HR System Upgrade - Georgia Institute of Technology

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Transcript HR System Upgrade - Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology
Fiscal Year 2011
Year End Town Hall Meeting
April 12, 2011
1:00pm – 3:30pm
Student Center Theater
Opening Remarks
Dr. Amir Rahnamay-Azar
Closeout Review & GL Update
Carol Gibson
Institutional Research and Planning Update
Sandi Bramblett
Business Services Update
Judy Whitfield, Sharon Jackson
& Tammy Freeman
Payroll Update
Celestine English & Jerry Jobe
Salary Planning & Distribution Update
Robert Ellington
Grants & Contracts Update
Sandy Mason
Budget Office Update
Cheryl Rankin
Questions from the Audience
Opening Remarks
Dr. Amir Rahnamay-Azar
Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance
Financial Statement
Audit Outcomes
Audit Finding
 Control Deficiency that does not allow mgmt to prevent or detect
misstatements timely, through the normal course of business
 2 Types – (1) Significant Deficiency or (2) Material Weakness
 Published in the audited financial statements
 Most Severe
Management Letter Comment
 Comments on other matters that do not rise to the level of a
significant deficiency or material weakness
 Communicated to the President and BOR in a letter
 Not published in financial statements
Financial Statement
Audit Outcomes
 Error, omission or misrepresentation of information within the
financial statements
 Two Forms - (1) Known or (2) Likely
 Not published in mgmt letter or financial statements
 Misstatements are common
Exit Conference Comment
 Comments on other matters for discussion only at exit conference
 Not published in mgmt letter or financial statements
 Least Severe
Closeout Review &
General Ledger Update
Carol Gibson
Controller, Controller’s Office
Closeout Review
All changes from prior year listed in “bold text”
Follow all deadlines for timely closeout
PSoft Financials downtime, July 12, 13 & 14
BuzzMart available during Financials downtime
Financials open for FY 2012 on Friday, July 15
Annual Financial Report due August 8
Closeout Resources
Closeout Memo/Schedule/Calendar posted on:
– Controller’s Office Website -
– Business Services Website -
– TechWorks – Login > Admin & Finance News Pagelet
PowerPoint Slides & Recorded Session posted on:
– Controller’s Office Website -
– TechWorks – Login > Admin & Finance News Pagelet
General Ledger Update
Travel and Expenses Implementation
– BOR Mandate - expanded expense account list for travel
Lodging, Meals, Airfare, Ground Transportation, Parking,
Mileage, Rental Car, Misc
BuzzMart Implementation
– Invoices for items formerly purchased via PCard
Both implementations result in an increased
number of transactions on Expense Ledger (38)
Review ledgers, GL team will request feedback
Institutional Research &
Planning Update
Sandi Bramblett
Executive Director,
Institutional Research and Planning/
Decision Support Services
Is Georgia Tech (still) one of the
“Great Colleges To Work For”?
Georgia Tech has elected to participate in The Chronicle of
Higher Education’s “Great Colleges To Work For” survey!
Survey Specifics:
– Random sample of faculty/staff
– Web-based
– Questions pertain to workplace experience, job satisfaction,
– 20 minutes to complete
– Invitation and instructions to participate sent to sample on
March 21st . Survey closes April 15th.
– Sample participants will receive two communications from
President Peterson before and during the survey.
– Results shared this summer.
Business Services Update
Judy Whitfield
Director of Purchasing
Tammy Freeman
Director of Business Systems and Analysis
Sharon Jackson
Director of Accounts Payable and Travel
Important Purchasing
Follow chronological close out dates -posted on
Business Services and TechWorks web sites.
All requisitions must have required
documentation attached prior to processing.
Requisitions missing documentation will be
returned to Requester.
Open Encumbrances at
Friday, June 17th
– Deadline to request a new vendor in BuzzMart for Requisitions that do not
go through Purchasing
– Use P-Card if vendor is not in BuzzMart until new fiscal year opens on
July 5th
Thursday, June 23rd
– Deadline to submit Change Request Forms
– For PeopleSoft POs, use the PeopleSoft Change Request form.
