Transcript Document

The Agro-Ecological Village Development Model:

Experiences in the Philippines, China and the Gambia

Roger Samson


REAP - Canada

Box 125 Maison Glenaladale Ste. Anne de Bellevue, QC, Canada, H9X 3V9 T: (514) 398-7743; F: (514) 398-7972

; E: [email protected]


Helps rural communities in Canada and developing countries meet the challenges of ecologically sound production of food, fibre and fuel. The organization began its participatory on-farm research and farmer-to farmer training on ecological farming in Canada in 1986.

Agro-Ecological Village (AEV) Development Project Partnerships

Aim to improve the economic & social well being of marginalized farming communities & women, while also protecting & enhancing the natural resource base

SNSADP Project, Philippines (1997), PDG and the MAPISAN Farmers Alliance WCAEV Development Project, China (2002), Ministry of Water Resources, Peoples Republic of China GAEV and GEAD Development Project, Gambia (2003), NATC and Village AID

Agricultural Problems in the Philippines

Extreme weather Agrarian land reform struggles Monoculture production systems Soil erosion and poor soil fertility Deforestation and loss of watersheds

Agricultural Problems in North Central China

Severe erosion Loss of soil organic matter Overgrazing and excessive use of residues for household energy Low rainfall and risk of drought wood & crop Vulnerability of the environment to desertification and global warming Salinization

Agricultural Problems in the Gambia

Agricultural production decreasing due to deteriorating soil fertility & rainfall Monoculture production of peanuts All crop residues are removed Free ranging goats destroy vegetation Forest cover has seriously declined

Why The Agro-Ecological Village?

A holistic and integrated approach that builds the social, ecological and technological infrastructure of communities. Addresses the challenges of food security and improving livelihoods by rehabilitating the natural resource base through ecological farming systems development & farmer to farmer training.

The Agro-Ecological Village

An interdependent community of individual households that are largely self-reliant through the creation of ecological food, fiber & energy systems.

The Agro-Ecological Village (AEV) Rural Development Approach

AEV Approach Emphasizes local self-reliance through the development of diversified and ecological agricultural systems Empowers farmers through participatory assessment, training and research that is farmer led Lowers cost of rural development Conventional Approach Focus generally is on expanding exports of cash crops Loans used to “fuel” rural development Focus is on production with limited attention to natural resource issues Problems identified by outside experts Training provided using “top down” approaches

The Agro-Ecological Village

Food Supply

Ecological System

Farm production of principal food crops and vegetables

Conventional System

Imported prepared foods and animal feeds Soil tillage Seeds Perennial crops, animal draft power Annual crops, tractors for cultivation Community seed banking and plant material improvement Hybrid seeds, transgenic GMO seeds Soil fertility Biological N fixation, compost, crop rotation, green manures Purchased chemical N,P,K fertilizer Pests Marketing Mechanical weeders, crop rotations, intercropping, bio-controls, compost herbicides, insecticides, fungicides Household food security & income crops for local markets Mainly cash crops for exports

Agro-Ecological Village Development Activities

1. Baseline Data Gathering & PRA 2. Institution Building 3. Capacity Building 4. Farm Planning and Development

1. Baseline Data Gathering & Participatory Rural Appraisal

Assess the communities status with agro-ecological and socio-economic surveys Through a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), the community analyzes & deepens their understanding of their local situation.

The project team and local villagers identify causes & possible solutions to local problems, through PRA and Participatory Action Planning (PAP).

2. Institutional Building

Ensure communities are sufficiently well organized before project activities are initiated Ground project activities with community leaders & organizers who facilitate the communities awareness, understanding and uptake of the project

3. Capacity Building

Farmer to farmer training network Ecological Training Modules Gender Development

Farmer-to-farmer training

Development of participatory Farmer to Farmer Training network Selection of first liners and second liners Training of trainers in farm development and effective training techniques Inclusion of women as trainers

Participatory Training Modules

Training materials need to be customized to local needs identified through the PRA and through on going assessments as the trainings evolve. The process can begin with a basic ecological farming module including: Soil Fertility Management Cropping systems Weed management Pest & disease management Soil & water conservation

Gender Development

Sensitize communities around gender equality Involve active participation of both genders in project activities as trainers and participants Increase women's role in decision making in communities Ensure gender issues are incorporated into all project activities.

4. Farm Planning and Development

Farm planning and “Learning Farms” Soil and water conservation Food Footprint Appropriate Technology

Learning Farms

A farm in the community that is used for education and farmer led research while remaining a “working farm.” They can include: Adaptability Trials Crop Improvement On-farm Demonstrations Community Seed banks and tree nurseries Farmer-led plant breeding Livestock Management

Adaptability Trials

The testing of new crops or varieties to assess their adaptability to the environmental and management conditions on small farms.

Crop Improvement in North Central China

In the Western China AEV Project in Gansu Province, farmers tested a total of 43 different varieties of 7 field crops. They are now scaling up production of the leading new varieties.

On-Farm Demonstrations

Farmers demonstrate E.F.S. (Ecological Farming systems): Crop Rotations Green Manures Multiple Cropping Composting Live Fencing

Community Seed banks and Tree Nurseries

Farmers collect and preserve seeds to conserve genetic diversity Farmers also learn how to propagate plant material and develop plant material improvement programs

Farmer-Led Plant Breeding

Farmers learn how to breed varieties adapted to their local environment and growing conditions.

In the Philippines, one achievement has been the development of ECO-RICE varieties that combine SRI techniques, Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) and ratooning.

Livestock Management

In ecologically devastated areas, free-range livestock management can cause irreparable damage. Farmers learn ecological and sustainable methods for: Benefits of intensive/ semi-intensive management Fodder Crop Production Animal health and nutrition

Soil and Water Conservation

Contour farming Drip Irrigation Checkdams Windbreaks

Food Footprint

1. Assess the quantity of food consumed annually and the landbase needed to produce the households basic foods 2. Diagram seasonal fruits and vegetable production and identify gaps 3. Discuss opportunities for creating a healthier diet 4. Identify strategies to maximize efficiency of land use based on optimizing production

Appropriate Technology

Farmers need access to low cost appropriate tools for developing their farms ecologically. REAP has worked to help support farmers organizations manufacture their own tools.

Appropriate Technology

In the PRA process, communities identify their most urgent and basic technological needs.

To help solve the fuelwood crisis in the Philippines, REAP developed the Mayon Turbo stove, a low cost, advanced combustion rice hull stove.


The AEV model is a logical evolution for rural development programming. It integrates the best management practices in rural development with sustainable knowledge in ecological farming systems training and development.

Thank you!