Edgar Allan Poe Biography - Schools A

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Transcript Edgar Allan Poe Biography - Schools A

Edgar Allan Poe Biography
By Miranda Garcia
W. Stiern Middle School
Ms. Marshall
The Family
Mother - Elizabeth Hopkins Poe
Father – David Poe Jr.
Brother- William Poe
Sister – Rosalie Poe
Father died in 1810, Mother died in 1811 leaving three
children including Poe (Age 3)
The Birth of Edgar Allan Poe
• Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston
• After parents death, Poe was taken into the home of
a Richmond merchant, John Allan
• Poe was educated in Virginia and England
• While boys in school wrote mere mechanical verses,
Poe wrote genuine poetry
• Never legally adopted, Poe took John’s last name,
Allan, as his middle name
The Beginning of Poe
• Poe attended manor school at Stroke Newington in
• It became the setting for his story ‘William Wilson’
• He attended the University of Virginia (1826-1827)
• At the university he composed some tales but was
little known for them
• He was expelled for not paying his gambling debts
• He was later disowned
• He joined the U.S. army as a soldier under the
assumed name Edgar A. Perry
The Beginning of Poe (continued)
• He was sent to Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina,
setting for ‘The Gold Bug’ (1843) ‘Balloon Hoax’ (1844)
‘Tamerlane and other poems’ (1827)
• He entered West Point
• He was dishonorably discharged for the next year,
for intentional neglect of his duties – as a result of
his own determination to be released
Becoming Known
• He lived in Baltimore with his aunt, Mrs. Maria Clemm
• He won a prize of $50 for the short story ‘MS Found
in a Bottle’
• He started his career as a staff member of various
• He was a literary messenger in Richmond (1835)
• He worked for Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine in
Philadelphia (1839-1840)
• He worked for Graham’s Magazine (1842-1843)
• He had to leave Southern Literary Messenger due to
Poe’s Love
• He became engaged to Elmira Royster but was
canceled by her parents (1826)
• He was married to his 13 year old cousin Virginia
Clemm (1842)
• She died from tuberculosis after popping a blood
• When the place where she was buried was destroyed,
William Fearing Gill rescued her remains
• He had several other romances, including poet Sarah
Helen Whitman
• He then again became engaged to Elmira Royster who
was at the time Mrs. Shelton (1849)
• He dedicated ‘Annabel Lee’ to Virginia Clemm (1849)
Poe to the End…
• Poe suffered from depression and madness
• As a result, attempted suicide in 1848
• He went missing and when found was in delirious
condition at Ryan’s Inn and Taverna in Baltimore
• He died in a hospital on October 7, 1849
• He was buried at the Westminister Presbyterian
burial yard
• Four mourners attended the funeral (Relative Nielson
Poe and Henry Herring, colleague Dr. Joseph
Snodgrass, and former classmate Z. Collins Lee
Poe’s Famous List of Tales
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Cask of Amontillado
The Black Cat
The Assignation
The Oval Portrait
The Masque of the Red Death
The Fall of the House of Usher
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
The Purloined Letter
The Gold-Bug
Shadow-A Parable
A Descent into the Maelstrom
The Pit and the Pendulum
The Sphinx
Poe’s Famous Lists of Poems
The Raven
To Helen
The Bells
Annabel Lee
The Haunted Palace
The Conqueror Worm
The Valley of Unrest
The City in the Sea
The Sleeper
A Dream Within a Dream
Poe’s List of Work
The Raven
The Bells
To Helen
Annabel Lee
A Valentine
An Enigma
To My Mother
For Annie
To F---To Frances S. Osgood
A Dream Within A Dream
To Marie Louise (Shew)
The City In The Sea
The Sleeper
Bridal Ballad
Poems Of Manhood
To One In Paradise
The Coliseum
The Haunted Palace
The Conqueror Worm
To ZanteScenes
From "Politian"
Sonnet -- To Science
Al Aaraaf
To Helen
The Valley Of Unrest
To --To The River ---Song
Spirits Of The Dead
A Dream
The Lake -- To ---Evening Star
"The Happiest Day"
Hymn To Aristogeiton And Harmodius
"In Youth I Have Known One"
A Pæan
To Isadore
The Village Street
The Forest Reverie
• Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
• Edgar Allan Poe Collection
• http://kirjasto.sci.fi/eapoe.htm
• http://www.mysterynet.com/edgar-allan-poe/
• http://ebookmall.com/alpha-titles/p-titles/PoemsEdgar-Allen-Poe-over-50-poems.htm