Transcript Slide 1

Case #1 SYB
Irene Woo
 LU is a 7 yo male presents for follow up MRI for altered
mental status, dementia, psychiatric disorder, headaches
 PMH: 22wk found to have abnormal increase in head
circumference and increased size of ventricles on ultrasound.
Also increased drooling.
T2 MRI of the Brain
Findings on Brain MRI of L.U
 Pointing of the cerebellar tonsils with displacement of the
tonsils 6mm below the foramen magnum.
Decreased amount of subarachnoid space in the foramen
magnum consistent with crowding from downward
displacement of the cerebellar tonsils.
Brain parenchyma is normal
Extra-axial fluid spaces and ventricles are normal in size and
No evidence of mass lesion, hemorrhage, or acute ischemia
Chiari Malformation
 Type 1 (adult)
 Type 2 (pediatric) associated with myelomeningocele
 Type 3 associated with encephalocele (portion of cerebellum
or brainstem extends through an abnormal opening in the
back of the skull)
 Type 4 cerebellar hypoplasia
 Headache
 Neck pain (running down the shoulders at times)
 Unsteady gait (problems with balance)
 Poor hand coordination (fine motor skills)
 Numbness and tingling of the hands and feet
 Dizziness
 Difficulty swallowing (sometimes accompanied by gagging,
choking and vomiting)
 Vision problems (blurred or double vision)
 Slurred speech
 Hydrocephalus
 Spina bifida
 Syringomyelia
 Tethered cord syndrome
 Spinal curvature
T2 MRI of Cervical Spine
 Posterior fossa craniectomy or posterior fossa decompression