Educational Planning - Nassau Community College

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Transcript Educational Planning - Nassau Community College

Academic Probation
What does it mean to be on Academic Probation?
 When a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls
below the minimum GPA required to maintain Good
Academic Standing, then they are placed on Academic
 The following are the cumulative grade point average
minimums which must be attained for a student to be
considered in good academic standing:
1.7 with 1-14 credits attempted (usually one semester)
1.8 with 15-29 credits attempted (usually two semesters)
1.9 with 30-47 credits attempted
2.0 with 48 or more credits attempted
Academic Probation and Part-time study
 A student whose cumulative average falls below these
minima for the first time will remain in good academic
standing (B status) but shall be limited to 14 credits (or
equivalent where preparatory courses are concerned) for
the next semester.
 If, at the end of the next semester, the student’s
cumulative average still falls below these minima, then
the student concerned shall be placed on academic
probation (D status) and shall be restricted to part-time
(fewer than 12 credits) attendance.
 A “Hold” is placed on the student’s records . This means
that the student cannot Self Serve on Banner to register
for their next semester’s courses. The “Hold” will be
lifted after attending this Retention Strategy workshop.
What’s next? Academic Dismissal Policy
 The cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of students on probation will
be reviewed at the end of the spring semester. Students whose cumulative
average remains below the required minimum will be academically
dismissed. The office of the Dean of Students implements, interprets, and
ensures compliance with this policy.
 A previously dismissed student who is readmitted will not be dismissed
under this policy if a satisfactory progress is demonstrated in courses taken
since readmission.
 Students have the right to appeal their dismissal. Appeals must be
submitted in writing to the Academic Standing Committee through the
office of the Dean of Students no later than six weeks prior to the beginning
of the semester for which they wish to be readmitted. Students who fail to
appeal their dismissal within the required time limit may submit an appeal
in a timely fashion for readmission to a future semester. Appeal decisions
rendered by the Academic Standing Committee shall be final.
How did I get on probation?
Not enough time to study I don’t know how to study
I work more than 20 hours a
I don’t know what I want to do
I had an incomplete grade
that turned to “F”
I left school without
withdrawing from my
I have difficulty balancing
work, study and home life
New Grading Policy
Effective Fall 2012
1. UW-Unofficial Withdrawal
This grade, for credit classes, carries the same academic
value as a failing grade and will be given to a student that
attended class, but for whatever reason stopped attending
during the semester. Students must withdraw from the class by
the published deadline.
2. UU-Unofficial Withdrawal
This grade, for non-credit class (remedial), does not affect
the student’s grade point average but does count toward the
number of attempts in the remedial program.
3. NA-Never Attended
This grade is issued for a credit class and does not affect
the student’s grade point average, however students will be
liable for tuition and fees for the class if not dropped prior to
the start of the semester and financial aid will be affected
because of non-attendance.
What Are My Options?
 Meet with your assigned counselor from Center for
Educational and Retention Counseling (CERC)
Attend a Study Skills Workshop offered by CERC
Speak with your professors
Get a tutor for difficult courses
Go to the Learning Lab associated with your courses
Withdraw from a difficult course or one that you have not
been attending.
Examine how you manage your time
Attend college part-time
Take a class in summer school session I
Calculating Your GPA
 To calculate the cumulative GPA , you take your semester
GPA hours and add them to the GPA hours listed in the
Transcript Totals area. Do the same for the quality points.
Divide Total Quality GPA points by GPA hours . (W’s are
not calculated in the GPA).
 Quality points:
A---4 points
B+---3.5 points
B---3 points
C+---2.5 points
C---2 points
D+---1.5 points
D---1 points
How To Calculate your GPA
Your GPA is Quality points divided by GPA Hours, 29.5/57=1.93
What happens if I get dismissed?
 You will receive a letter from the Dean of
Student’s Office informing you of your dismissal.
You can fill out an Appeal Application and
submit it before the due date.
You can meet with a CERC counselor to review
your completed application and to discuss the
possible outcomes.
