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Integration of Agricultural Applications
to Land Administration System
Halil Ibrahim INAN, MSc
Karadeniz Technical University (KTU)
Trabzon, TURKEY
Halil Ibrahim INAN
Cadastre Seminar, MSc Geomatics, TU Delft, December 7th, 2007
Personel Background
Bachelors Education: 1996 – 2000 at KTU, Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
MSc Education: 2000 – 2004 at KTU, Institute of Natural and Applied
Sciences, Graduate Program of Geodesy and Photogrammetry,
MSc Thesis: “SDI Requirement for the Implementation of Agricultural Subsidy
Regime in Trabzon Province.”
PhD Study: 3 years of study, combination of land administration and
agricultural applications especially the ones adopted as a result of EU’s
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
Project Involvements: Data storage, processing and analysis with ArcGIS and
ERDAS Imagine
Areas of Interest: Cadastre, Rural Land Management and Administration,
Agricultural Policies, Related SDIs, GIS & RS Applications
Previous Study - 1
Analysis of Agricultural Applications in Turkey
Agricultural Reform Implementation Project (ARIP)
Duration (2001 – 2007)
Supported by the WB
Similarities with the CAP of The EU
National Registry of Farmers (NRF) System
Registration of Farmers and Land Parcels
Subsidy management
Based on Land Registry Data
Pilot project to use cadastre data as basic spatial reference
The role of Turkish Land Registry and Cadastre System
Advantages & Disadvantages of Turkish LRCS (not digital, old & out of date)
Rural Development
No Nationwide Rural Development Plan / Local applications (CATAK)
Previous Study - 2
Assessment of NRF data in a sample area in Trabzon Province
for Full Usage: 25%
for Partial Usage: 22%
Previous Study - 3
Analysis of Agricultural Applications in the EU
Rural Development Policy
Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS)
By Means of Subsidies
Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS)
Agricultural Parcel
Land Owner – User (Farmer)
The Role of Land Administration Systems (Disadvantages)
Previous Study - 4
Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS)
Demarcation of Reference Parcels
Depending on Ortho Photography or Imagery
Declaration by Farmers
Adjudication by the Administration
Previous Study - 5
Social Stability
Economic Growth
Efficient Land Markets
Security of Tenure & Investments
Cadastre 2014
Land Tenure
Registration of all
Private and Public
Rights &
Land Rights
Legal Means
Land Value
Land Use
Valuation, Taxation
Fiscal Means
Planning Control
Environmental Means
Collateral and Tax Basis
Fiscal Services
Public Services
Land Development
Resource Management
Environmental Sustainability
by Enemark, 2005
Previous Study - 6
Analysis of the Legal Framework in Turkey
Soil Conservation and Land Use Law, 2005
Inventory of Soil and Land Resources
Classification of Agricultural Land
Land-Use Plans
Soil Conservation Plans
Agriculture Law, 2006
Laying out Aims and Contents of Agricultural Policies
Determining Basic Subsidy Regimes
Administering Related Research
National Rural Development Strategy
To Boost the Preparation of National Rural Development Plan
Cadastre Law, 1987 / amended in 2005
Basic SDI for all related SDIs
Previous Study - 7
Negotiations with Government Bodies of MARA / Soil Scientists
General Directorate of Agricultural Production
Application Unit of ARIP (especially NRF)
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Soil Scientists (Ankara & Harran Universities)
Needed Soil Information Infrastructure
Linkage with Cadastre Data
Previous Study - 8
Mid-Term Evaluation / Basic Needs / Pseudo Models
Sub-Parcel Land Cover Model (to represent Agricultural Parcels)
Land Owner and Farmer Model (to represent Farmers)
Soil Classification and Crop Potential Model (to link soil and cadastre)
Rural Land Use – Subsidies Model (to link Land Use and Subsidies)
Agricultural Topography Model (to provide planners with basic topography info)
Agricultural Structures Model (to register Water Plants, Processing Utilities, etc)
Future Study
Evaluation of the CCDM for its Overall Logic (especially technical aspects)
Potentials of the CCDM for the Integration of Agricultural Applications to Land
Integration of Pseudo Models to CCDM
Integration of Sub – Parcel Land Use Model to CCDM (Representation of
Agricultural Parcels)
Integration of Land Owners – Farmers Model to CCDM (Representation of
Soil Classification and Crop Potential
Rural Land Use – Subsidies
Agricultural Topography
Agricultural Structures
Examining the Netherlands Case of Agricultural Policies and Applications
Halil İbrahim İNAN, MSc
Karadeniz Technical University
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
GISLab, Trabzon, TURKEY
E-mail: [email protected]
Halil Ibrahim INAN
Cadastre Seminar, MSc Geomatics, TU Delft, December 7th, 2007