#ENDREDZONE - Student Affairs

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Transcript #ENDREDZONE - Student Affairs

State of Emergency:
End the Red Zone (ER)
Ashleigh Taylor
Drew Lail
Breion Harris
ShirDonna Lawrence
Our Charge
Establish a campus wide
initiative and awareness
campaign addressing
sexual violence and
sexual misconduct.
Launch the campaign:
State of Emergency: End the
The tag for this campaign
What is the Red Zone?
The Red Zone is identified as the first 4-6
weeks during the academic in which the
most sexual assaults occur on collegiate
Tier Execution
Catered functional Areas:
Residential Life
Academic Affairs
Campus Wide
Student Life.
Catered Institutional Types:
Large State University
Small Private College
Community College
#ENDREDZONE-Year Initiative
 Initiative: 365 State of Emergency
 This initiative advocates for constant awareness of
sexual violence and misconduct throughout the year
with students, faculty and staff.
The Cleary Act requires that all instances of sexual
misconduct and violence be reported. Students will be
more aware of what those terms mean if there is constant
awareness brought towards these issues.
#ENDREDZONE-Year Initiative
 Initiative- 365 State of Emergency
 Residence halls are the hosts of large amounts of
students abiding in one place, it is essential that
frequent awareness is publicized and adopted
regarding sexual misconduct and violence
permeates the buildings.
State University
Residence Hall Association (RHA) in conjunction with other
university offices will create a year long calendar of programs.
Everyday there will be a program, event, and or informational
table that caters towards awareness of sexual misconduct
There will be bracelets, shirts, and other paraphernalia to
emphasize this initiative.
State University
At the beginning of each month there will be a large event.
This will likely be sponsored by RHA and the Student Activities
There will lots of free give-a-ways.
In the warm months the event would be like a block party with
music and short speeches about sexual violence and
The residents will be encouraged to wear their bracelets and
other paraphernalia.
State University
 The
programs that occur on a daily basis will be in
conjunction with offices such as the Counseling
 Speakers will be invited. Informational tables will be
placed in the residence halls. Pamphlets will be
given out.
 RAs will be required to host a least one program per
semester that pertains to #ENDREDZONE.
Small Private College
A series of programs and events will be held in
conjunction with other offices and departments at
the college.
The smaller community type residence hall will
allow for more intimate sessions and programs.
Wristbands, shirts, pens, stationary, and other
paraphernalia will be given out to emphasize
Small Private College
There will be one large event at the beginning of each month.
The first will be to emphasize the new initiative.
Students will be asked to use social media specifically using
the #ENDREDZONE topic.
The smaller events throughout the month will be catered
towards smaller groups
Residents will be encouraged to wear paraphernalia.
Small Private College
The first monthly will likely be sponsored by RHA and the
Student Activities Office. This event will occur during Welcome
There will lots of free give-a-ways.
This will be in the style of a block party with short speeches
about the initiative and what sexual violence and misconduct
Small Private College
The other monthly events will be seminar style and/or
programs that are meant to be both educational and
The daily programs will have sign up sheets prior to program to
ensure small attendance so that it is easier for audience to
interact with presenters. This will likely be co-sponsored with
the Counseling Center.
Community College
The amount of students living on campus will be small in
comparison to the amount of students commuting and living
off campus.
The residence life administration along with the enrollment
management office will gage the types of students at the
These offices will create a year long initiative that caters
towards awareness of sexual misconduct and violence.
Community College
committee will be formed that consists of
members of the residence life administration and
enrollment management office.
 The committee with formulate programming that
assists students that live on and off campus.
 Wristbands and pamphlets will be given out at
these events to emphasize the initiative.
Community College
Informational tables set up in both the residence halls and
common areas for commuting students will be necessary.
Faculty engagement will be key especially for the commuting
There will be a large event each semester. This will be block
party style.
 Apply
Bowman and Deals Four Frames as
introduced in Reframing Organizations:
Artistry, Choice and Leadership
Four Frames
 Structural
 Human
 Political Frame
 Symbolic Frame
Provosts/Chief Academic Officers responsible for
establishing standards in regards to academia.
Enlist Provost and other essential administrators to
promote the #EndRedzone Campaign
Human Resources
Offer active bystander, sexual assault, sexual
harassment, and intervention trainings at seasonal
Offer procedural training for faculty and staff on
reporting a sexual assault, and how to access Clery
Utilize testimonials as well as sexual assault statistics
from Cleary Reports to shed light on the issue of
sexual violence and sexual misconduct to faculty
and Staff.
Human Resources
Actively recruit faculty to get involved with the
EndRedZone Campaign.
