Marie Stowell presentation

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Efficiency and Effectiveness in
Assessment: Challenging Times
Student Assessment and Classification
Working Group (SACWG)
Marie Stowell
Context: Assessment is key
‘Students can escape
bad teaching;
they can’t escape bad
David Boud (1995)
Enhancing learning
through self assessment.
Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG)
Challenging Times
New fees and regulatory context
Student number controls and access targets
KIS and students as consumers
Alternative providers and partnerships:
competition and collaboration
• Flexible and new pedagogies and
• Risk-based quality assurance
Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG)
Assessment is a ‘hot topic’
• Academic standards (QAA, 2009; HEFCE, 2009;
IUSSC, 2009; Brown, 2011)
• Credit, flexibility and funding (QAA, HEFCE, CVU)
• External examiners and institutional review
(UUK, 2011, QAA, 2011)
• Good practice (eg Price et al. 2010; Nicol/QAA, 2009;
Gibbs, 2010; NUS, 2010)
• Performance indicators and public information
(HEFCE, 2009 and 2010)
• Student satisfaction (Williams and Kane, 2008;
HEFCE, 2011)
Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG)
SACWG research
• Institutional regulations,
processes and procedures
• Degree classification
• Reassessment
• Enigmatic variations
– Passing and failing
– Progression
– Achievement
• See Yorke et al. 2002,
2004 and 2008
Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG)
Efficiency in assessment
• Student success, retention and
• Costs
• Over-assessment?
• Pass first time
• Take up of reassessment
• Moderation and external examining
Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG)
Effectiveness of assessment
• Student learning,
differentiation and
• Assessment strategies:
course versus module
• Assessment for learning:
formative assessment and
• Quality assurance
Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG)
Some current challenges:
• Regulatory frameworks
• Academic year: timing of
assessment + reassessment
• Managing re-assessment
• Re-thinking reassessment?
• On-line submission
• Use of Plagiarism software
• Quality assurance of
Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG)
Some current challenges:
• Course assessment strategies
• Inclusive assessment
• Variety, choice versus competence
and practice
• Assessment criteria and
assignment briefs
• Re-thinking reassessment?
• Professionalising assessment
• Student perceptions
Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG)