Transcript Slide 1

The unfinished Task

Lets look at the world as God see it



Two types of mission

1. Unengaged



Groups People – 3 of the 5 Great Commissions target here – Totally without hope of salvation

2. Unevangelized



Peoples – Nominal Christians needing the gospel – Multiple opportunities to hear but need more 4


1/3 non-Christians living in already reached people groups 1/3 of earth’s people call themselves Christians


in 1/3 non-Christians living unreached people groups

World Religions


The unengaged and unreached in the Americas


Definition of an Unreached People Group

• A unique ethnolinguistic people among which no indigenous community of believers adequate to evangelize themselves.

• Usually this is <2% 9

Number of languages Number of languages without Scriptures


North American Continent


N. America a mission field

Acts 1:8

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in

Jerusalem _____________

and in all

Judea ___________


Samaria ___________________ ____________

, and to the

end of the earth

” • It appears He expects us to do all four simultaneously 12


North America: Our home, state and Samaria

• Has most of N.A. heard the gospel repeatedly?

“ – 4 million religious programs annually – 130,000 Christian radio and TV stations • 67% of United States consider themselves Evangelical – 22% “ ” • Source of Growth of Conservative Churches: – 51% Transfers from other churches – 27% Biological: Children of members Sinners ” from marriage and friendship – “ If evangelicals are serious about recruiting ‘ real live sinners ’ , the best approach is either to befriend or marry them!

” Riginald Bibby ( 16

Ethnically Diverse Population

• US is becoming an ethnically foreign country • Churches/Leaders are not equipped to reach a diverse population – Few have any training in cross-cultural ministry – Fewer care to have a cross-cultural ministry!

• Separate churches for every homogeneous group is huge • The “ melting-pot ” syndrome has become a smorgasbord of cultures. 18

Home Missions are Essential to Foreign Missions

• Effective outreach demonstrated at Home ministry before sending to Foreign • Reaching out cross-culturally at home is key training ground • Need for multi-ethnic churches • Often now returning missionaries focus on same ethnic group in US 19

Ethnic Ministries in the US

• Native Americans – Of 50+ indian languages in US only 35 have parts of the Bible – 40% consider themselves Christian (yet only 3-5% are evangelical) – 28 interdenominational mission boards & 300 missionaries, but very few indian pastors!

• Afro-Americans – about 20% of US pop.

– 60%+ affiliated with Protestant Churches – Gospel understanding often clouded with baptism and social agendas – Liberalism permeates black pastorates (only 25% of black seminaries are evangelical!) – Little focus on missions to black community – except by Muslims – Major obstacle to integration was White ’ s attitude, now it is the Blacks!

– Three groups: • Culturally black North Americans • Integrated blacks • International Black immigrants: West Indians, Samoans, etc

Ethnic Ministries

• Hispanic Americans – about 24% of US pop.

– Illegal immigrants over 30 million!

– 80% do not attend any church – Spanish radio, publications and music are effective • Established ethnic groups (15 million) – Jewish American (8 million) with over 100,000 Hebrew Christians in NA – Chinese-Americans (3 million) with 1,000 churches – Japanese-Americans (4 million) (1 million in Hawaii) – French-speaking Americans- 19 million in Canada, 300,000 immigrants from Haiti, 1 million Cajuns in Louisiana. Quebec is least evangelized area of NA!

– European immigrants: 1 million Portuguese speaking Brazilians, 3 million Slavic's. 22

Religious Groups in US

• Muslims (More Muslims than Jews) –

9 million

, 40% of blacks are Muslims!

• Hindus (esp. NY and NJ),


with over 400 temples • Sikhs: a syncretistic religion of Islam and Hindu number over

2.4 million

• Buddhists, number over

3 million

• Roman Catholicism number over with over 1,500 temples • Koreans are the most evangelized ethnic group in the US – not because of US missions, but Korean missions to their own people

100 million

with few ministries focusing on them • Eastern Orthodox Americans are 5% of the population (

14 million

), but no known ministries to them • 368 Cults in the US represent 7% of the population ( term (2 yr) missions, and about 6 million in US – Jehovah Witnesses have about 1 million – Others are Christian Science, Unification Church, 7 th

21 million

) – Mormons are over 12 million world-wide, obligating every male in short Day Adventism 23

Maybe its time to start thinking about reaching N. America instead of just building a big and famous church of people like us!

Do you have the courage to think out of the box? Whatever else you may do in N. America focus on all the people groups that are here, not just the ones that can make you famous! Jesus cares for them too.


Latin America as both unreached and unevangelized


Mega Cities in the Americas



140 million

in animistic tribal groups

Still Unreached

Amazon Headwaters

• Southern Colombia • Western Brazil • Eastern Peru

60 + groups

Does anybody care?