 2008.
This executive order supports responsible
management of energy, recyclables and waste
materials ensuring the protection of natural
resources while resulting in a positive economic
impact throughout the City of Jacksonville.
Five Areas Identified as Opportunities
for Enhancement
Green Building and Energy Conservation
Vehicle Replacement and Operation
Materials and Waste Management
Water Conservation
Sustainable Maintenance Practices (to include
Green Building and
Energy Conservation
Ensuring that all new facilities and new
improvements to existing facilities, that will be
constructed with City funds, are designed,
constructed, operated, and maintained according
to the principles outlined in the U.S. Green
Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (“LEED”) standards, and/or
according to recognized best management
practices for sustainability.
Vehicle Replacement and Operation
Ensuring that the City’s Fleet program procures
and operates a fleet of vehicles that minimizes
environmental impact, enhances domestic
energy security, and maximizes fuel efficiency
and diversification.
Materials and
Waste Management
Work to develop government office recycling and
pursue integrated waste management strategies
that include reducing consumption, collecting
used materials for reuse or recycling, and
purchasing cost-competitive recycled and
recyclable products.
Water Conservation
Ensuring that the City demonstrates wise water
use in City facilities, buildings, and parks through
identification of water inefficiencies and
implementation of water conservation measures
and projects
Sustainable Maintenance Practices
(to include education)
Ensuring that City employees and contractors are
familiar with and follow the City’s Sustainability
Policy and providing education information to
City staff
Sustainability Team
Team examines city practices and operations to
identify opportunities for internal environmental
Team was led initially by Derek Igou. Ebenezer
Gujjarlapudi, P.E., Director of the Environmental
and Compliance Department
Comprised of representatives from city
departments reporting to the Mayor, City
commissions, and authorities
Accomplishments to Date
Established “set points” for heating and air conditioning
in City-owned facilities to a “standard” of 68 and 78
degrees, with a one or two degree deviation allowable
Enhanced the relationship with the Jacksonville Electric
In collaboration with the JEA and the City’s Program
Manager for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block
Grant, began an energy audit of City-owned buildings
Accomplishments to Date
Implemented a City of Jacksonville Vehicle Idling Policy on
October 23, 2008
Reduced the number of assigned vehicles by 70 in 2009.
In addition, Fire/Rescue has reduced that department’s
number of take-home vehicles by 6
Beta tested Global Electric Motorcar (GEM) electric
vehicles in Parking Facilities and Enforcement and at the
Sports Complex
Established a vehicle pool at a central location to be used
by various employees who are not assigned a vehicle for
daily use
Accomplishments to Date
Right-sized the City’s fleet of vehicles by purchasing
smaller vehicles resulting in fuel savings
Secured the services of a “green” janitorial contractor as
of January 1, 2009
Installing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
infrastructure to monitor and manage traffic flow, reduce
congestion, provide alternate routes to travelers, enhance
productivity and increase safety
Accomplishments to Date
Published Environmentally Preferable Procurement
guidelines covering goods and services purchased
for building maintenance and operations
Entered into a contract with TLC Engineering and
USGBC for a four-hour training program providing
an overview of LEED practices and principles.
Forty-seven (47) employees attended the training
Secured LEED Gold certification for a new city
building and for a retro-fit city building
Accomplishments to Date
Entered into a contract with Green Team Project:
The Tides Center to provide sustainability training
to employees in the City
Beta tested solar powered parking meters in
several locations in the downtown area
Published and distributed a City Paper Use Policy
Accomplishments to Date
Established a Sustainability Initiatives website—
Submitted application to the Florida Green
Building Coalition for designation of the City of
Jacksonville as a “green” City
Soliciting, via Competitive Sealed Proposal
process, a vendor for Office Paper Recycling for
City buildings
Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Block Grant
The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block
Grant (EECBG) program was funded for the first
time by the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (Act). The Recovery Act is
providing $3.2 billion in total funding for the
EECBG Program to be used for awarding formula
grants to more than 2,300 cities, counties, states,
and Indian tribes nationwide.
Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Block Grant
On June 6, 2009, the City entered into a contract
with Reynolds, Smith and Hills (RS&H) who
served as Program Manager for the initial phases
of this grant. RS&H provided technical consulting
services and assisted in the development of an
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy
Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Block Grant
The EECS includes the following components:
Relationship of approved projects to the City’s goals
Proposed number of jobs created and/or retained
Proposed energy savings or renewable energy
Amount of GHG and CO2 equivalent emissions
Amount of funds that can be leveraged
Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Block Grant
Eligible grant activities include:
Residential and commercial building energy audits
Financial incentive programs
Energy efficiency retrofits for existing facilities
Energy efficiency and conservation programs for
buildings and facilities
Development and implementation of
transportation programs
Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Block Grant
Development and implementation of energy
efficient building codes and inspections
Energy distribution through energy resource
Material conservation programs
Reduction and capture of methane and greenhouse
Traffic signal and street lighting enhancements
Renewable energy technologies in government
Initial Phases Completed:
With assistance of RS&H, initial work completed
Required DOE Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Strategy (EECS) plan completed for the City
Facilitation of strategic planning meetings
Policy and funding recommendations to ascertain
best use of EECBG funding for projects
Application resulted in a total grant award of
$7,891,500 under the Act
EECBG Implementation Phase
Consultant selected to provide program
management assistance for the final phase to
Strategic planning meetings with all parties
Community communication plan
Implementation of selected EECS projects
Development and reporting of project metrics
EECBG Participants
City of Jacksonville
Beach Cities
Town of Baldwin
Duval County School Board
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Residents (JEA Programs), Businesses & Nonprofits
EECBG Activities
Municipal Government Audit Program
Municipal Government Retrofit Program
Waste Reduction Program
Clean Transportation Program
Community Energy Efficiency Incentives
Community Clean Energy Job Training Program
Clean Energy Demonstration Program
Community Sustainable Awareness Program
Development of Subgrant Package & contracts
Meeting with Subgrantees on project
commitments & grant requirements
City Council consideration & approval
Finalize contract & bring on consultant
Secure approved sub-contracts with all parties
Project implementation
Final reporting
Other Future Projects
JEA/COJ SEEA proposal
Low-impact water saving construction design standards
Internet based utility monitoring system for COJ facilities
Energy efficiency and conservation program for park
Working with TPO & Clean Cities Coalition
Solar water heating for fire stations
Energy retrofits at COJ, authorities and local
The City is committed to responsible stewardship
of our resources and to a continuing assessment
of strategies and ongoing community dialogue on
opportunities for improvement.