Invite community partners to sponsor and take
part in the #EndRedzone campaign to raise
awareness in the surrounding community.
Issue statement from the president’s office outlining
President Obamas efforts to address the topic of sexual
violence and sexual misconduct.
In issued statement highlight measures that the
university has taken in the past to ensure a safe campus,
and detail the EndRedzone campaign.
Express that the EndRedzone Campaign is means to
open dialogue about the issue of sexual violence and
sexual misconduct on the respective campus moving
 Provost/Chief
Academic Officer makes a
point to attend kick off events for the
#EndRedzone campaign
 #EndRedzone campaign integrates small
presentation into orientation sessions
 Design
EndRedzone logo
 Offer logo decals to faculty and staff who
have completed trainings
 Inform campus the logo represents a safe
zone for individuals who have
experienced an act of sexual violence or
sexual misconduct
 Offer digital image for e-mail signatures
State University
Bring the campaign to the Faculty and Staff
 Infuse the topic into meetings, retreats, and other opportunities in
which faculty and staff gather
Communicate to Faculty that their reach extends beyond Research,
Teaching, and Service in this particular area to promote a cultural
Impart information to faculty and staff about counseling resources
offered on campus
Small Private College
Relate national trends about sexual violence and sexual misconduct
to private colleges to dispel a perception of immunity because of
Create an environment of inclusiveness for faculty staff and students
by promoting respect of differences.
Push faculty to be mindful of student behavior in and out of the
Community College
 Make
faculty aware of counseling and reporting
resources off campus
 Designate
“Safe Zone” areas around the campus
for students
Campus Wide
State University
Programming Initiatives
Guest Speaker(s)
 Noteworthy Lectures, testimonials
Service Initiative
 Community Partner centered
Fundraising Program
Blue Light Special Training for FYE
Police Escort Service
 24 Hour access
Response Training for Faculty/Staff
Small Private College
 Programming Initiatives
 First Year Studies Issue in Common
Documentary Viewing
 Coupled with guest lecture
Fundraising Program for New Response Center
Police Escort Service
Community College
 Programming
Campus Awareness program
Community Partnership for Student Resource
Police Escort
Student Development Theory
Schlossberg’s Transition Theory
Empower students to recognize and evaluate their new
environment, be accountable for safety, and get
actively engaged.
Student Life
State University
Student Programming Board
On a large state university campus the two
most over arching student organizations will
be the Student Government and the
Student Activities Board.
We will use a collaboration between the
two to increase the education of the entire
State University
Creation of a campus wide ENDREDZONE
Student Government would market a month long
awareness program for the campus
stories from anonymous students
what can be done
how to report and tips to stay safe
State University
Student Activities Board would kick off the month
with a large scale event featuring a prominent
public figure with a story on the issue, motivational
speaker against sexual violence.
Use this event to boost awareness and
advertisement for the ENDREDZONE month
State University
Student Forum
Campus culture comes from the individuals who are
currently at the institution
By creating a safe atmosphere where campus leaders can
discuss these topics, students will buy into the initiative.
 More effective than random speakers
 Invite all campus RSO’s to enter a participant
State University
Example: Greek Life
The ENDREDZONE month would be marketed heavily
inside the Greek community to:
Dedicate service hours to the case
Participate in a student forum designed as a event during the
month to discuss personal topics related to sexual awareness
(stronger message when it comes from peers)
Fundraise for campus partners that help fight sexual violence
Small Private College
Use Resources and Strengths!
Students at a small school are connected
and involved in the everyday life of the
university-use this!
Goal: Full acceptance from the student population
Small Private College
Dedicate a day to competition and fun that encourages
students to learn and speak out against sexual violence:
Create teams through registered student organizations,
residence halls and Greekchapters.
Create events
Mix Events with Speakers and media coverage
Market as a day dedicated to raising awareness against
sexual violence
Small Private College
Invite community and campus partners to
set up booths and displays across campus
All proceeds go to a sexual violence
prevention agency OR all money goes
toward the citation of a anti-sexual violence
student group being brought to the campus
Small Private College
Organizations Involved
Greek Life
Student Government
Campus Publications
Day would be dedicated to creating a Sexual
Awareness campaign or student group or
community partner.
Community College
Formation of a Student Group
Community college students do not have
the schedules of a normal college student,
so to make an effective campus change
you must work around this.
Create a University operated student group
(by invitation or application)
Community College
What it will do
This student group, ENDREDZONE, will be student ran and
charged with working with community partners to bring
information into the college atmosphere.
-This gives students a chance to get involved and
encourages them to work outside of the institution
Community College
Raise awareness
Create community partners
Gain information for individuals who have
suffered from this before
Partner with neighboring institutions to
bring in professors/speakers