Transcript Document

Revised Waste Management Strategy
June 2003
• To plan, develop, provide and manage an environmentally
responsible and cost effective waste management system
that addresses the needs and expectations of the
community and to be generally in keeping with the NSW
Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2003
(Resource NSW) targets for reduction in waste to landfill,
increasing the recovery and reuse of materials from the
waste stream and by aiming to reduce litter and illegal
• Ensuring that future generations are not financially
responsible for rectification of any pollution caused by
waste from today through appropriate waste and recycling
programs and facilities that meet current environmental
• To plan for long-term systems to encourage reductions in
waste, increased recycling, reuse of materials from the
waste stream, a reduction in littering and illegal dumping
and sufficient disposal capacity to meet both normal and
potential emergency situations.
Domestic Waste Collection
To provide a collection service that efficiently and effectively removes domestic waste
material in accordance with the Service Charter and relevant statutory and regulatory
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
Retain the current 240-litre domestic service until investigations have been conducted
into the potential for a reduction in bin size in conjunction with the provision of a
kerbside recycling collection service.
Council continues to encourage source separation and voluntary delivery of recycled
materials to drop off centres and waste facilities until such time as a kerbside recycling
program is instituted (if any).
Explore variations to the collection routes where they provide for greater efficiency of
service or increased service provision.
Domestic Recycle Collection
To provide a collection service where the recyclable component of “in house” domestic
waste can be collected in accordance with the Service Charter and relevant statutory and
regulatory requirements.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
The NSW Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2003 proposes a target for
increasing the recovery and reuse of materials from the current statewide average of
26% to 66% by 2014. While, not quantified, current recycling practices within the shire
would be significantly less than the state average. Surveys of ratepayers conducted in
the Kempsey Shire have indicated in-principle support for a kerbside recycling program
dependant on cost and serviceable area.
In the current Budget, Council has allocated funds to begin the improvement of the
image currently shown by the drop off centres.
In the budget for 2003/4 Council has approved funding for an education programme to
be developed for Shire residents regarding the current recycling options, appropriate
recyclable materials and reducing the amount of contamination in recycled materials.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation (cont)
The outcome of this programme will be an increase in the amount of recycled materials
collected and a reduction in the level of contamination. This will assist in future
education campaigns should a kerbside collection service be established.
Council should actively pursue an investigation into the financial and physical viability
of increasing its recycling capabilities through a kerbside recycling program. The
investigation should consider resource-sharing opportunities with member councils of
the Mid North Coast Waste Forum (MidWaste). It will also need to consider the long
term cost associated with operating Council’s landfill facility and any savings to be
made by reducing the volume of waste going to landfill.
Financial Implications
Consideration should be given to actively funding an investigation into the viability of a
kerbside recycling program. Such a program would have a significant long-term impact
on capital requirements by extending the life of the landfill.
Other Domestic Materials
To provide a system where the recyclable components of “out of house” waste can be
collected, stored and recycled in a convenient and economic manner and in accordance
with Service Charters and relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
The current system provides an opportune method of recycling for the public.
Additional education of the residents will improve the use of these sites and the
perception of the service.
Resource sharing initiatives such as provision of regional steel recycling and concrete
crushing services with a view to maximising the price received for this recyclable
material are currently being investigated. A regional ‘milk-run ‘ is also being
considered for the collection and disposal of hazardous chemicals.
The introduction of an education programme will further enhance this service at little
cost to the Council. Revenue is gained from the sale of recyclable materials and
resaleable items.
A regional metals collection should aim to increase the income to Council for such
Opportunities for funding grants from Resource NSW will be investigated for what is
considered to be initiatives with significant benefits for the environment and public
health. This is currently being addressed as a member Council of MidWaste.
Trade Waste Collection
To provide a trade waste collection service that removes commercial or industrial solid
waste in a convenient, competitive and economic manner whilst generating a reasonable
return to the Council.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
Council currently operates this service in a competitive market and is able to continue to
offer a competitive service for businesses requiring multiple bins and multiple services.
Council service is based on a rear loading truck whilst the competition uses front lift
vehicles. The front lift has an advantage in that the operation can be performed in a
faster manner and possibly with less risk with respect to OH&S considerations.
Council is currently phasing out the rear-loading vehicle for trade collections and
implementing a front lift vehicle in its place. A rear loading vehicle may remain in the
fleet to also be a back up for the front lift service provided the dual lifting method is
retained for the bins. These vehicles are the best type for cleaning up in and after
emergency events and therefore are very flexible. This transition is expected to take
place in the 2003/04 financial year.
Adequate maintenance allowance has been included in the budget for repair,
replacement and retrofitting of the current trade waste bins.
Receival of Solid Wastes
The provision and operation of a disposal site that accepts all wastes generated within
the Shire, except for liquid and some hazardous materials, and disposes of it in a manner
that meets all environmental, statutory and regulatory requirements, whilst enabling the
maximum separation, reuse, reprocessing and recycling of recyclable materials.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
Council took the step to close all landfills except the current site and provide funds to
develop the landfill to meet the stringent requirements of the EPA licence. There is a
requirement to gain Development Approval over enough land to provide quality landfill
disposal for at least 10-15 years.
Improved image, improved operational standards and security of the landfill site will
encourage the landfill users to assist the Council to meet its objective and legal
Council has developed an Operational Manual to set out site operational procedures.
There are some OH&S issues that cause concern to the Council with its operation –
mainly in the mixing of domestic users with trade users and site equipment.
Council is developing a Receival Pit (transfer system) to enable domestic users to
dispose of their refuse in a separate area that is close to the entrance and all movement
will be on paved areas.
