Transcript Document

Enhanced Recovery –
Helping Patients get
better sooner after
West Herts NHS Trust
Enhanced Recovery Team
17th June 2010
• Provide information on where WHHT is in
implementing Enhanced Recovery
• Agree how Primary Care can further
support the patient experience through
engagement in the Enhanced Recovery
Partnership Programme.
What is Enhanced Recovery?
Benefits of Enhanced Recovery
What WHHT has achieved to date
Benefits of Primary Care engagement
Next Steps
Contact details
What is Enhanced Recovery?
• A new approach to the preoperative,
interoperative and postoperative care of
patients under going surgery
• Evidence based approach involving a
selected number of individual
interventions which when implemented as
a group demonstrate a greater impact on
Benefits of Enhanced Recovery
• Empowers patients to be a partner in their own
• Improved patient experience
• Improved Quality
Clinical outcomes
Early detection of complications
Quality standards met
QUIPP initiative
Benefits of Enhanced Recovery
• Productivity
– Reduced length of stay
– Increased capacity
• Team working
– Cross organisational working
– Opportunity for service redesign
– Map of Medicine and pathway improvement/redesign
What WHHT has achieved
• National innovation site
• Implementing in
Colorectal Surgery
MSK – Hips & Knees
Gynaecology – Hysterectomy
• Positive outcomes
Proactive Multi Disciplinary Teams in place
Agreed Care Pathways in place
Positive patient and staff feedback
Reduced length of stay
Reduced readmission rates
Social Services engagement
Benefits of Primary Care engagement
• Manage patient expectations
• Optimise patient health prior to referral – “Fit for List”
• Enhance the patient pathway and experience further
• Further opportunities for service redesign and joined up
working across the Local Health Community
• National support from the DoH for innovation sites
• Cost savings and financial benefits
Where do we go next?
• Generic:
– “Fit for List screening”
– Implementation and development of Map of Medicine
and agreed care pathways
– Engagement and involvement in Project Groups and
Enhanced Recovery Board
• Gynaecology:
– Diagnostics prior to referral
– Low priority treatment criteria met
Where do we go next?
• MSK:
– Diagnostics prior to referral
– Front end physio support
– Low priority treatment criteria met
• Colorectal Surgery:
– Bowel preparation – day before operation
– Reducing preoperative bed days
Contact Details
• Colorectal
Generic Lead
Executive Lead
Clinical Lead
Helen Broadwell
Sylvia Nawathe/
Paula King
Janette Buckley
Karen Bowler
Kirsty Green
Russell Harrison
Russell Griffin
01923 244366 (1569)
01727 866122 (2918)
07795 398759
07795 398761
07979 457177
01923 436229
01923 436229
01727 866122
Questions and agreed way