Subject Librarians’ Forum on eLD #3

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Subject Librarians’ Forum on eLD #3
5 & 11 November 2013
eLD Group: Who’s who
Karine Barker, Subject Librarian for Medical Sciences
Isabel Holowaty, Bodleian History Librarian (Chair)
Jo Gardner, Bodleian Social Sciences Librarian
Jane Rawson, Vere Harmsworth Librarian, Chair of the SOLO User Group
Susan Thomas, Digital Archivist, Bodleian Electronic Archives and
• Angela Carritt, Bodleian Libraries User Education Co-Ordinator
• Richard Gibby, Legal Deposit Libraries Manager
• Alison Felstead, Head of Resource Description, C&RD
• Andy Mackinnon, Library Database Programming & Applications Support
• Michael Popham, Head, Oxford Digital Library
• Jackie Raw, Bodleian Head of Legal Deposit Operations (Secretary)
• Catríona Cannon, Bodleian Associate Director, Collection Support
eLD Group: remit
• Reports to Collection Management Strategy
Group (CMSG)
• Consults
• Receive information & feedback
• Makes recommendations
• Communicates
eLD Group: objectives
Develop and implement methods
for consulting with subject librarians
and curators on publishers’ priorities and web archiving
priorities locally and sharing outcomes with them and other relevant staff.
Develop and implement local communication plans; identify and liaise with
relevant BodLibs committees and groups whose work might be affected by eLD (e.g. GL
Reclassification WP)
Draft paper on Oxford-specific requirements in order to be fully eLDfunctional for local planning purposes and decide which Oxford-specific issues can be
forward to LDLs to assist further development and improvements.
Draft local
decision-making and work-flow plans.
Develop recommendations for subject librarians regarding changes to
collection development policies, selection work, new book displays, user education etc.
Identify user education needs and develop plans for reader services staff and
subject librarians.
Led by SOLO UG, review
display of eLD material in SOLO.
eLD Group: current work
Updating stakeholders:
MT: Subject Librarians’ Forum, intranet pages, web archive launch
update to BodLibs Round Table
update to Divisional CLiPS & CUL
Making eLD work in Oxford:
Identify Requirements to be eLD functional: access & use, information
retrieval, collection development
Active participation at Legal Deposit Libraries levels re publishers
priorities, format priorities, ebook ingest workflows, metadata,
Notice and Takedown, printing, etc.
Making eLD work in Oxford: Requirements
eLD update & publishers’ priorities
Update on the move to eLD to date
There are over 103,000 article records for eLD material in SOLO (as of mid-October 2013)
Serials• Maney, Wiley and Informa Healthcare have transitioned to e and the BL is receiving regular
• In 2014-15 Manchester University Press, Emerald, Edinburgh University Press and Cambridge
University Press have all agreed to deposit their serials via Portico. Oxford University Press and
Sage will do so using the BL’s Portal in January 2014.
Monographs• The BL is not yet able to process content at scale as they found that the original eBooks 1 ‘pilot’
software was not viable for live implementation. Currently they are working on eBooks 2 and Taylor
and Francis will test this in due course. Collecting content on a large scale is not expected until mid2014.
• T&F and Palgrave Macmillan are still very keen to move to e deposit but ingest is delayed as is the
move for other major academic publishers until high-level requirements are addressed.
• Kogan Page and Woodhead/Chandos are depositing under eLD.
• Hachette has deposited content with the BL but this is not yet accessible on SOLO. They continue to
publish some books in print and the Agent will continue to claim these.
1. The LDLs: publisher priorities matrix
Publisher priorities. Conflict resolution*
The objective is to reach consensus between partners. If this
cannot be agreed a process to resolve the disagreement will be
When a publisher approaches the BL Andy Davis will apply the matrix. If the
result is green a publisher can be added to the priority list for migration in due
Any other outcome = red. Red requires consultation. If the vote is 6:0 or 5:1 a
publisher can be added to the priority list for migration in due course and Andy
will inform the agency and all LDLs. If the vote is 3:3 the publisher will be
informed that they cannot start to migrate before late 2014 or 2015 at the
earliest because of capability and resourcing capacity constraints.
If the vote is 4:2 the publisher will be discussed at CDAS. Factors influencing the
discussion will be number of titles affected and cost of substitution, ratio of titles
to be deposited digitally to titles currently deposited in print, publisher’s level of
enthusiasm to deposit digitally and the potential risk if we delay.
*IG paper 239.
Publisher priorities. Conflict resolution*
Example: For the original 25 publishers
Category 1. No disagreement – prioritise for early migration
when end-to-end capabilities and resources allow eg Kogan
Page, Dorling Kindersley
Category 2. T&F and Palgrave Macmillan are exceptional
cases – very hard pressure. We will work with them in
testing capabilities and a agree a timetable on completion
Category 3. Academic publishers we do not wish to prioritise.
Eg OUP, CUP and Sage. We will not start migrating them
before late 2014 at the earliest.
*IG paper 239.
Summary: end to end decision making process
2. Our local decision making process
• The matrix is not the most user-friendly tool for the large
number of staff with a vote at Oxford. We propose to use a
Survey Monkey poll instead and we’ll feed our findings back
into the matrix and submit this with the other LDLs.
• You can find this at:
• How to vote? Jane has considered this from a subject
librarian’s perspective-
Survey monkey
Survey monkey
Things to consider when responding
• What do they publish?
– Type of content? How important/core to your collection?
