Transcript Document

Managing Grant and
Research Records
Kira B. Homo
Electronic Records Archivist
Special Collections and University Archives
Knight Library
Why care about records management?
 Getting the right information to the right people at the
right time.
Risk - It’s the law
 Our records policies are in statute or state rule
• Oregon Public Records Law (ORS 192, 357)
• Records retention schedule is an Oregon Administrative Rule
(166-475) -
These are the university’s records, not your stuff to take
care of. Responsible stewardship includes timely
Records Policies
Records Retention – Addresses risk
Periods are mandatory with minimum-maximum
• Example: Employee search of retained records is 3 years =
keep for 3 years and destroy at that 3 year mark.
Timely destruction saves resources
• Reduces time locating files
• Frees up office and storage space
• Reduces legal and financial risk
Records Retention schedule
Files Management
How to get rid of your PILING system and get a
FILING system that works
 Elements of an effective filing system:
• Simple and easy to use
• Incorporates retention periods into groupings
• Works for both paper and electronic files
 Filing system types:
• Alphabetical, chronological, geographic, alphanumeric
 Developing a file plan that’s consistent for paper and
digital files will help save time finding and destroying files
Record Copy
“Official” record of grant activity
SPS holds record copies in most cases
Record copy holder is responsible for:
• Maintaining non-permanent records according to
• Confidential destruction of records according to their
retention periods
• Transfer of permanent records to University Archives
Other Copies
“Unofficial” record of grant activity
Various people may have “Other” copies:
• PI
• Department/center/institute support staff
Copy holder is responsible for:
• Transfer of the record copy to SPS
• Confidential destruction of other copies according
to their retention periods
How long do I keep records?
Different records have different retention
Most grant records have retention periods of
three or five years
Some records have retention periods as short
as 1 year or as long as six years
Grant and research records’ retention periods
are spelled out in OAR 166-475-0060
When does the clock start?
Retention clock starts ticking:
Date of award
Activity start/completion date
Grant end date
Date final financial report is submitted
Human/animal subjects protocol
approval/expiration date
Record creation date
Take home message
Good records management saves time,
money and reduces risk.
Records management can make your
work environment less stressful and
OUS Records Retention Schedule:
Kira B. Homo
208 Knight Library
[email protected]