Bobbie Medina - Burt Bertram

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Transcript Bobbie Medina - Burt Bertram

Summer 2009
I walk through life, mindfully, appreciating each step.
I am a loyal, dependable friend; one that listens thoughtfully,
speaks considerately, and follows through continuously.
I walk through life, with awareness, growing emotionally and intellectually.
I am a source of strength for my family, an anchor of support.
And yet, I am also aware of my instinctive need for self-care,
nurturance from others, and love.
I walk through life, with concern, understanding when and how to serve others.
I am an active force in the community, serving as an ally and advocate
for those who need help, encouragement, and collaboration.
I walk through life, with good humor, embracing the ability to laugh at life, and
most importantly, myself.
When life stress takes hold—tightening its grasp around me, I loosen
my grip and let go. Through relaxation and breath, I am able to
cope more efficiently, tap higher levels of resiliency, and just be.
Laura Waterfield
I walk through life, with grace, trusting that control is a façade. And yet, with
grace, I am like a sinuous palm tree blowing with the wind, able to
withstand torrid storms.
As the stormy times of life begin to stir in the lives of those around
me, my aura and life energy will be sustaining, positive, warm,
and approachable—providing an atmosphere of hope, trust,
and unconditional acceptance.
I walk through life, with community as my heart center. I dedicate my life to
serving others.
I am driven to provide for those around me. Through consistent
community outreach, emotional and physical persistence,
and undying determination, wonderful changes
are made possible.
I walk through life, with the soul purpose of making a difference.
This “difference” is not dependent upon financial gain, social status, or
recognition. This difference is one I will know because I will feel it in
my heart and it will show in my smile when I see the evidence in
those whom I help.
I am a loving, kind, and sensitive person.
I walk through life, mindfully, appreciating each and every step.
Barbara Anne Morey
My life is a tapestry of memories that help me
see through the eyes of others.
For as many years as I have remaining on this
earth, I will do all that I can to help those
who are troubled, give heart to those
who have been victimized, and
minister to the mentally ill.
I will be an advocate, a comforter, a healer.
Most of all, I will be a source of support so that
others may once again love themselves.
Elliott Merrill
It is my mission to make the time I spend with
my family and friends the most important
thing in my life by being open, honest, and
ready to listen even when I am busy.
I will learn to find joy in living life with a
sense of insanity, because life should be led
this way or else no one will ever notice
when you are being normal.
Amanda Santos
I will thrive in this life by continually
enriching it with knowledge, love, self
awareness, and service. I will show my
appreciation and respect for the earth and
each unique individual on it. But I will
only be fully alive if I can spread this to
the world and inspire change.
Julie Nestle
I have set sail. This limitless journey prevails, as I seek evolution
and a revolution.
In the face of rough waters, my passions and convictions for social
justice will not fail.
I will invite others to set sail. With humility and humbleness, be
their guiding light, and understand their plight.
When I am tired and weak from whipping rains, find the crew, hold
on, and let down my anchor. Search for my inner wisdom. Reach
for support. Mindfulness, serenity, discernment, and spirituality
help to stay the course.
Fully aware, critical consciousness, change the route with
Look deeply. Look down that barrel that gathers, bends, and reflects
back the light. Be forever changed with each sight.
Greet each breathe of ocean air. Celebrate the salt that hits my skin.
Embody the privilege to live, witness the beauty in life, and
dream with the stars every night.
Amanda Stickney
A mission for myself…..
To maintain the strong connection I have with my family… by
remaining a loyal, loving, and supportive member.
To surround myself with those who are loyal, kind, genuine,
and honest.
To stay challenged…. striving for fulfillment, achievement,
and sense of purpose not only within my occupation but
within my daily life.
To find the motivation and drive that hides within
me…becoming the triathlete and runner I have dreamed of.
To take time for relaxation, enjoyment, and appreciation of the
individuals and environment that surrounds me.
To maintain myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and
Thus creating the individual I want to be….
The individual who not only has, but provides, love, support,
compassion, energy, strength, knowledge, and kindness.
Jack Jordan
Recognizing that all things human fall short of their ideal my fundamental
purpose in life is to be authentic, happy, and fulfilled. This desire for me is
achieved through realizing higher levels of self-esteem, finding meaningful work
and to have a full and active social life. As a relational man, I seek to maintain,
develop, and sustain personal and professional relationships with others, which
will help me to grow and to draw out the kinder and more loving part of myself.
