Schema Theory

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Transcript Schema Theory

Schema Theory
1. Evaluate schema theory with reference to
research studies
What is schema theory?
• One of the many theories about how we organize
• Cognitive structure that provides the framework
for organizing the world
– People
– Places
– Events
• Cognitive Schema
– Networks of knowledge, beliefs and expectations
about particular aspects of the world
Mental processing (schemas) guide behavior
• Mostly automatic
– Processed with little attention
• Bottom-up processing (information input)
– Based on sensory system
• Top-down processing (information is
processed by the brain)
– Pre-stored information in memory
– Interpretation of stimuli
• Output in the form of behavior
Active Processors of information
See if you can add 30
pieces of information
based on your schools
Different terms for schemas
• Scripts
– Provide information about the sequence of events
• Restaurant, dentist, class
• Self-schemas
– Information about ourselves
– Strengths and weaknesses
• How we feel about them
• Social schemas
– Information about groups of people
10 items per schema
Gender Schema
Societies beliefs about the traits
of females and males
Influences processing
of social information
Influences self-esteem
(only behavior or attitudes consistent
with gender schema are acceptable
Darley and Gross, 1983
• Aim: investigate whether people’s memory for
a story is affected by previous knowledge
(schema) and
• Procedure  “rich girls, poor girl” and
success (reference 3.1 and 3.2)
Brewer and Treyens, 1981
• AIM: investigate whether people’s memory for objects in a
room (an office) is influenced by existing schemas about the
• Method: experiment
• Procedure: wait in office with traditional and untraditional
office items
• Results
– Most recalled the schematic objects and very unusual objects
– Some reported items that were expected to be in an office
• Evaluation
– Ecological validity
– Deception was necessary, participants were debriefed and there was not
– Difficult to generalize results  college students
How does schema impact memory?
• People remember the “gist”
– Not exact wording
• Reconstructive memory
– Filling in the gaps with previous knowledge (schema)
• Aschematic information
– Ignore information that is not in-line with schema
• Leads to bias and stereotype confirmation
• Tend to focus on information that confirms schema
– Confirmation bias
Evaluation of Schemas Theory
• Strengths
– Useful in explaining
many cognitive
• Perception, memory,
– Helps us understand
reconstructive memory
• Eyewitness testimony
• Gender identity
• Cultural differences
• Limitations
– Schema theory is too
– How are they acquired in
the first place?
– Focuses too much on
inaccuracies of memory
• Most memory tasks are
relatively accurate
Research Organization
• Supported by
– Darley and Gross, 1983
– Bartlett 1932
– Brewer and Treyens, 1981
– Gauld and Stephenson, 1967
– Bransford and Johnson, 1972
– Macrae et al., 1994
• But schemas are adaptable…supported by
Turnbull, 1961
• Read and take notes on
– Bartlett, 1932 Page 71-73
– Additional research supporting/contradicting
• Gauld and Stephenson, 1967
• Bransford and Johnson, 1972
• Macrae et al., 1994
– Describe schema theory as it applies to human