Transfer Station Provision
The provision and operation of sites where residents may take their domestic waste as an
alternative to the landfill site.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
The transfer stations are located at sites of former landfills that were closed when all end
point disposals was concentrated at the Kempsey Waste Receival and Disposal Facility
off Crescent Head Road.
The distance that ratepayers are prepared to travel will dictate the number of Transfer
Station sites that should be provided.
There is a former tip site located at Gladstone and this may be investigated as a potential
site for another Transfer Station.
All of the Transfer Station sites are operated under contract. On the 1st July 2003,
Stuarts Point and South West Rocks will return to day labour operation.. There is
provision for increasing the income stream to Council through this change.
Council Waste Generation
To quantify generation rates and composition of wastes generated in all aspects of Shire
endeavours and to implement established Cleaner Production methods to reduce the
amount of waste ultimately going to landfill through the implementation of recycling
and reuse programs and strategies where it is economic to so do.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
Council is required, as is every other industry and person in the State, to comply with all
legislative and regulatory requirements under the Protection of the Environment
Operation Act 1997. Community awareness of these requirements is growing and
pressure is being placed on Council by Regulators and the community to ensure
compliance with the Act.
Each activity and job plan is to contain some consideration of the likely waste that may
be generated, how this could be avoided or reduced, how the waste may be considered
as a resource rather than a waste and how it can be correctly disposed if that is the last
Council will aim to identify and reduce the use of materials containing toxic substances
where physically and financially viable. This will be achieved by moving toward the
use of more environmentally sound work methods and materials.
Management of Litter
To provide a coordinated approach to litter management within the Shire using strategies
to address the potential reduction in the amount of litter generated, the management and
clean up of that litter and programs to educate the community on the affects of littering
based on a triple bottom line (Social, Economic and Environmental) approach.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
Council has an obligation under various legislations to ensure that litter and unwanted
materials do not enter or pollute the waters. There is also a Council desire to have an
image of tidiness.
Attaining and meeting the legislative requirements is a very labour intensive process and
can be seen within the Budget considerations as a non-productive use of rate funds. To
address their legislative obligations, many Local Councils within Australia are now
installing litter traps (gross pollution traps) on the Council stormwater systems to catch
the litter before it reaches the waterways.
Council will adopt a proactive litter reduction and management programme for two
years (2003/5 budgets) to reduce the volume at source before implementing an ‘end of
pipe’ solution. Gross pollution traps will only be installed from 2005 if found to be
necessary to meet legislative or community requirements.
Management of Litter
Council will balance the number of permanent bins at parks and fields, which are also
used for unauthorized disposal of domestic and trade wastes, against the provision of
more ‘event bins’ to meet specific requirements.
Sweeping of the streets and roads, along with regular cleaning of gullies, reduces the
amount of litter washed into waterways, reduces local flooding as well as improving the
image of the Shire.
Council will include litter reduction in the waste management education programme.
Council will also cooperate with other Shires to conduct regional ‘anti litter’
programmes to reduce cost to Council, get better quality initiatives and a wider
programme coverage.
Council will investigate the use of State funded and assisted programmes like the EPA’s
‘Don’t be a Tosser’ and “It’s a Living Thing” campaign.
The development of a litter “Hot Spot” program that will address the reporting, clean up
and regular monitoring of sites that have been identified as problem areas for attracting
illegal dumping and littering.
The enforcement of litter provisions and ‘on the spot fines’ for littering are available to
the Council. The use of these provisions will be made over specifically publicised events
that are part of the education programme. Blatant and recurring breaches will be
prosecuted at all times.
Waste Education Programs
To develop and implement an education programme within the Shire that promotes best
environmental practices and strategies that can be economically attained and that also
meet the identified expectations and requirements of the community.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
Council is to undertake a public education programme that will advise all Shire residents
of the Works undertaken by the Shire for the community wellbeing. This will include all
aspects of waste management.
This programme will be conducted in association with other Council Service Providers
including library, Water and Sewer services and Community Services.
This education programme can also be used for training the internal workforce on
community expectations of Council’s approach to environmental and community
Council will also liaison with the Education Department, Universities, the private sector
and State and Federal government agencies to source alternative funding streams to help
with this project.
Hazardous Wastes
To quantify generation rates and composition of hazardous wastes and implement a
collection, acceptance and disposal program within the Shire in conjunction with other
regional waste initiatives where it is environmentally safe and economic to so do.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
Implement the drumMUSTER program, for which the Council has signed a contract to
participate.This is due to take place on one weekend in September 2003 at the
drumMUSTER compound within the KWR&DF site.
Conduct a ‘Household Chemical Acceptance Programme’ in conjunction with the
drumMUSTER activity and the coordinated MidWaste chemical collection program.
Maintain a register of suitably capable firms that will provide a hazardous waste
management service for industry within the Shire.
Investigate the viability of regional “milk runs’ for hazardous waste collection and
disposal as previously discussed
Provide a secure storage and containment unit at the Kempsey Waste Receival and
Disposal Facility suitable for small quantities of hazardous materials that may be
brought to the landfill from domestic sources.
Green Purchasing
To set the example for industry and commerce within the Shire in the purchase and use
of products containing recycled materials.
Strategic Considerations and Planned Variation
Council is to prepare and implement a Recycled Material Content Purchasing Policy that
requires specifications for purchased products to include a specified recycled material
content where they can contain recycled materials. (i.e. 10% recycled materials)
Council should also be prepared to accept a cost penalty of up to 5% if a product is
recycled or contains recycled material.