The Code of Hammurabi reflected Babylonian values

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Transcript The Code of Hammurabi reflected Babylonian values

IQ 11/10
Why do you think that we have
rules and laws? (Remember to
write a complete paragraph)
The Code of
How they reflected
Babylonian values
(and our own!)
Code of Hammurabi
Person was innocent
until proven guilty
(if found guilty,
harsh punishment)
Code of Hammurabi
Honesty is #1.
If you’re caught
lying…harsh punishment.
Code of Hammurabi
different forms (levels)
of punishment—
according to social
class—for same crimes.
Hierarchy of rights
Nobility (Least punishment)
Scribal Class ( Priests and Educated
Working Class
Outcasts (Most punishment)
Code of Hammurabi
Rights of individuals
come second to the
good of the
(Civic Duty)
What’s it got to do with me?
Code of Hammurabi set the standard for
all future societies
Legal scholars call it the first great legal
document of civilization
Umm…So what?
Think of what life would be like without
Without traffic laws?
Without food preparation laws?
Think what it would be like with no
What might happen when you get mad?
If there were no
written down laws…
Life would be different!
People might behave in ways that would
cause you harm (physically and emotionally)
Your ‘stuff’ might be destroyed/taken
People with different personalities/talents
might have it better (or worse!) than you
Would it be more or less fair than
‘nowadays’? You be the JUDGE!
(ha ha)
Cause & Effect!
Laws = rules + punishment
Rules = tell you how to behave
 Punishment = what will happen if you
don’t follow the rules
Cause & Effect!
When rules ARE followed:
Everyone’s behavior is predictable and
life is kept in order
When rules AREN’T followed:
Everyone’s behavior is unpredictable and
life is chaotic
Each person in your row is all one number.
You need to write down (each person needs to
write on their own paper you will turn this in w/
their homework tommorow).
The situation (re write what is under your number
including what Hammurabi says)
What you would do differently.
Be prepared to discuss your number with the class
What should be done about a wife who
ignores and belittles her husband?
Hammurabi says: “If the woman has not
been careful but has gadded about,
neglecting her house and belittling her
husband, they shall throw that woman
into the water. “
What should be done if a son is adopted
and then the birth-parents want him back?
Hammurabi says: “If a man takes in his
own home a young boy as a son and rears
him, one may not bring claim for that
adopted son. “
What should happen to a boy who slaps
his father?
Hammurabi says: “If a son strikes his
father, they shall cut off his hand.”
What should be done to the carpenter
who builds a house that falls and kills the
Hammurabi says: “If a builder builds a
house for a man and does not make its
construction sound, and the house which
he has built collapses and causes the
death of the owner of the house, the
builder shall be put to death. “
What happens if a man is unable to pay
his debts?
Hammurabi says: “If a man be in debt and
is unable to pay his creditors, he shall sell
his wife, son, or daughter, or bind them
over to service. For three years they shall
work in the houses of their purchaser or
master; in the fourth year they shall be
given their freedom. “
How is the truth determined when one man
brings an accusation against another?
Hammurabi says: “If any one brings an
accusation against a man, and the accused go to
the river and leap into the river, if he sink in the
river his accuser shall take possession of his
house. But if the river prove that the accused is
not guilty, and he escape unhurt, then he who
had brought the accusation shall be put to
death, while he who leaped into the river shall
take possession of the house that had belonged
to his accuser. “
Write at least a two paragraph letter to
Write whether you agree or disagree with the
laws we discussed today.
If you agree tell why. If you disagree explain
how he could improve his laws.
Remember to address your letter to Hammurabi
Include an opening and a closing sentence or two.