Students that get reinstated will receive a letter
informing them that they will be allowed to
return to the college.
Students that get reinstated will be placed on “D”
status/Probation for the new semester and will
only be allowed to attend part-time.
Should I Remain in College?
By attending college you:
 Increase your value in the job market.
 Develop an ability to think, create and
 Are provided with opportunities to learn about
your area(s) of interest
 Enhances your knowledge base
 Have opportunities to learn from professors who
are experts in their fields.
 Get to network with people who have similar
How do I select an area of Study?
Research +
Assessment +
Area of Study
 There are several questions you need to answer
is; What do I have an interest in?
What subjects do I enjoy?
What am I good at? What are my strengths?
What are some of the careers I thought about?
Career interest inventories. Our Career
Counseling office has Focus 2 an online career
exploration program. They also offer the Self
Directed Search inventory which is another
assessment tool.
There are several websites that will help you research
the field of careers:
 The Occupational Outlook Handbook,
 The Career Zone,
all offer information on different careers and what
each is about. It is important to understand what any
career looks like on a day to day basis, as well the level
of education or training required for the job.
 It is always important to talk to other people about some of your ideas
about careers.
 Utilizing your family and friends to find out about different careers is
called networking.
 You may have connections to someone who is doing what you want to
do, or they know someone who is doing what you want to do,
Areas of Study
 Nassau Community College has many areas of study for you to consider.
 The College Catalog is online at Click on Programs and Courses. This
will lead you to all of our areas of study and the course required for each.
As you consider different areas of study it is important to look at the course work
required. If you log in to your Banner account and use the Degree Evaluation,
you can look at your current major, but also see if you changed to another major,
what the courses required would look like. It’s a great feature!
Does the coursework required reflect my areas of interest and my academic
strengths? Ex) Am I good at Math? Science? English?
It is also important to access the type of skills I will develop in this area of study, can
I be creative? Work with my hands? Solve problems? Learn about human behavior?
Finding the right fit is important. The right fit is a combination of the interest ,
strengths, and skills that all fall into one area of study or major.
It’s ok not to know when you start college. You have the ability to explore different
subjects each semester. It’s a great way to get a taste of different programs and find
one that you are interested in.
Your Associates Degree
 You need 66-68 credits for your Associates Degree.
 You should be aware of all the semesters that courses are
offered. We have Fall (15 weeks), Winter( one course, three
weeks, 5 days a week) Spring (15 weeks), Summer Session I
and II( Each session is 4 weeks and 4 days a week, M-Th)
How many credits do I take?
 This is probably one of the most important questions you need to answer.
 The choice of how many credits you take in any semester can certainly
influence your academic success or failure.
 A full time load is considered 12 -17 credits.
 Anything less than 12 credits is considered part-time.
available to
Job Hours
 Your professors are great resources for careers in the
fields they teach.
 The Career Development Office in Nassau Hall can
help you investigate careers by taking a career
 The Center for Educational and Retention
Counseling (572-7141)in Nassau Hall rm. 19 can
assist you in developing an educational plan as well
as workshops to help you achieve academic success.
Your Counselor
You have been assigned a specific CERC counselor that can assist you
with your educational planning.
If your last name starts with:
Your counselor is Prof. Bob Rubin
[email protected], 572-7103
Your counselor is Prof. Judy Suh
[email protected], 572-7243
Your counselor is Prof. Deborah Kimbrough-Lowe
[email protected], 572-7125
Your counselor is Prof. Bill Zatulskis
[email protected], 572-7578
Your counselor is Prof. Delores Smalls
[email protected], 572-9784
Your counselor is Prof. Mary Peck
[email protected], 572-7154
The CERC Office is in Nassau Hall (M) room 19
Retention Strategy Survey (RSS)
Please take a moment to complete a brief survey. It is
important that you take and complete this survey so
that we know you participated in this online workshop.
The survey can be accessed by clicking on the
following link. Your counselor has been identified.
Retention Strategy Survey (RSS)