Travel Card Program Changes

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Transcript Travel Card Program Changes

Implementation of the new State-wide Financial System (SFS)
required all agencies to implement changes to the Travel Card
o OGS is requiring SUNY to transition to this model by July 31,
Existing Citibank contract expires in August 2013.
o The New Request for Proposal (RFP) will not contain provisions for
the centralized travel card currently used with travel agents for
airfare and train fare.
Central Travel Account (CTA) Cards Eliminated.
o OGS is requiring that all University Central Travel Accounts (CTA)
be cancelled on or before July 31, 2013.
Employees Issued State Employee Travel Cards.
o Use of the state employee travel card is intended for the individual
employee embossed on the travel card, when they are in travel
Travel Cards will be issued to employees willing to assume
the responsibility of possessing a State Travel Card.
o Employees will request a Travel Card through their Supervisor.
 Employee and Supervisor will complete and sign Application Form.
o The Travel Card Program is a privilege and will be monitored by
the Travel Card Coordinator to ensure all purchases meet
approved guidelines.
o Travel Card will be revoked for cardholders who utilize the card
for unapproved expenditures.
 Continued misuse of the Travel Card will jeopardize the future of the
Travel Card Program for the entire campus.
Purchasing with Travel Card
If cardholders choose to use the Travel Card to pay for meals, the
allowance for meals, including gratuities shall be limited to actual cost
up to the maximum per diem daily rates. An itemized receipt for meal
purchases is required. Alcoholic beverages cannot be paid with Travel
Claiming Meal Per Diem
If the cardholders choose to claim reimbursement at the full meal per
diem rate , the Travel Card should not be used to purchase food and
beverages. Reimbursement should be on a Travel Voucher on a per
diem basis. If meals are provided or paid by another source related to
the scheduled event (Example: dinner provided as part of the
registration fee), the traveler will not be reimbursed.
Existing Citibank contract expires in August 2013.
o The New Request for Proposal (RFP) will contain provisions for
Non-State employee travel costs (e.g., Research Foundation,
students, coaching staff traveling the team, instructors traveling
with a group, candidates for employment, and etc.) to be covered
with a new Non-Employee Travel (NET) Card.
Non-Employee Travel (NET) Cards Issued.
o New program which authorizes a designated state employee to
charge travel expenses for non-state employees – the card is
embossed with the name of the state employee.
Non-Employee Travel (NET) Cards will be issued to employees
who regularly handle travel expenditures for non-employees
and are willing to assume the responsibility of possessing a
State Travel Card.
o Employees will request a NET Card through their Supervisor.
 Employee and Supervisor will complete and sign Application Form.
o The NET Card Program is a privilege and will be monitored by the
Travel Card Coordinator to ensure all purchases meet approved
o NET Card will be revoked for cardholders who utilize the card for
unapproved expenditures.
 Continued misuse of the NET Card will jeopardize the future of the NET
Card Program for the entire campus.
Travel and NET Cardholders will:
o Attend a mandatory training at the time a new or renewed (3 year
cycle) card is issued.
o Submit Travel Authorization(s) for each trip.
o On or around the 23rd of every month, go online to Citibank and
download their statement.
Travel and NET Cardholders will (cont’d):
o Submit on or before the next billing cycle all original itemized
receipts for all items charged on their State Travel and NET Cards,
along with corresponding Travel Voucher/Reconciliation Forms for
each trip.
 Timely submission of all documentation will make this reconciliation
process successful and helps to ensure there is no duplicate payment of
expenses and that all expenses related to one trip are accounted for.
 As part of the monthly reconciliation and submissions, any charges that
are unable to be offset against allowable costs/expenses per travel
guidelines must be paid back to Fredonia via check. The check will be
made payable to “Citibank” and sent to the Travel Card Administrator
together with the Statement and Travel Voucher reconciliations.
Present new program to Cabinet.
o Ask for time at each divisional meeting.
o Meet with the departments that currently utilize Travel Cards.
Present new program at Finance & Administration’s Fall
Workshop on August 13, 2013.
Email new program to Faculty/Staff ListServe.
Offering a meeting to any interested department.
Redesign Accounting’s Travel web page.
Any questions