– Don’t forget to consider imprints!
• How much do they publish? How much do we get?
– How quickly do books arrive? How much do you claim?
What percentage of claims are successful? How much do
you end up buying anyway?
• How do your readers use the books?
– How heavily? Do you rely on print LD or purchase
additional for lending/multiple copies? Would they
demand print copies if the LD method switched?
If you don’t know the answer already…
• Search SOLO for each imprint as publisher
– Limit to your library and sort by date-newest
• Review recent VBD selections / LD claims/
A heads up.
5 year collection planning for the LDLs. Collecting by format?
At a recent CDAS workshop the BL sought views from the LDLs on possible transition by
format in the longer term. We began by considering collecting by •
Academic e-books
Trade/ fiction e-books
Other serials or monographs e.g. market research reports
Freely available web pages
Web content behind passwords and paywall barriers (which includes many news and magazine sites)
Documents embedded within web pages e.g. official publications, conference reports
Digital editions of newspapers (i.e. mobile editions)
Digital editions of magazines (i.e. mobile editions)
Other mobile content e.g games
Databases e.g. research data
Any other digital content within scope e.g. social media
There may be other formats not listed here that we could add. The BL will put together a straw man for discussion at
LDIG/CDAS and this will take time. It may be that ‘by format’ is not considered useful as it cuts across negotiations with
publishers and may be less clear cut to us in terms of content type. However, it should prove an interesting discussion as
the LDLs continue to plan for future collection under eLD. Again we will consult before taking this forward.
Any questions…
Group work (20mins)
How could eLD affect collection
development work?
Update: Requirements
• All eLD Group members have provided a list
• Priorities will be discussed 11 November (PM)
• Four main areas:
1. Printing
2. SOLO searching & display
3. Access (via tablets)
4. Improve performance of ERICOM
Requirements: Printing
• Cannot open agreed firewall port – security
• Plan B: VPN tunnel for communicating
between servers
• PCAS will be integrated
• Awaiting confirmation
Requirements: SOLO searching & display
• Distinguish eLD from non-eLD content
• Weight non-eLD content
• Ability to find eLD content by journal and
monograph title
• Find eLD journals that were first received as
LD journals
Requirements: Access via tablets
• Risk: eLD material will be seen as inferior and
a step backwards in provision
• Business Case proposed to British Library for
project to examine access from tablets. If
accepted, would run Jan 2014 – March 2015
• Aims to find tactical solution
• LDLs decide whether to adopt solution
Requirements: Improve ERICOM performance
• Currently slow
• Would ideally function like a subscription
– Browsing
– Navigation
– Clickable TOCs and references
– Export options
• Accessibility for disabled users
Update: Legal Deposit Web Archive
Scope of the
Legal Deposit UK Web Archive
Domain Crawl
(broad sweep of UK web)
Key sites
(news; high
(current events)
Timeline: domain crawl
• Aug-Dec 2012: Pre-regulation experimenting
with a full domain dark crawl
• Apr-Jun 2013: First post-regulation full domain
crawl captures over 31TB of data/~3.8 million
• ?2 Dec 2013 – launch of the first domain crawl
• Broad, but shallow, coverage of UK webspace
• Caps may result in incomplete captures for
some sites
First ‘Special Collection’
On NHS Reform
• Collected 2.9TB to from Apr to Jun 2013
• List of websites supplied by BL curators
• 16 Oct 2013: discoverable in BL catalogue and in use in BL reading
• 23 Oct 2013: Green light to make LDWA Search Tool available at all LDLs
• 31 Oct 2013: LDWA Search Tool listed in OxLIP+
Special Collections for 2014
• Up to five for 2014
• Nominations so far include:
– Centenary of the outbreak of WW1 (28 Jul 2014)
– British coverage and participation in the Winter
Olympics (Feb 2014)
– Commonwealth Games (Jul-Aug 2014)
– Referendum on Scottish independence (18 Sep
List of ‘key sites’
• 250-500 ‘key sites’
• For ‘better’ archiving
• National Libraries and TCD
have provided input to the
list of ‘key sites’
• We expect to provide
input soon
• First iteration of ‘key sites’
list in use, July 2013
• Includes core news sites
(local and national)
Example key sites
First ‘rapid response’ crawl
On the news of the death of Mrs Thatcher
• Two weeks in April 2013, using pre-existing list of news
• Collected 15.4GB data
Consultation on priorities
• Legal Deposit Web Archive Prioritisation Group
– To instigate and then oversee the canvassing of proposals for
focussed collections and to adjudicate between them.
– To review the key sites (inc. news lists)
– To approve rapid web archiving activity in response to an
emerging event.
– To support the BL Web Archiving Team in initiating and
maintaining the most appropriate contacts with content
specialists across the LDLs.
• Susan Thomas is our LDWAPG member
• Input will be sought from a wide range of Bodleian
staff, including archivists, curators and librarians
• See Intranet for more detail
Access to LDWA
• Not discoverable in SOLO. No plans to include
LDWA metadata there.
• Our URL is
• Will be listed in OxLIP+
• To search metadata offsite, use British Library
catalogue at
• As with other eLD - access only on LDL
New Web Archive category in OxLIP+
New LibGuide Tab for Webarchives
Bulletin for Outline in December
Guidance on the Intranet:
Final Q&A?
Bookmark eLD pages:
Respond to eLD SurveyMonkey
Publicise web archive
LibGuide tab
OxLIP+ category
General publicity once launched