Transcript Slide 1

PCL Range Images
Bastian Steder
July 18, 2015
1. Range Images
2. NARFs (Normal Aligned Radial Features)
3. Example applications
►… and save it somewhere on your disc,
e.g., directly in your home:
What are Range Images?
►The RangeImage class is derived from
So every pixel has a range value but is also
a 3D point.
Range Images in the Code
► Header:
► How to create a range image from a point cloud:
RangeImage range_image;
range_image.createFromPointCloud (
point_cloud, angular_resolution (deg2rad(0.5°)),
max_angle_width (360°), max_angle_height (180°),
sensor_pose, coordinate_frame (CAMERA_FRAME),
noise_level (0.0), min_range (0.0),
border_size(0) );
► Corresponding Tutorial:
Range Images →
How to create a range image
from a point cloud
Compile & Try
$ cd $PCL_ROOT/doc/tutorials/content/sources/range_image_creation
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./range_image_creation
range image of size 40x34 with angular resolution 1deg/pixel and 1360 points
Compile & Try
► We can visualize range images using the
RangeImageVisualizer class.
(We already covered this in the visualization talk)
► Corresponding Tutorial:
Visualization → How to visualize a range image
Border extraction
►How to differentiate foreground from
How to detect these borders?
►Analyze changes in distances to
neighboring points
How to detect these borders?
►Analyze changes in distances to
neighboring points
How to detect these borders?
►Analyze changes in distances to
neighboring points
Border extraction example
In the Code
► Header:
► Code Example:
RangeImageBorderExtractor border_extractor (&range_image);
PointCloud<BorderDescription> border_descriptions;
border_extractor.compute (border_descriptions);
► Corresponding Tutorial:
Range Images → How to extract borders from a range image
Compile & Try
$ cd $PCL_ROOT/doc/tutorials/content/sources/range_image_border_extraction
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./range_image_border_extraction ~/office_scene.pcd
NARF Keypoints
Points on 3D structure that can be reliably
detected in the same place, even if observed
from different viewpoints.
NARF Keypoints Procedure
In the Code
► Header:
► Code Example:
RangeImageBorderExtractor range_image_border_extractor;
NarfKeypoint narf_keypoint_detector
narf_keypoint_detector.setRangeImage (&range_image);
narf_keypoint_detector.getParameters ().support_size = 0.2;
PointCloud<int> keypoint_indices;
narf_keypoint_detector.compute (keypoint_indices);
► Corresponding Tutorial:
Keypoints → How to extract NARF keypoints from a range image
Compile & Try
$ cd $PCL_ROOT/doc/tutorials/content/sources/narf_keypoint_extraction
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./narf_keypoint_extraction ~/office_scene.pcd
►Describe an area by a vector of real numbers
►Allow fast similarity comparison using
standard norms
(0.23, 0.45, 0.65, …)
NARF descriptors calculation
Wanna try this visualization on another scene? Use the code from the tutorial
‘Visualization → Visualization of the NARF descriptor and descriptor distances’
In the Code
► Header:
► Code Example:
NarfDescriptor narf_descriptor(&range_image, &keypoint_indices);
narf_descriptor.getParameters().support_size = 0.3;
narf_descriptor.getParameters().rotation_invariant = true;
PointCloud<Narf36> narf_descriptors;
► Corresponding Tutorial:
Features → How to extract NARF Features from a range image
Compile & Try
$ cd $PCL_ROOT/doc/tutorials/content/sources/narf_feature_extraction
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./narf_feature_extraction ~/office_scene.pcd
Extracted 60 descriptors for 55 keypoints.
Application Examples I
►Object Recognition
Application Example II
►Place Recognition
Hanover2 dataset (Courtesy of Oliver Wulf)