Transcript Slide 1

Water Framework
- a framework for
Community action in
the field of water
Marieke van Nood
WFD Team, DG ENV.D.2, European Commission
Overview presentation
• Main WFD objectives
• Specific links WFD - hydropower
• Implementation in practice
• Conclusions
Main WFD objectives
WFD – general principles
• Protecting all water bodies, including transitional waters
and coastal waters.
• Covering all impacts on waters.
• Achievement of good status in all water bodies and no
deterioration of status.
• Good status:
– Ecological status
– Chemical status
– Quantitative status
• Water quality defined in terms of biology, chemistry and
• Attention paid to socio-economic impacts, e.g. through a
process of duly justified exemptions
Slide 4
Diversity of uses, aspirations,
pressures and impacts
Nature protection
Flood protection
Waste Water
Drinking water
Navigation &
WFD Timetable
Transposition into national law
Administrative arrangements
Environmental analysis:
Analysis of characteristics
Assessment of human impacts
Economic analysis of water use
Monitoring programmes
Public Participation starts
Significant water management issues
Draft river basin management plans
Final river basin management plans
Measure to be applicable at the latest
Implementation, adjustment
Slide 7
Dec 2003
Dec 2003
Dec 2004
Dec 2006
Dec 2006
Dec 2007
Dec 2008
Dec 2009
Dec 2012
2015 till 2027
River Basin Management Plans
1-flexibility in WFD objective setting
2-integration with other policies
3-consider a wide range of measures
4-transparency in decision making
5-6 year cyclic approach
WFD and hydropower
Heavily modified water bodies
• In case changes to the hydromorphological characteristics of
that body which would be necessary for achieving good
ecological status would have significant adverse effects on (e.g.)
power generation, and
• In case the beneficial objectives served by the artificial or
modified characteristics of the water body cannot, for reasons of
technical feasibility or disproportionate costs, reasonably be
achieved by other means, which are a significantly better
environmental option:
A water body can be designated as heavily modified and
good ecological potential can be achieved instead of GES.
Slide 10
• Time derogation (art 4.4)
• Phased implementation to 2021 or even 2027 depending on
technical feasibility and disproportionate costs
• Lowered objectives (art 4.5)
• Depending on technical infeasibility, disproportionate costs and/or
natural condition
• New modifications for sustainable human developments
or physical alterations of surface water bodies, or
alteration level of ground waters (art 4.7)
• Benefits overriding public interest, consideration of
alternatives – better environmental option
Slide 11
New modifications
• WFD allows for deterioration by new modifications under
strict conditions:
• No better environmental options
• Project is of overriding public interest/outweighing water
protection benefits
• All mitigation measures are taken
• Project and reasons are reported in RBM Plan
• Other water bodies are not impacted/other objectives not
Often related to Habitats Directive Article 6.3
New modifications
• What do we expect in plans:
• Assessment of project on all biological quality elements
• Use WFD monitoring data and/or expert judgement
• Assess alternatives and describe whether there are no
better environmental options (e.g. type of measure,
location of measure)
• Describe overriding public interest/comparison to
foregone water protection benefits
• Describe assessment of mitigation measures
-> Article 4.7 assessment in early stage
Good examples and guidance
Good examples and guidance exist
• Guidance on application of exemptions
Guidance on pressures from navigation,
hydropower, flood protection
uments/hydromorphology&vm=detailed&sb=Title and
CIS workshop outcomes
EC Guidance documents Natura2000
+ important guidance on compensation (Art. 6 (4)
How to integrate both
Early consideration of requirements WFD (&Habitats
- Planning at river basin level, for e.g. consideration of alternatives
- Exchange information about mitigation measures
- Early involvement stakeholders and public
More information
Water Information System for Europe:
DG ENV webpages:
WFD - Circa webpage:
Or contact us:
[email protected]
Thank you very much!