L6172 - Law and Social Science Review

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Transcript L6172 - Law and Social Science Review

Law and Social Science
April 23, 2007
Daubert and the FREs
Daubert supplanted Frye
Daubert – Medical/clinical research
Joiner – Epidemiological research
Kumho – Engineering
U.S. v. Hall – Social science
Parallel drift in FRE slightly earlier in time
Daubert emphasized method
Daubert increased procedural formality, imposed a
“giving reasons” requirement on judges
Daubert in Action
Is Frye really dead?
Daubert reifies the authority of scientific gatekeepers, as well as judicial
Daubert specifies procedural formalities derived from the very strong
scientific philosophies of positivism and elevates one particular view of
causation – Popperian falisification
Daubert standards
Similar social forces that elevate particular methods to prominence and
acceptability also produce “expertise” that Frye rules emphasized
Evidence must be “scientific” – grounded in methods and procedures of
Evidence/research must be validated by appropriate techniques (significance
testing, examination of error rates)
Peer review
Joiner softened Daubert to give more flexibility to judges
Causation in Law
Purposes of Science – develop and test
theories that enhance:
Good theories are good causal stories
Good theories are replicable under a variety of
sampling and measurement conditions
Elements of Causal Theories
The distinction between causal theory and causal
Critical elements
On need not demand that the precise causal mechanisms can be
tested in order to make a causal claim, but instead observe that
there is a consistent relationship between an outcome and an
“A hit B in the head and he died” versus “A’s assault gave B led
to his death”
Correlation (or “continguity between presumed cause and
Temporal precedence
Absence of spurious (“third party” effects)
Constant conjunction (“cause-present/cause-absent” requirement)
– Hume
Falsification – threshold for falsification? How negative
observations do we need to disprove a theory?
Experimental versus Epidemiological
Experiments test specific hypotheses through
manipulation and control of experimental
Epidemiological studies presumes a probabilistic
view of causation based on observations of
phenomena with a natural distribution across
Attempt to isolate and control for mediating factors
and multiple causes to isolate specific causal effects of
interest (example … innoculations, mercury exposure
and autism)
Criteria for Causal Inference
Strength (is the risk so large that we can easily rule out other factors)
Consistency (have the results have been replicated by different
researchers and under different conditions)
Specificity (is the exposure associated with a very specific disease as
opposed to a wide range of diseases)
Temporality (did the exposure precede the disease)
Biological gradient (are increasing exposures associated with increasing
risks of disease)
Plausibility (is there a credible scientific mechanism that can explain the
Coherence (is the association consistent with the natural history of the
Experimental evidence (does a physical intervention show results
consistent with the association)
Analogy (is there a similar result to which we can draw a relationship)
Source: Sir Austin Bradford Hill, The Environment and Disease: Association or Causation, 58 Proc. R.
Soc. Med. 295 (1965)
Errors in Causal Inference
Two Types of Error
Type I Error (α) – a false positive, or the probability of
falsely rejecting the null hypothesis of no relationship
Type II Error (β) – a false negative, or the probability of
falsely accepting the null hypothesis of no relationship
The two types of error are related in study design, and one
makes a tradeoff in the error bias in a study
Statistical Power = 1 – β -- probability of correctly
rejecting the null hypothesis
Scientific Process
From theory, specify a conceptual model of causal
relationships, translate relationships into constructs,
operationalize constructs into measures, and test
Example – deterring tax cheaters
Choices between experimental designs and
epidemiological designs
Both are valid paths to causal inference
Types of Research Designs
Case studies
good for generating hypotheses, for understanding and illustrating causal linkages
Not good for testing hypotheses, or for generalizing to other populations
Correlational studies
studies that assess simultaneous changes in independent and dependent variables.
Example: income levels and voter preferences on surveys
Example: diet and disease (epi causation model)
You can still make predictions from correlational studies if you have ruled out other
causes, but you cannot achieve “control” without understanding directionality of effect.
True experiments
random assignment of subjects to groups, unequal treatment of similarly situated
Examples: Perry PreSchool, MTO
Nonrandom assignment, with approximations and control for between-group
Selection effects, use propensity scores to adjust for selection differences
Elements of Design
Measurement of variables
Levels of measurement (higher is better)
Reliability of measures
Scale construction and data reduction
Random, Cluster, Multi-stage cluster, etc.
Specificity of sample to question and population
Power considerations
Methods of analysis
Should provide clear test of hypothesis
Types of measures
Normal distributions are preferable but not always attainable,
adjust statistics to reflect real distributions
Transformations sometimes ok
Compare means
Identify predictors of trends, separately or in combination with other
predictors (regressions)
Controls for spurious and competing effects
Panel data – deal with time (serial correlation or autoregression)
Spatial data – deal with spatial dependence
Use graphs to show error rates
Figure 1. Homicides by Executions (lagged),
Controlling for State Population, 1977-98
Source: Richard A. Berk, New Claims about Executions and General, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2005
Internal Validity Threats
History – local factors
Maturation of subjects – they change
Test Effects – subjects figure out test
Instrumentation – biased instruments
Regression to the Mean – “what goes up…”
Selection Bias I – non-equivalent groups
Mortality – subjects leave experiment
Testing Effects – you know you’re being studied
Reactivity – reactions to the researcher rather than the stimulus
External Validity Threats
Selection Bias II -- groups are unrepresentative of general
Multiple treatment inference -- more than one independent
variable operating
Halo effects -- conferring status or label that influences
Local history – changing contexts
Diffusion of treatment -- controls imitate experimental
Compensatory equalization of treatment -- controls want to
receive experimental treatment
Decay -- erosion of treatment
Contamination -- C's receive some of E treatment
Types of Samples
Probability Samples
Simple Random Samples
Stratified Random Samples
Cluster Samples
Matched Samples (Case Controls)
Non-Probability Samples
Systematic Samples
Quota Samples
Purposive Samples
Theoretical Samples
Multivariate Models
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Regression, or Multiple
tells you which combination of variables, and in what priority, influence
the distribution of a dependent variable.
It should be used with ratio or interval variables, although there is a
controversy regarding its validity when used with ordinal-level variables.
OLS regression is used more often in survey research and nonexperimental research, although it can be used to isolate a
specific variable whose influence you want to test
You can introduce interaction terms that isolate the effects to
specific subgroups (eg, race by gender).
If you do it right, you can control and eliminate statistical
correlations between the independent variables
Logistic Regression is a form of regression specifically designed
for binary dependent variables (e.g., group membership)
How Good is the Model?
What Does It Tell Us?
Most multivariate models generate probability estimates for
each variable in the model, and also for the overall model
Model Statistics: “model fit” or “explained variance” are the two
most important
Independent Variables
Coefficient estimate
Standard Error
Statistical Significance
Omitted variable biases
TV Violence example: who chooses to watch TV? Are those factors also
related to violence?
E.g., thrill-seeking
Alternatives to Statistical Significance
Odds Ratio – the odds of having been exposed
given the presence of a disease (ratio) compared to
the odds of not having been exposed given the
presence of the disease (ratio)
Risk Ratio – the risk of a disease in the population
given exposure (ratio) compared to the risk of a
disease given no exposure (ratio, or the base rate)
Attributable Risk –
(Rate of disease among the unexposed – Rate of disease among the exposed)
(Rate of disease among the exposed)