– For BuzzMart POs, use the BuzzMart Change Request form.
Friday, June 24th
– Deadline for Approvers to Approve or Return all open Requisitions in
– BuzzMart will be closed for processing at close of business
– All unapproved Requisitions in BuzzMart will be returned
Open Encumbrances at
 Wednesday, June 29th
– The Open Encumbrance Report (GTPOR262) will be available
exclusively on TechWorks
– Run/Print/Review
Thursday, June 30th
– Return with request to close encumbrance by Noon
– No accounting changes or increases.
– No Open Encumbrance Reports will be processed to effect FY
2010 or FY 2011 PO’s/budgets, if received after JUNE 30th.
FY 2012 Purchase Orders
FY 2012 requisitions cannot be entered until
Tuesday, July 5th
Notice of Intent to Issue Purchase Order form
located on the Purchasing forms bank
FY 2012 transactions will not be available on any
financial reports until Friday, July 15th
PSoft Purchase Orders
Purchase Orders that were created before the rollout of
BuzzMart and originated in PeopleSoft will be
cancelled or converted to BuzzMart
– FY2011 open purchase orders < $500 that originated in
PeopleSoft will be cancelled on June 24th
– FY 2011 open purchase orders > $499 will be closed in
PeopleSoft and re-keyed in BuzzMart after June 24th
Re-keyed POs will have a new PO number that will not be
similar to the old PO number (no letters at the end)
Business Services will provide a crosswalk of the old PO
numbers to the new PO numbers
Customer Service Support
PeopleSoft PO questions:
– [email protected]
BuzzMart Requisition/PO questions:
– [email protected]
Vendor questions:
– [email protected]
PCard Update
The PCard is still a great procurement tool for small
dollar purchases from non-contract vendors and all
registration payments.
BuzzMart is the
procurement tool for
Catalog vendors
PCard Deadlines
Transactions posted by bank by Monday, June
27th will be recorded in FY 2011.
Transaction information available on Tuesday,
June 28th, after 3pm.
Redistribution via Works must be completed by
4:00 pm on Friday, July 1st
Redistribution via the Campus PCard (CPC)
journal entry page must be completed by 6pm
Friday, July 1st
Accounts Payable
What has Changed?
If you receive an invoice that did not originate with a
PeopleSoft or BuzzMart PO, use a Confirming Order e-Form
to get a BuzzMart PO# that will be used to approve invoice
AP enters vendor invoices that reference a BuzzMart PO
without additional departmental approval
Match exceptions approved in BuzzMart, based on system
tolerances (5% up to $500 per PO)
Receiving required in BuzzMart for release of payment for all
orders over $2999
e-Payment Request Form used for catering, utilities,
registrations, memberships (limited payment types)
Accounts Payable
What Hasn’t Changed?
Still approve invoices in WebNow—Do not attach to a
Paper invoices go to AP to be scanned into WebNow
The Check Request Form
The Wire Transfer Request Form
The AP Recurring Payment Request Form
The Vendor Profile Form is still required for all new
vendor set-ups
Accounts Payable
 Monday, June 1st
– Deadline for approved invoices and Check
Request Forms that reference a PeopleSoft PO
Monday, June 20th
– Deadline for approved invoices that reference a
BuzzMart PO and all other AP Forms
Properly approved on correct form
 Valid account information
 Supporting documentation
 Sufficient encumbrance
 Receiving completed
 Match exceptions resolved
Accounts Payable
Year-End Accruals
All invoices dated 6/30 and prior that are not paid this
fiscal year must be accrued.
Whenever possible, approve invoices in WebNow and
submit to AP by year end deadlines
Do not “hold” paper invoices. Please submit all invoices
to [email protected] to be scanned
into the invoice work queue and accrued, even
if the invoice is not approved for payment.
Pre-Paid Expenses
 What are they?
