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Courtesy of RAEMS 2013
•Physical characteristics of the Black Bear
and Grizzly Bear
•How diet affects bear distribution and
their annual cycle
•Various signs indicating a bear presence
•Bear behaviours in different circumstances
•Precautions when in Bear territory
•Preferred reactions to various types of
bear encounters
•Bear deterrents and how and when they
should be used
Basic Bear Facts
•Approximately 800 Grizzly Bears in Alberta
•Approximately 35,000 Black Bears in Alberta
•1,000,000+ bears in North America
•1 to 2 fatalities per year in North America
•Alberta bears have killed three humans since 1991
Black Bear or Grizzly?
Sizes and Weights
•Black Bear weight up to
260 Kilos, average length
about 1.6 metres
•Grizzly Bear weight up to
600 Kilos, length 2 metres
•Females are usually
smaller in both species
Black and brown, to
cinnamon, or blond
Black and brown, to
cinnamon, or blond
Have “grizzled” fur…most
noticed on the back
Usually have a patch of
white hair on the
chest…but may not.
Both species spend most of their waking hours pursuing
something to eat.
Bears “hibernate” usually from October to May, so they
have to gain as much weight as possible in the mobile
On average a bear may lose 30 to 40 percent of its body
fat over the winter.
Bears are omnivorous, subsisting on roots, sedges,
berries, ground squirrels, and both species are now
known to hunt larger game.
One good pile of garbage is equal to 200,000 berries…a
full birdfeeder gives as many calories as 40,000 berries.
Bears are found
wherever there is an
abundant food supply.
Bear Responses to Encounters
Physical Response
•Standing up, tossing head
•Turning sideways to show
•Walking stiff-legged
•Looking directly at you
Noise Response
•Huffing and panting
•Hissing and growling
•Ground stamping
•Jaw popping
The bear may flee, bluff charge, walk away, or charge
Human Reaction to an Encounter
Stop, stand still a moment, and stay calm.
If the animal is already aware of you, help it to identify you as a
human. Talk in low tones, and slowly wave your arms. It
may then leave.
Staying upwind will help it to smell you. Do NOT run from a bear
or big cat unless you are sure you can reach a safe
place. Both can run faster than humans.
Always leave the bear (and yourself) an avenue of escape. Do
this by maintaining your "situational awareness."
Quietly walk back the way you came making sure to not pass
between the animal and any cubs.
If time and circumstances permit, try to scare the predator
away with a distraction device
Problem Bear Behavior
A bear who Is not afraid of
Defies humans to get food
Enters tents and buildings
Causes property damage
Injures or kills people
Human Reaction
How should you react if...
•A bear is aware of you and close
•A bear is following you
•A bear is close and using threat displays
•A bear charges
Two Types of Attacks:
The bear believes you or something you are carrying is a
potential source of food. The bear may follow or stalk you.
You have done something either purposefully or
unknowingly to aggravate the bear. This can be something
as simple as interrupting them when they are eating, or
coming between a mother and her cubs.
Bears charge at high speed on all four legs though many
charges are bluffs -- they'll often stop or veer to the side at
the last minute. You may have time to climb a tree, but you'll
have to get higher than 4 meters. Remember that Black bears
can climb, and Grizzlies can charge up a tree too. If physical
contact appears unavoidable, you have three options:
Use pepper spray if you have any, or shoot to kill if you have a
2. Play dead if you are attacked by a grizzly.
3. Fight back if attacked by a black bear.
Playing dead may prevent serious injury if you are attacked
by a grizzly bear. Do not play dead during a black bear
attack or if a grizzly bear is treating you as prey. Playing
dead will help protect your vital areas, and the bear may
leave if you appear harmless. There are two recommended
Lie on your side, curled into a ball, legs drawn tightly to your
chest, hands clasped behind your neck.
Lie flat on the ground, face down, fingers intertwined behind
your neck.
Stay in these positions even if moved. Do not resist or struggle
-- it may intensify the attack. Look around cautiously, and be
sure the bear is gone before moving.
If a black bear attacks you or a grizzly bear shows signs that it considers you
lunch, and you do not have a firearm, do not play dead. Act aggressively. Defend
yourself with whatever means are available. You want to appear dominant and
frighten the bear. Jump up and down, shout, and wave your arms. It may help to
raise or wave your jacket or pack to make yourself look bigger.
You may be able to poke out both of the bear's eyes with your thumbs.
A blind bear can't attack you, as well.
If you use a firearm
The right moment to squeeze the trigger depends on your nerve,
experience with a firearm, and how fast the bear is approaching.
The decision can be made only by the person facing the bear, and must
be made quickly.
