Transcript SIX Edge

Dennis Modell
Key Account Manager
+45 33 41 11 23
[email protected]
See more on:
An example of an overview page in Edge, with news, prices and charts
If you want, you can leave free space and build in an Internet site or TV like in lower left corner
Related Company Data – all windows linked.
Calendar of Company events: green=not happened yet, white=already happened.
Estimates, incl. who is giving the estimates and the markets target price. Add-on service
in Edge
An example of a charts with a lot of technical analysis possibilities
An example of return-chart so you can see the price incl. dividends
An example of chart with news connected so you can see how price is changing after a news
An example of heatmap and Twitter incl. a ”picture” from a contributor on Twitter
Using color in a news window via ”rules”
Or quick highlight
– where the user
write a word and
its highlighted in
the news window
GPRV Analysis from Infinancials – standard in Edge
Corporate Focus from Infinancials incl. PDF download – add-on service in Edge
Economic Macro Calendar – based on data from Dow Jones Calendar Live. Standard in
Treasury (example EUR) – Part of Edge Treasury Package
OTC Bonds – Add-on package to Equity package and part of Edge Treasury package
OTC quoted Corp Bonds
OTC quoted Mortgage Bonds
OTC quoted Government Bonds
OTC quoted Benchmark Bonds
IBOR Fixing (As example CIBOR for Denmark)
OTC Bonds – Add-on package to Equity package and part of Edge Treasury package
OTC quoted Corp Bonds
OTC quoted Mortgage Bonds
OTC quoted Government Bonds
OTC quoted Benchmark Bonds
IBOR Fixing (As example CIBOR for Denmark)
On the Danish mortgage bond market you can see where a mortgage bond should trade even
though that there are no prices on OMX – in the example you can see prices from SEB, Danske
Bank, Nordea and Sydbank
On Corporate bond market you can see prices from varius contributors – in the example you can
see prices from Handelsbanken, SEB, Nordea and Swedbank
Benchmark Bond – Part of OTC Bond Package and part of Edge Treasury Package
Chart Spread on Benchmark Bond – Examples 10Y German – 10Y Denmark
OMX Fixed Income – See who is on the bid and offer
OMX shows first 2 are city/exchange and next 3 are brokername, so CONYB is Nykredit and CODDB is Danske Bank.
Dots after the name indicate that there are more than one broker on the bid/offer, so CONY… is Nykredit and at least one more.
Linking to Excel using Microsoft Office function, RealTimeData (RTD)
OmniSearch – quick way to search the database and give a very good overview.
You can then get a ”QuickView” with all the data
Add Dow Jones Global Market News if you have the need for more than the Dow Jones News
package already included in standard package (one for equities or one for FX/MM/Interes Rate)
Some of the new features in Edge 4.4 released in January 2014
Some features between the releases – shows that we also work between releases 
Some of the new features in Edge 5.1 released in January 2015
Some of the new features released AFTER the release in January 2015
Questions to Sales:
Dennis Modell
Key Account Manager
+45 33 41 11 23
[email protected]
Michael Andersen
Account Manager
+45 33 41 11 24
[email protected]
Questions to Support
Client Support
+45 33 41 11 41
[email protected]