– Payments that must be made this fiscal year for an expense
for a future fiscal year. Examples include registrations and
airfare purchases paid prior to 6/30 for a FY12
 How do we make payments this FY?
– Directly bill airfare through Travel Inc.
– Use the CRF and check ‘Pre-paid Expense’ (include next
FY’s expense account).
 How are they posted?
– Expenses will post to the FY12
project ID/expense account in July
FY 2012 AP Transactions
– First check run for FY12: July 5th
– Expenses will not post to ledgers or the GT Data
Warehouse (web payment look-up tool) until
July 15th, but TRUST US,
“The check is in the mail”
“The EFT has been transferred”
T&E System Highlights
Go-live date: Monday 4/11
Only for Active GT Employees
Navigate through TechWorks: T&E
Department T&E Administrator manages access
for supervisors, preparers, and approvers
Transition to T&E System
All paper TESs for employees must be received
in Accounts Payable by Friday, 4/15
After this time, all Travel Authorization and
employee Expense Reimbursement must be
initiated through the T&E System
Transition to T&E System
Continue to include the paper TA for all
reimbursements that did not initiate with a TA
from the electronic T&E System
For reimbursements that initiated with a TA in
T&E, no need to include a copy with the scanned
Transition to T&E System
Employee Payment Request Form Revised
Use only for:
Reimbursements from STRAP, Parking
Program advances for participant support
Program advances for study abroad
Reimbursement for group meals
Transition to T&E System
Travel Encumbrances
Any open travel encumbrances will be closed by
April 30th. A TechWorks Change Request is not
The TechWorks T&E System does not encumber
FY 2011 Non-Employee
This process will remain a paper-based TES process
5/13 - Last day for submission non-employee TES
for 4/30 and prior
6/20 - Final deadline for non-employee TESs
6/20-6/30 Trip end dates will be processed
on a first-in, first-processed basis most likely
after 7/5 using FY12 funds
FY 2011 Employee
All will be processed via the T&E System*
6/20 - Final deadline for T&E System approved
expense reimbursement reports to be submitted
to the Travel Team.
Travel Authorizations can be entered through
* Other than those on the Employee Payment Request Form
Travel: Direct Airfare
Airline tickets will be paid against FY11 funds if
posted to the Institute account by June 8th.
Airfare for July 1 and later departure dates will be
posted to a pre-paid expense account if state funds
are used. Provide valid FY12 project ID at time of
Customer Service Support
For all T&E and travel questions:
[email protected]
For all Accounts Payable questions:
[email protected]
For submission of electronic invoices:
[email protected]
Payroll Update
Celestine English
Assistant Director, Payroll
Payroll Update
Completed ePSF By:
May 13 For May Payroll/Summer Pay
June 15 For June Payroll/Summer Pay
Payroll Update
8 AM June 2 Through 5PM June 3
8 AM June 16 Through 5PM June 17
Due in Payroll Friday, June 10 by 12:00 Noon
Overlap Accrual Correction
The accrual for biweekly wages earned in June but
not paid until July will include 11 days.
Period Ending 06/29/2011 – 10 days
Period Ending 07/13/2011 – 1 day (June 30)
Summer Pay
Processing Calendar
Period Begin Date
New Hire PSFs
End Date Due in Payroll
Enter Summer Pay for
this Pay Period By:
Pay Date
May 16
May 31
May 13
May 20
May 31
Jun 1
Jun 30
June 15
June 21
June 20
Jul 1
Jul 31
July 15
July 19
July 29
Aug 1
Aug 15
August 15
August 22
Aug 31
Academic Contract Pay
August & May are ½ month pay regardless of the start
or end date.
Full months are paid September through April.
All other months start or end pays are
prorated based on days worked divided by
the total work days in that month.
Salary Planning &
Distribution (SPD) Update
Robert Ellington
Director, SPD Center
SPD Update
Early Annual Statement of Reasonableness (ASR) Form:
For Plan Confirmation System employees terminating in May :
Mon, April 18, the SPD Center will query Payroll Database for
Terminating employees and email list to Depts. (Please have PSF
Term actions processed)
Departments will have a week timeframe to review and return list
indicating who needs an early ASR.
