Currency of Content

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 To evaluate the currency of content of a program using
accreditation standards on program goals and
curriculum content
 To illustrate how program goals, objectives & learning
domains integrate with the philosophy, vision, mission
& values of SJC
 To evaluate the quality of curriculum and quality of
instruction using the Student Program Resource
Accreditation Standard 3.01 & 3.02
The program goals must form the basis for program planning,
implementation and evaluation.
Statement of Program Goals
“To prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in
the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of
respiratory care practice as performed by registered
respiratory therapists”
Vision, Mission, Philosophy
and Values of San Juan College
Goals, Objectives &
Learning Domains
Program Planning &
Evaluating Mechanisms
Philosophy: “That education is a life-long process and every individual has
a capacity for life-long learning…”
Vision: SJC will “promote student-centered learning, using appropriate
technology, employing systems thinking, implementing collaborative
approaches, and utilizing data-driven decision making.”
Goal (cognitive): Upon completion of the Respiratory Therapy Program, the
graduate will demonstrate theoretical competencies at the entry and
advanced levels.
Objective: The student will be able to apply critical-thinking skills
consistent with NBRC’s “Recall, application and analysis” cognitive
learning domain.
Planning: Formulating learning objectives and developing contents for
teaching in both didactic and laboratory components;
Implementation: Conducting teaching and learning activities using
instructional methods to stimulate critical-thinking and decision-making
skills at the entry and advanced levels.
Satisfactory completion of all courses.
CRT and RRT self-assessment exams; and the actual CRT and RRT exams of
the NBRC. CoARC Surveys- graduate, employer, and advisory committee.
Accreditation Standard 4.04
Curriculum must include:
•Oral & written communication skills
• Social/behavioral sciences
•Biomedical/natural sciences
•Respiratory care
Examples of Curriculum Content
Communication Skills:
ENG 111 Freshman Composition
SPCH 110 Public Speaking or 111 Interpersonal Communication
ENG 211 Advanced Composition or 218 Adv. Tech. Composition
Social/Behavioral Sciences:
PSYC Introduction to Psychology
Biomedical/Natural Sciences:
BIOL 252 & 253 Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II
RESP 120 Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology]
RESP 114 Respiratory Physics & Medical Gas Therapy
RESP 116 Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology
Respiratory Care:
RESP 238 Ethics, Management & Wellness Promotion
RESP 112 Community Health & Infection Control
RESP 118 Diagnostic & Therapeutic Techniques
RESP 122 Critical Care Management
Quality of Curriculum Materials & Facilities
Student Program Resource Survey
A. Classrooms
adequate lighting
adequate ventilation
adequate seating
B. Laboratory
Laboratory Equipment
Supplies are sufficient for student performance of required lab. exercises
The amount of equipment is sufficient for student performance of
required lab exercises
Instructional Support Resources
Tutorial assistance is available when needed
Clinical Resources
The clinical facilities offer an adequate number of procedures for the
student to meet clinical objectives.
Quality of Instruction
Student Program Resource Survey
Personnel Resources
A. Faculty teach effectively
in the classroom
in the laboratory
in the clinical
B. Faculty number is adequate
Medical Director/Physician Interaction
Physician/student interaction is sufficient to facilitate development
of effective communication skills
Medical Director and student interaction contributes to the
development of effective communication skills
Student Satisfaction
 Student Program Resource Survey- CoARC
 Course Evaluation by the students- SJC
Employability of Graduates
 Pass rates on national board examinations
 Graduate surveys
 Employer surveys