Program Improvement Plan CONTENT

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Office of Children, Youth and Families Child and Family Services Review Program Improvement Plan

PIP Timeframes

90 Days from receipt of the courtesy copy of the final report, PIP must be submitted to Children’s Bureau Regional Office  CBRO, in consultation with the CB, will review  Within 30 Days of notice from CBRO that the PIP is not approved, a revised PIP must be submitted

PIP Timeframes

Implementation:  May not exceed 2 years from approval date    Not all PIP elements will require 2 years For specific strategies too extensive to address in 2 years, a 1 year extension may be requested Request for extension must be received at least 60 days before PIP completion date


 PIP General Information  PIP Strategy Summary & TA Plan  PIP Agreement Form  PIP Matrix must include all information required by 45CFR 1355.35


Must address issues identified in the CFSR final report that contributed to low achievement:    Outcome factors (items) Systemic factors Statewide data indicators that did not meet national standards


     Items and outcome areas affecting child SAFETY must be addressed first Items most egregiously not in substantial conformity follow Include short-term goals to address affects on children and families immediately and Long-term goals, for lasting reforms Benchmarks


 For each item and systemic factor not in substantial conformity the PIP must include:   Measurable goal of improvement Action steps  Timeframe  For each data indicator that did not meet national standard the PIP must include:  Specific percentage of improvement (goal) to be achieved


    Identify person responsible for each action step Specify geographical area for action step Plan for evaluation, including benchmarks of progress Plan for accessing TA resources


 Must incorporate PIP elements into the goals and objectives of the Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP)  Must address PIP progress in the Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR)

PIP Evaluation

State must report PIP progress semi-annually.

Semi-annual reports must include:    Description of progress during reporting period Data on measurable factors and the relationship to benchmarks and timeframes Action steps and goals will be evaluated according to method and dates in PIP

PIP Evaluation

   At least annually, the CBRO and OCYF will meet to jointly evaluate progress Meeting will occur in conjunction with preparation of the APSR Evaluation will be in collaboration with other CFSR team members


 Penalties are suspended during PIP implementation  If State fails to submit reports, or timely satisfactory progress is not being achieved, suspension of penalties will end, and withholding begin