It is this kinder self which I hope to emulate in my counseling practice both in
my internship and beyond. While I do not have an overriding passion to work
with a particular client population, I do feel a sense of awe when considering the
possibility of contributing to and facilitating a process with future clients
wherein they can make changes enabling them to thrive, for their life to work
better, or at least for their life to become more manageable. I also am aware that
not all problems experienced by individuals and/or groups are the result of
pathology or even cognitive distortions but may arise from oppressive
environmental factors. Therefore, I recognize the importance of social justice
counseling and systemic advocacy. This is because I recognize that my desire to
facilitate systemic as well as individual change results from my own experience
with individual pain, discrimination and marginalization as well as the benefits
I received from counseling. I hope that through my professional and personal
relationships I make some small positive impact on the lives of people with whom
I interact and that many of them can positively contribute toward my own
growth and development. After all, we are ultimately interdependent on one
another for our growth and survival. Finally, although the work I will be
undertaking as a mental health counselor is serious, I always strive to keep in
mind that I do not have all the answers, I have my own issues and I am not
above the common foibles of human nature, as such I want to be patient and kind
towards myself and by extension learn to be patient and kind towards others.
RJ Manchester
To live life fully with loyalty and honesty to
myself and to others.
To educate myself to contribute to my
understanding of life and experience and to
share this understanding with others.
To create an environment of security, free from
both physical and emotional threats.
To encourage exploration of creativity,
intelligence, and accomplishment in myself
and others.
Cindy Knott
Growing toward fulfillment in my life means
loving God by serving others.
I serve as a mirror reflecting the love and
hopefulness that I see in the world and
extending it to others to claim as their own.
I serve as a window offering a view of love, hope,
and wisdom to those who have not been given
a vantage point to see.
I serve as one small piece of glass created from the
sands of the earth and challenged to sparkle.
Ali DeMaria
I will make a difference by helping others find a way to
achieve what it is they desire out of life. I will make
a difference by providing a voice for those who
cannot provide one for themselves. I will make a
difference by keeping an open mind and
demonstrating patience. I will make a difference by
continuing to learn all that I can while benefiting
the wellness of those in my community.
I will make a difference.
Michelle Andrus
“A’ole he mea nui ka lo’ihi o ko kakou ola ‘ana,
aka, he mea nui ke ‘ano ona.”
It matters not how long we live, but how
To live with respect for the land, water, and animals
That which gives us life
To live with respect, openness, and love for others and their cultures
That which makes us special, unique, and valuable
To live with intention, purpose, and meaning
To find that purpose daily and to be open to the journey
A constant search to live with meaning, peace, and
understanding of self and others
To show love, kindness, and grace to all beings and to myself
To be thankful for this life that has been given
To see the beauty in this world through my own eyes
Amber Cook
I will always retain my ability to speak honesty, view the world through
realistic eyes, never forget what it is like to have a child’s imagination, and
tackle all things with passion so I never lose my vitality. Even when it seems
too hard to bear, I will strive never to be in the dark about any subject
because knowledge is what lights the world. I will conquer the evil sloth that
lurks behind every task I undertake so that I can stay on top of what is
currently important. I will remain stable in times of crisis so that others
may lean upon me, and know that I will stand up for what I believe is right,
even when they may not believe the same. I will remain unwavering in the
promises I make, and never falter upon commitments. I will learn to accept
my faults so that I do not dwell upon them and block my view of others in
need. I will love fearlessly because that makes me free. I will stay humble so
that I may learn from others; even on the days I think I am right. My thirst
for knowledge will remain intact so that I may roll with the changing times,
even if I balk at the prospect. I will acknowledge that I may not be able to
help everyone, but at least I will never hurt anyone intentionally. I cannot
say that I will not have regrets because that is how I will learn. I will remain
in awe of the human capacity to think and feel, and I will cherish every
moment I can do both fully. I cannot promise to be giving all the time,
because I am selfish, and admittedly, at times, I enjoy it, but I can promise
never to be a person who only takes. I am not perfect, no one is, and my
mission is not to become that unrealistic self, nor to help anyone else obtain
it, but to respect life, and never take one second of it for granted.