An accurate shot fired at close range has a greater chance of killing a
bear than one fired from farther away. The first shot is the most
Aim for the shoulder if the bear is broadside, or the back of the neck
between the shoulders if the bear is facing you. Avoid head shots they often fail to kill a bear.
Do not stop shooting to check the results. Keep firing until the bear is
completely still -- a wounded bear is very dangerous
Pepper spray seems to be more effective than a firearm because
you don't have to be accurate to spray a cloud of deterrent.
Bear Deterrents
Noise Makers
Guns and rubber rounds
A "Bear Bell" tied to your boot or pack may alert a bear or
cougar to your presence before you accidentally surprise it. If
these animals become aware of you, they'll usually leave the
area without you ever seeing them.
Bear Deterrents
Criminal Code Interpretation
84(3) For the purposes of Section 91 to 95, 99 to 101, 103 to 107, and 117.03 of this
Act and the provisions of the Firearms Act , the following weapons are deemed not to be
any antique firearm
any device that is:
1. Designed exclusively for signaling, for notifying of distress, for firing blank
cartridges or for firing stud cartridges, explosive driven rivets or other
industrial projectiles, and
Intended by the person in possession of it to be used exclusively
for the purpose for which it was designed
Pyrotechnic Cartridges
Bear Deterrents
Pepper spray has been proven as an effective (but not
perfect) bear deterrent. It will work on cougars
too. Wear it on your belt like you would a pistol. There's
NO time to get it from your pack once you're in
trouble. Don't hang around after you've sprayed a
bear. Once the initial shock has worn off, bears have
been known to ENJOY licking the pepper residue off
Precautions in Bear Country
Store food in sealable plastic bags
Carry out all garbage
Avoid scented items. Normal human scent is best
Look for bear signs:
•Torn up logs and stumps
•Day beds
•Claw marks on trees
Camp Location
Away from:
Known feeding areas
Bear travel lanes and trails
Den sites
Areas with previous problems
Areas with droppings or tracks
Areas with loud, masking noises
Temporary Camp
Prevent all food odours on equipment
Minimize food odours on clothing and bedding
Suspend food items and odour contaminated items
Remove all garbage
Use bearproof containers
Camp Diagram
Pack: food, cooking utensils, stove, clothes
worn while cooking, and garbage
Enough spacing between tents so a. bear
will not feel trapped when alarmed
10 m (min)
200 m
Visible from a
50 m (min)
Campfire /cooking area
Camp Diagram
Incinerator or garbage area at least 200m away.
If a garbage area is used a tripwire system should
be set up.
Dogs tied
To camp
Sleeping Tents
Recommended layout of a long-term camp
• Grease is especially attractive to bears. Wipe
off the stove, tables, counters and barbecues.
Dump greasy dishwater into a pit away from
camp, and treat with lime or bleach to mask
odours. Burn excess grease in a hot fire, reuse
it right away, or store it in an airtight container.
 Produce few food wastes. If you have
leftovers, store them in airtight containers, then
use them as soon as possible.
• Eliminate or reduce food odours. The smell of some
food, such as bacon or fish, may attract bears.
Freeze-dried foods are relatively odourless.
• Wear a hat or kerchief while cooking so your hair
does not accumulate odours. Do not sleep in
clothes worn while cooking. Store them with your
food, away from your tent.
• Tent campers can store food in an airtight cooler, a
plastic bear proof container, a plastic-lined duffel
bag, or a heavy plastic bag at least 100 meters away
from camp, suspended at least four meters off the
ground (if possible).
 Other attractants such as dish detergent,
toothpaste, etc. should be stored in the same
manner as food.
 In camps with more permanent facilities, store
food inside locking steel trunks or in sealed
metal drums. If the camp has a refrigerator or
freezer, fit them with locks and secure them at
 If you are traveling with children make sure
you know where they are at all times.
 While in bear country restrict food to cooking
and storage areas.
 Do not take any food into your tent, not even a
stick of gum.
 Keep a clean camp. Wash kitchen utensils
after each meal.
Be alert at all times
Respect all bears- you never know which
one is going to be dangerous
Never approach a bear for any reason.
Photographs should be taken from a safe
distance with a telephoto lens.
Never feed bears or other wildlife.
Have a plan of action for dealing with bears
and be sure everyone understands it.
If you are approaching your work area from the air,
check for predators from the aircraft before
landing and getting out. The same holds true of a
Work in pairs and stay alert. Alternate
responsibilities so one person is watching for bears
and cougars.
Be watchful for leg-hold type bear traps. They are
VERY large and will cause severe injury if stepped
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