Transcript Document

Research Collaboration in the Social and
Human Sciences between Europe,
Russia, the NIS and China (Global SSH)
Dr. Gulnara Roll
Centre for Science Studies, Tartu, Estonia
Centre for Science Studies,
Estonian University of Life Sciences
A research centre founded in 2003 in Tartu, Estonia,
with the aim of advancing scientific investigations in
Estonia in the science studies, including history,
philosophy, policies of science. The Centre was
established on the basis of a museum of the great
naturalist of the 19th century Karl Ernst von Baer.
Centre for Science Studies,
Estonian University of Life Sciences
“History of natural sciences in Estonia, Germany and
Russia in 19th century”,
“Baer and the history of natural sciences”,
“History of physical anthropology and medicine”
"The Science and Culture of Form (1828--1928): From
Karl-Ernst von Baer to Ludwig von Bertalanffy"
“Mapping the social sciences and humanities research
capacities in Europe and the NIS”
• Research Collaboration in the Social and
Human Sciences between Europe, Russia,
the NIS and China (Global SSH) is Special
Support Action is supported by the EC
under the FP6 Thematic Area 'Citizens and
governance in a Knowledge-based
society' Call FP6-2004-CITIZENS-6 --8.3.3 Promoting international research and
policy cooperation in social sciences and
humanities. Action contract Nr. is 028997.
The Action aimes
to promote international research collaboration between
the EU, the NIS, and China in the social sciences and
Collegium for
15 partners
14 countries
Objectives 1 - 2
 Provide a synthesised account of the rise and
transformations of the SSH in Europe, the NIS and China in the
context of the emergence of modern states and universities.
Six papers on the rise and transformation of the SSH in six larger
world regions: America, Pre-enlargement Europe, CEE, Russia
and other NIS, and China.
 Map and assess the scientific capability in six NIS countries –
Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan –
and China, including analysis of their status, perspectives, and
abilities to face contemporary challenges
- Databook on SSH macroenvironment: national and international
statistics + analytical comments on macro-environmental
indicators on the overall context of SSH development potential;
- Report on SSH institutional landscape and research policies for
the NIS and China: national scientific priorities, policy
frameworks, national approaches to SSH evaluation.
Objectives 3 - 4
 Increase knowledge about the transnational co-
operation between research communities in the EU,
NIS, and China by identifying common research
agendas between the regions
Through a questionnaire, regional group discussions and an
inter-regional working conference with researchers and
research policy experts.
 Elaborate recommendations for the development of
compatible methods of assessment of SSH scientific
capabilities in the international context
Will conduct a study of how to measure and evaluate the social
sciences with a focus on problems that emerge in countries
which are not well represented in data banks like ISI Web of
Objectives 5 - 7
 Elaborate policy recommendations for setting
priorities in the SSH within an enlarged ERA in the
part of the international research cooperation
between EU-NIS and EU-China research communities
Through regional policy workshops, a conference and
regular communication with stakeholders
 Mobilise the SSH international collaboration
By establishing a cross-regional consortium, arranging
cross-regional meetings, and in other ways creating
platforms for SSH collaboration between scholars from
EU, NIS and China
 To disseminate the knowledge obtained
Challenges of transnational
scientific cooperation
The FP6 statistics shows that even when the NIS
organisations are involved in projects applications to the
EU RTD framework programme under the thematic
priorities, a success rate of those applications with the
participation of NIS institutions is much lower and the
overall call success rates. In proposals submitted to FP6
CITIZENS-3 Call, out of applications involving 31
organisations from NIS countries only 3% were accepted
for funding while the overall success rate for proposal in
the Call was 10%.