Anne Ovesen
I vow to make each day of my life full of purpose, self-fulfillment, and hope. I am
grateful for my life experiences and know that each challenge I face brings
with it the opportunity for personal growth and empowerment. I will take
joy in the fact that life is one long learning process – that if I have arrived at
the truth then I must have missed something.
I believe that I am my brother’s keeper and will be an advocate for those whose
voice is weakened by social forces. I will be a flea against injustice, for as
Marian Wright Edelman said, “Enough committed fleas biting
strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and
transform even the biggest nation.”
I will act with compassion, empathy, and integrity in my dealings with others,
and I will nurture these qualities in the people around me. I know that
nothing I ever do will matter as much to me as raising my daughter to be a
self-assured young woman. I will treasure these early years with her and
vow that when the time comes, I will let her find herself. My greatest legacy
is to leave my daughter some part of society transformed for the better.
Not only is another world possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.
̃ Arundhati Roy
Jacquelyn Parsons
My MISSION is to use this one life to LOVE and HONOR God, my family, my
friends, and myself on a daily basis.
Through DEDICATION and SUPPORT I hope to deepen these relationships as the
years pass and to never take for granted the BLESSINGS that I receive.
I aim to take each CHALLENGE and HARDSHIP as a chance to learn more about
myself and my inner strengths.
I strive to continually ADAPT and CHANGE my worldview based on my
experiences and a never-ending search to LEARN more about those who think
differently than I.
I only ask that I am able to use my talents and creativity to better the LIVES OF
OTHERS while feeling a sense of FULFILLMENT and JOY.
I aspire to remain HUMBLE and POISED through both my SUCCESSESS and
I hope to always be able to LAUGH at life’s funny quirks and peculiarities, and to
never try too hard to understand the why’s.
All in all I strive to remain open to the endless POSSIBILITIES and
OPPORTUNITIES that await me.
This is my MISSION…
Angela Oliver
Life is, at times, a circus
Similar to a performer on the tightrope, I’ve had to balance the
concepts of justice and equality while walking along the
treacherous journey of life.
The contortionist pushes his/her mind and body to the limits of
flexibility. When we encounter situations in our lives that can
challenge and stretch us we must remain open to change.
Sometimes we can let our feet touch our ears and look back in
amazement at our ability to adapt and survive.
My religious belief guides me, similar to the Ring Master, carefully
watching and orchestrating the process of the circus.
The clowns of the world will confront you, and at times intimidate
you, but we can overcome adversity while maintaining our
We are all juggling, some times we drop the ball but I believe
that we all have the right to make mistakes and, most
importantly, the strength to pick it all up and try again.
Jacqueline Tornow
I want to wake each day knowing that I can live life to the fullest and
embrace every opportunity to improve myself each day. I want to be
humbled by traveling on the road not taken. I aim to travel this path
with my son, companion, family, and friends. Every day I want to be
humbled by this limitless existence.
I would like for my son and companion to walk beside me in this journey,
sharing, loving, and caring for one another. I want to give and help
others. I want to believe that I have the ability to contribute in
changing this world. I believe the energy of my actions will transcend
beyond this mortal coil. I aspire each day to be a better person, for my
son, companion, family, and friends. I ask for humility each day, to
believe in the process, believe in this life force, and have patience.
I want to look at the beauty of this world, and look into the vastness of
space, and believe that my time and energy has helped another human
being. I desire to be part of nature, this Earth and be harmonious, live
in tranquility, be mindful and aware.
Each day I desire the ability to make transformations in my life, to help
the lives of the persons that I interact with, to continue to love and
learn. I want to generate a new sense of purpose each day to persevere
to the next waking day.
Alexandra Theis
As an individual…
It is my hope in life to open my eyes and ears to the beauty of diversity that
encompasses my daily being…
It is my hope to acknowledge the individualistic views of human-kind, to
forgo narrow-mindedness and to look through a multifaceted lens…
It is my hope in life to explore the unfamiliar, seeking answers to the
questions that lie ahead…
It is my hope in life to cherish the unforgettable moments spent with those
who I love….
It is my hope in life to consider each experience a potential outlet for inner
It is my hope in life to continue strengthening my sense of compassion and
empathy for all others…
It is my hope in life to strive toward being all that I can, offering all that I
It is my hope in life to embrace the world around me, learning something
new from everyone I meet and everywhere I visit…
It is my hope to journey through life, continuously searching for meaning in
every new day…
Gretchen Williams