Physics 1251 The Science and Technology of Musical Sound

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Physics 1251
The Science and Technology
of Musical Sound
Unit 2
Session 16 MWF
The Wave Properties:
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
Foolscap Quiz:
What is frequency of the pitch that a person
will perceive, if he hears the harmonics in the
vibration recipe: 350 Hz, 525 Hz, 700 Hz and
875 Hz?
Answer: 175 Hz (F3), fundamental of series:
350 Hz (F4), 525 Hz (C5), 700 Hz (F5) and
875 Hz (A5).
We hear the “difference” frequencies:
(525-350) =(700-525) =(875-350) = 175 Hz!
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
Georg Phillip Telemann
Sonata IV in E minor
Recorded by Ron DiIulio (UNT September 2001)
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
Georg Phillip Telemann
Sonata IV in E minor
Notice the “difference tones”
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
1′ Lecture:
The intensity of sound decreases with
the square of the inverse of the distance
from the source in an open area.
I / I0 = (r0 /r) 2
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
1′ Lecture:
The Sound Intensity Level (SIL)
diminishes with distance thus:
SIL= SIL0 – 20 Log (r / r0 )
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
Thought question:
What happens to a sound wave as it
propagates or travels?
• Wave
is absorbed.  not much: ~ 10 dB/km
• Wave
spreads out.  depends of geometry.
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
The intensity of a spherical sound wave decreases as
the distance from the source increases. [“Inverse”]
d [m]
I [W/m2]
=12 /12
0.25 =12/2 2
0.068 = 12 /4 2
0.040 = 12 /5 2
=12 /3 2
As 1/r 2
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
Intensity is Power per Unit Area
Why does intensity
diminish as 1/r 2?
Area = 2/3π ‧ r 2
I = Power/Area
I = I0 (A0 /A)
I= I0 (r0 / r ) 2
A = ⅔π r 2
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
Demonstration of Inverse Square Law:
I1 ‧ (r1 /r2) 2
I1 ‧ (r1 /r3)2
The fraction of the sound energy that enters the ear
decreases as the ratio of the inverse of the square of the
distance because the fractional area decreases as 1/r 2.
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
Square Law:
The intensity of sound (originating from a
point source in an open environment)
diminishes as the square of the inverse
ratio of the distances from a source.
I / I0 = (r0 /r) 2
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
The sound intensity is 1.0 x10 -9 W/m2 at a
distance of 3.0 m from a speaker. What
is the intensity 20 m away?
I2 / I1 = ( r1 /r2 ) 2 ;
I2 / (1 .0 x10-9 W/m2) = ( 3.0 m / 20 m ) 2
I2 = (1 .0 x10-9 W/m2) (.0225) =2.25 x10 -11 W/m2
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
Square Law:
The Sound Intensity Level (SIL) decreases
by 20 dB for every 10x increase in
SIL = SIL0 – 20 Log (r / r0)
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
Square Law:
I / I0 = (r0 /r) 2
Then 10 Log (I / I0 )= 10 Log((r0 /r) 2)
10 Log(I/Ithreshold) – 10 Log(I0 /Ithreshold) = 20 Log((r0 /r))
SIL – SIL0 = -20 Log(r/r0 )
SIL = SIL0 – 20 Log (r / r0)
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
The sound intensity level of the professor’s
lecture is 80 dB on the front row of the
classroom, 3 m from the his mouth. What is
the SIL at the back row if it is 6 m away and
there are no reflections?
SIL = SIL0 – 20 dB Log ( r /r0 )
SIL = 80 dB – 20 dB Log ( 6 m/3 m) = 74 dB
Physics 1251
Unit 2 Session 16
Wave Properties: Propagation
• The intensity of sound decreases with
the square of the inverse of the distance
from the source in an open area.
I / I0 = ( r /r0 ) 2
The Sound Intensity Level diminishes
with distance thus
SIL = SIL0 – 20 Log (r / r0)