Challenges of transnational
scientific cooperation
Low participation of scientists from the East in FPs
- to a lack of contacts with top scientists in the
West and a lack interest in the cooperation in the
last ones;
- FP content is developed through a complicated
EU decision-making system
Designing Databook on
SSH Macroenvironment
Part I. International comparisons
1. Countries, population and economic trends
2. Tertiary (higher) education
3. Science and technology
4. Information and communication technologies
Sources for Part I:
World Bank
CIA - Fact Book
(printed statistical books and on-line data bases)
Part II. Mapping Countries’ SSH Capacity
Targeted countries:
• Armenia
• Azerbaijan
• China
• Georgia
• Russian Federation
• Uzbekistan
• Ukraine
Section of Russian Federation
(see the printed tables of indicators)
A. Higher Education and
Training R&D Personnel
1. Higher Education (ISCED
Levels 5A+6)
2. Budget funding of
3. Postgraduate higher
education (ISCED Level 7)
4. Doctoral courses
5. Scientific degrees awarded
B. Science and Technology
1. Organisations performing
2. R&D personnel
3. R&D funding
1)R&D personnel,
Researchers, Publications in
SSH in Higher education
2) S&T indicators for Russian
Academy of Sciences
Sources for Part II (Russian Section)
National data sources:
1) Higher and Postgraduate Education in Russia. Moscow,
CSRS, 2004.
2) Training R&D Personnel in Russia. Moscow, CSRS, 2005,
3) Russian Science and Technology at a Glance: 2005-2001.
Moscow, CSRS, 2005-2001.
4) S&T Complex in Russian Higher Education. Moscow,
“Nauka”, 2005
5) Centre for Science Development Studies of Russian
Academy of Sciences (CSDS RAS): data bases on S&T and
Higher Education.
About the report
on institutional landscapes
The report aim is to provide a survey of SSH institutional setting
and organisation of SSH research funding and policy instruments
(including evaluation) in the target countries.
The report will demonstrate how the diversity of “types” of
arrangements influences differently the research agenda-setting
processes at the regional and national level, and how this
relates to European research priority building.
Expected outcome: Recommendations for the development of
the ERA through the harmonisation of the institutional
landscapes between Europe, the NIS and China
Point of departure for
the report preparation
On different levels – local, national and international –
institutions guide the behaviour of actors – universities, research
organisations and individual scientists in production of
knowledge in SSH.
Institutions are established to respond to specific societal
demands. The report will discuss issues of how the demand side
for the SSH knowledge production is developed? What are the
driving forces of the internationalisation of the SSH
international cooperation – governments that make decisions in
the context of the internationalising economy, students who
express their interest in high quality education that prepares
them to address in their future carrier challenges of the
globalising economy?
Point of departure for
the report preparation
The report will highlight the peculiarities of the
national institutions supporting SSH in the NIS,
A separate chapter in the report will be prepared
describing the European Union institutional and
policy support to SSH research.
The EU institutional framework chapter will
contain illustrations of the institutuonal and policy
framework for a three EU member states – one old
EU member state (to be selected) and one “new”
member state - Estonia.
About the report
on institutional landscapes
The report will include national reports on
institutional landscapes for the countries included
into MobilisingSSH project and therefore in the
preparation of the report all the Russia, NIS and
China. MobilisingSSH partners are involved who will
produce their national reports.
(in addition to the EU framework description)
The report will include national reports on
institutional landscapes for the countries included
into MobilisingSSH project and therefore in the
preparation of the report all the Russia, NIS and
China. MobilisingSSH partners are involved who will
produce their national reports.
– Russia,
– Ukraine,
– Three South Caucasus states,
– Uzbekistan
– For comparison – Estonia + possibly one “old” EU
member state
Proposed report structure
Short characteristics of the countries
National scientific priorities, SSH weight
Horisontal issues
National policies to support SSH
Policies to support int cooperation
Funding SSH agencies
Funding systems, other national and international organisations
supporting SSH research
Market for SSH research
National approaches to the evaluation of scientific capacities
Strengthes and weaknesses
Conclusions and recommendations for harmonisation of the
institutional landscapes and promoting international research
Annex with a lists of institutions
Research institutions
description for the annex
• name;
• address;
• internet site link;
• year of foundation;
• number of employees;
• S&T field (general and detailed)
Optional information:
• Name of director;
• Telephone;
• Fax;
• E-mail
• Sets of questions for data sent out to partners –
summer 2006
• Info collection (literature, statistics by partners) –
until Dec 2006
• Interim WP2 meeting – 8 Oct 2006, Florence to
reflect on data collection, agree on expert
interviews questions
• Expert interviews – 5 per a country, Spring 2007
• Workshop in Estonia – 7 – 11 June 2007
• Editing, completing, proof reading – until October