An Interactive Life

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An Interactive Life
Barbara Kantrowitz with Joshua
Cooper Ramoby
Background Information
The text is taken from American Newsweek.
Newsweek is American news weekly established in
Dayton, Ohio in 1933. In it domestic and
international news is summarized, analyzed and
categorized according to topics each week. It also has
special sections devoted to arts, science, medicine,
sports, etc. it is one of the three largest newsweeklies
of America and has a wide domestic and international
circulation. The authors of the text, Barbara
Kantrowitz and Joshua Cooper Ramo are regular
contributors to Newsweek
The general idea of the text
An interactive life will put the world at your
finger tips, changing the ways you shop, play
and learn. The ultimate promise of the
interactive life is that you will be able to get a
large amount of information over a wide range
of topics by pressing a button. The dreams are
possible thought there’s a dark side. The
advice is “hang on for the ride”—wait for the
future changes.
Words and expressions
the display: the display of various
phonographs invented by Edison and
other competitors represent the
development of the phonograph
machine in the tens of years/time of
their development, and their
development reflect the change of
idea and purpose of the recording of
sound in people’s mind.
Interactive: (computer计) that
allows information to be passed
continuously and in both directions
between a computer and the person
who use it/交互式的,人机对话的;互动
hype: n. (infml. often derog.) loud,
exaggerated promotion or publicity;
attempts to get a lot of public attention for
things or people by saying loudly and
often that they are very good, or better
than they really are/夸张的宣传(某事物)
e.g. media hype 传媒宣传
to hype v. hyping their latest record with a
lot of interviews 借大量采访大肆宣传他们的最
Terminator XII: an
American science
fiction movie series,
starring the popular
actor, Arnold
Schwarzengger. The
number XII implies a
future installment of
the series.
nailing down: making sure, settling
to nail sb. down: a) to force (a person) to state clearly
their intention or wishes./强迫(某人)表明意图
e.g. Before they repair the car, nail them down to a
price.(=make them tell how much it will cost).
b) AmE to reach a final and definite decision
about something/[美]最终确定,对…做出定论
Two days isn’t enough time to nail down the details of an
nail sth.down: make with nails; define
sth.precisely 将某物用钉子钉牢,确定某物
例: they haven’t nailed down when and where to
have a meeting.开会的时间和地点尚未确定。
to nail sth. up: If you nail sth. up, you fix it to a vertical
surface using nails.
e.g. the warning notice that he had nailed up on the pole
Infrastructure: the basic systems
or structures that a country or
organization needs in order to work
properly, for example, transport,
communications, and banking
A country’s economic infrastructure/
CD-ROM: Compact Discs with ReadOnly-Memory
Buzzword: a word or phrase,
especially one connected with a
particular subject, that has become
fashionable and popular and is used
a lot in newspaper etc./(报刊等的时
"intelligent agents": man-made
robots with similar intelligence with
agents with specific marching orders:
each of the four agents do different things
based on different orders of the computer
each of the four agents are represented
by four images of people wearing different
clothes on the computer screen.
Implication(暗含的意思):These agents are
just images and not actual robots that are
actually produced in reality.
keep a tab/tabs on sth./sb.: keep
account of sth./sb.:keep sb./
sth.under observation记某人的账,监视
例: keep tabs on who’s using the
it is not always possible to keep tabs on
everyone’s movements.
The police have been keeping tabs/ a tab
on him.
spy on sb: to keep watch
spy on the enemy’s movements/侦察
spy into other people’s affairs/窥探他
I’m sure my neighbors spy on me.
levy a fee (to , upon): v. to demand
and collect money officially; collect (a
payment, etc) by authority or force/征
levy sth on sb
a departure tax levied on all
e.g. to levy a tax on tobacco 对烟草征税
elitism n. [U] derog. (behavior based on)
the belief that there should be elites and
that they deserve power, influence, special
treatment, etc.; (believe in a) system,
leadership, etc. that aims at developing an
many people believe that private education
encouraged elitism.
populism: n. type of politics that claims to
represent the interests of ordinary people/
populist: a person who claims to believe in
the wisdom and judgment of ordinary
people, esp. in political matters./平民主义者;
it's one thing ... (it's) quite another:
this is a useful pattern, denoting
contrast ...; 是一回事,…则是另一回事
e.g It is one thing for a teacher to speak
and understand a language, quite another
to consciously understand and explain the
system of that language.
It’s one thing to think, and quite another
to practice.
It’s one thing to talk big, and quite
another to put your words into practice.
Spin (sb) a yarn: tell (usu long)
story, often in order to deceive sb/讲
The old sailor loves to spin yarns
about his life at sea.
He spun us his unlikely yarn about
being trapped for hours in a broken
hang on for the ride: we should hang on for
the ride in the vehicle (car/train) of the
interactive technology
we should grip the “方向盘” tightly for the
ride in the vehicle of the interactive
technology so as to walk the right way and
keep the going of the car safe and so as not
to let the vehicle of the interactive
technology go astray
“ride”前面用的是定冠词 “the” instead of 不定冠词
“a”, 证明是以前提到过的
To get an idea of what the future
might bring, step into the past.
Paraphrase: In order to form a view
of what will happen in the future,
you need only to have a look at what
happened in the past.
His competitors envisioned the
greater potentia for
entertainment and art. Where he
saw internal memos, someone
else saw Beethoven
Paraphrase: His business rivals saw
in their minds that there was great
possibility of using the machine for
entertainment and art.
Game fanatics may be able to do
the same from another electronic
library filled with realistic video
versions of arcade shoot-'em-ups.
Paraphrase: Those who are
obsessed in video games may do it in
the same way by contacting another
electronic library which has a large
number of video tapes recording the
actual shootings and killings seen in
video game shops.
"Interactivity" may be the biggest
buzzword of the moment, but
"convergence" is a close second.
Paraphrase: "Interactivity" for the time
being may be the most used word which
has little meaning but sounds impressive
to outsiders while "convergence" follows
"interactivity" closely in the second place
in frequency.
Imagine the conversation: "Have I
got a compatible user for you!" .
Paraphrase: Try to think what the
conversation would be like: “I have
got a user who will suit you fine!”
If the tolls for using the information
highway are too high, interactivity may
widen the gap between the haves and the
have-nots, the rich and wired vs. the poor
and un-plugged.
Why may interactivity widen the gap?
Because those who have access to the
information may have better opportunities
since information and the speed of
acquiring information are decisive in
today's competition.
Figure of Speech
Structural Analysis
1. Paragraphs 1-2: Introduction of interactive life
a huge amount of information available to anyone at the
touch of a button
2. Paragraphs 3-18: description of interactive life
A. difficult to understand because it’s still a long way
B. four phases: fake interactive, true interactive, complete
viewer control, and final frontier
C. possible dreams because of large capacity chip, fibre
optic cables and digitalization
D. dark side: no privacy, wide gap, considerable debate
3. Paragraph 19: Suggestion
hanging on for the ride
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