Niching Genetic Algorithms

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Niching Genetic Algorithms
The Idea
Ecological Meaning
Niching Techniques
Niching Genetic Algorithms: Motivation
• Multimodal Optimization
• Traditional genetic algorithms with elitist selection are
suitable to locate the optimum of unimodal functions
as they converge to a single solution of the search
• Real problem, however, often require the identification
of optima along with some local optima.
• For this purpose, niching methods extend the simple
genetic algorithms by promoting the formation of
subpopulations in the neighborhood of the local
optimal solutions.
Canonical GA
Niching GA
Niching Genetic Algorithms: The Idea
• Niching methods have been developed to reduce
the effect of genetic drift resulting from the
selection operator in the simple genetic algorithms.
• They maintain population diversity and permit
genetic algorithms to explore more search space
so as to identify multiple peaks, whether optimal or
• The fitness sharing method is probably the best
known and best used among the niching
Ecological Meaning (1)
• In natural ecosystem, a niche can be viewed as
an organisms task, which permits species to
survive in their environment.
• Species are defined as a collection of similar
organisms with similar features.
• The subdivision of environment on the basis of
an organisms role reduces inter-species
competition for environmental resources.
Ecological Meaning (2)
• This reduction in competition helps stable subpopulations to form around different niches in the
• By analogy, in multimodal GAs, a niche is
commonly referred to as the location of each
optimum in the search space and the fitness
representing the resource of that niche.
Genetic Niching: Niching
• The Fitness Sharing Method
• Crowding Method
• Clearing Method
Genetic Niching: The Sharing
• Literature
• Essence
The Fitness Sharing Method:
• Holland, J. H. (1975), Adaptation in Natural and
Artificial Systems, MIT Press.
• Goldberg, D. E. and J. Richardson (1987),
“Genetic Algorithms with Sharing for Multimodal
Function Optimization,” in J. Grefensette (ed.),
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference
on Genetic Algorithms, Lawrence Erlbaum. pp.
The Fitness Sharing Method:
• The sharing method essentially modifies the search
landscape by reducing the payoff in densely populated
• This method rewards individuals that uniquely exploit
areas of the domain, while discouraging highly similar
individuals in a domain.
• This causes population diversity pressure, which helps
maintain population members at local optima.
Genetic Niching: The Crowding
• Standard Crowding Method (DeJong, 1975):
• Deterministic Crowing Method (Mahfoud, 1995):
Genetic Niching: Standard Crowding Method
• Standard crowding method was proposed by DeJong
• In this method, only a fraction of the global population
specified by a percentage G (generation gap)
reproduces and dies in each generation.
• An offspring replaces the most similar individual (in
terms of genotype comparison) taken from a randomly
drawn subpopulation of size CF (crowding factor) from
the global population.
• This method has been found to be limited in multimodal
function optimization.
Genetic Niching: Deterministic
Crowing Method
• Mahfoud (1995) improved DeJong's standard
crowding and propose his deterministic crowding
• Deterministic crowding method introduces
competition between children and parents of
identical niches.
• This method tends to identify solutions with
higher fitness and lose solutions with lower
Genetic Niching: Clearing Method
• Clearing method was proposed by Petrowski (1996,
1997) based on limited resources of environment.
• Instead of evenly sharing the available resources
among the individuals of a subpopulation, the clearing
procedure supplies these resources only to the best
individuals of each subpopulation.
• Clearing method is found to be most suitable to deal
with the extremely complicated search space of the
portfolio optimization problem.
• Technical Details
Clearing Method: Technical Details
• Notations
• The Three Functions
• Algorithm
Clearing Method: Some Notations
Clearing Method: The Three
• The clearing procedure uses three functions:
Clearing Method: The Algorithm
Clearing Method: Description