SPD Center will print early ASRs indicated by each Department and
mail by end of April for employee and Unit Financial Manager (UFM)
certification signatures and date to be returned to the SPD Center.
No changes to the distribution on the early ASR can occur after they
are printed or the certification is void and we will have to recertify.
SPD Update
**Electronic **Annual Statement of Reasonableness (eASR):
• Email eASR link to Plan Confirmation employees (similar to
monthly eWAF notification)
• Online electronic certification by employee (intuitive process
with instructions)
• Online electronic approval by Unit Financial Managers
• Manual ASRs backup
• Certified and Approved ASRs deadline - August 31
• Confirm Proposed/Committed Levels of Effort for PIs, Co-PIs,
and other Key Research Personnel prior to YR end close.
SPD Update
Year End Close Dates:
June 24 – Deadline for 120 Day Late cost transfer requests
to externally funded sponsored projects
June 30 - Last Day for Paper SPD’s
July 1 - Last Day for Campus Online SPD Redistributions
July 8 - Email FY 2011 eASR’s
July 15 - SPD Open for FY 2012
August 31 – Certified and Approved eASRs & manual ASRs
Grants & Contracts
Accounting Update
Sandy Mason
Associate Director, Grants & Contracts
Grants & Contracts
Accounting Update
G&C Cost Transfer Deadline – June 30
– Paper and ECT
– >120 days require additional approval
Sponsored Project Exceptions Deadline – June 30
– Over budget and/or Past Term
– Undocumented exceptions must be cleared
Grants & Contracts
Accounting Update
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(aka Stimulus Funding or ARRA)
– TRANSPARENCY = >Scrutiny = >Audits
– Quarterly narrative updates of the activity performed
during the reporting period provided by PIs should be
properly edited and consistent with expense postings
– Post all appropriate salary expenses within reporting
Grants & Contracts
Accounting Update
Cost Sharing
– Ongoing effort to record cost sharing expenses and
“link” projects in GM database
– Increased scrutiny by sponsors
Impact on invoicing/collections
 Impact on financial reporting
Budget Update
Cheryl Rankin
Director of Budget Management,
Institutional Budget Planning & Administration
Budget Update
Two new policies recently posted on the Institute’s
Budget Planning & Administration website
Both focus mainly on General Operations funding
 Carry-forward requests
– Must be requested by Division financial
administrators by April 15
 Lapsed
– Departments no longer held harmless
Budget Update
Sponsored Adjustments
– Complete sponsored adjustments as early as possible, especially
any personal service adjustments.
– Personal Services adjustments not only impact General
Operation (Gen Ops) balances, but also the actual centrallybudgeted fringe benefits the Institute pays.
Cleanup of Funds
– Clean up Department Sales and Services (DSS), Research
Consortium, and Technology Fee balances.
– DO NOT leave a deficit in Gen Ops and a balance in Research
They will not offset one another.
Budget Update
Align Personal Services and Non-Personal
Services budget to actual expenses.
– NPS by category should also be aligned
Georgia Institute of Technology
BUD907 - Schedule of Fund Balance - by ORG without Fringes
March 29, 2011
Institute Hopes and Dreams
Summary of Budget Unit
Project / Description
Budget Current
Current Balance
State Appropriations
Personal Services
Wages & Salaries
Fringe Benefits
Subtotal Personal Services
Non-Personal Services
Operating Supplies
Total Non-Personal Services
Budget Update
Please make sure all full-time employees’ @
rates are correct
The annual pay must not be more than the @
Since there are no raises for FY12, the @ rate
and annual pay should be the same amount as
of July 1, 2011
Contact your assigned budget analyst with any
Questions from
Budget Office
Bursar’s Office
Business Services
Controller’s Office
Salary Planning & Distribution
Grants & Contracts Accounting