The Road to Your Future

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Transcript The Road to Your Future

Interviewing & Resumes
What’s New?
Lauri Dahlberg, PHR
Manager of Firmwide Recruitment
The Market Today
Resume Tips
Interviewing Best Practices
After the Interview
The Market Today – Things are different
Finding a new role is different today than it was 3 years ago
Fewer companies advertise their positions in newspapers
Utilized mostly for entry-level, skilled labor or administrative opportunities
Most companies require that you apply online through their web
Social media has changed the way companies recruit
Getting in the door through connections you have
People are easier to find on social media sites
• LinkedIn
• FaceBook
Companies utilize Employee Referral Programs more
It’s easier to trust you are hiring someone good when that someone was
referred by an existing employee
The Market Today – Social Media
You need to create a social media profile, and connect
with as many people as you can
FaceBook – connect with friends
LinkedIn – connect with professional contacts
You need to reach out to those connections and make
them aware of your need to find a new opportunity
Be aware that all of your information is accessible by
potential employers
If you have a FaceBook page, make it private
Whether companies should access your FB page or not, many will
Keep this in mind when posting to your FB page or sharing photos
The Market Today – Other Tips
Register with the State Department of Employment
Companies with government contracts are required to
post all of their open positions with the Department of
Sign up with a Temp Agency or Headhunter
They can assist you with your job search.
• They may be able to place you in a temporary/contract
position until a full-time role is found.
Update Your Resume
It’s time to document your skills, experience and
Resume Tips – It’s About YOU!
Before starting your resume, take some time to
think about yourself
What do you want to do in your next role?
• What type of company do you want to work for?
• What skills do you really want to utilize and enhance?
Also, take time to write down your skills and
education so that you can create a resume that
addresses the right things
Resume Tips – Identifying Skills
Make a list of the things you do/have done:
Manufacture, assemble, test, package, inventory, lead,
supervise, supply chain management
Typing, customer service, word processing, coordinating travel,
meeting preparations, phone
Implement, diagnose, fix, support, design, manage
Design, test, implement, support, fix, manage, direct
Then go DEEPER by detailing that experience
Resume Tips – Identifying Education
Make a list of your education and certifications
• Education
High School (if no college experience)
Full name of the certification, year achieved, “active”
or “inactive”
Resume Tips – Now the Resume!
Use Word
There is a resume template in Word that is easy to follow
Word is easily-uploadable by MOST applicant tracking
Make it grammatically correct
Tense is consistent throughout (current job in present
tense; former jobs in past tense)
• Spelling is checked – and re-checked!
• Punctuation is consistent throughout
• Style is consistent throughout (bullets vs paragraphs)
Must be easy to read – pleasing to the eye
Get it to fit on one page!
(maximum of 2 pages)
Resume Tips
Not necessary, but if you choose to have one:
Make it specific to the position you are expressing an interest in
• Make it short – 1 complete sentence
University of MN, Minneapolis, MN
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
GPA 3.55
High School (if no college experience)
Eden Prairie High School, Eden Prairie, MN
Diploma (or GED)
GPA 3.80
AICPS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) – Active since 2003
Resume Tips
Work Experience
Position title, dates of employment, brief description of the
duties and responsibilities you performed
• List promotions you earned by separating one role from
another at the same company
RFM Manufacturing, Minneapolis, MN
2001 – Present
Product Engineering Manager
(2008 – Present)
• Manage a team of 6 Product Engineers
• Set strategy for Product Engineering
Product Engineer (2001 – 2008)
• Design product for the ABC line by working with sales and production professionals
• Test new product designs to ensure new products meet quality standards
• Implement new process for producing designed products
Resume Tips
Other Interests / Activities / Involvement
This is the section that tells the company who you ARE as a
Community Service Involvement
List charitable or civic organizations you volunteered your
time with regularly
Ronald McDonald House – Prepare and serve meals on a quarterly basis
to the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Minneapolis, MN
Professional Activities
Identify organizations you are a member of
List out your involvement with those organizations
NSPE – National Society for Professional Engineers
Vice President of Membership
2001 to Present
Resume Tips – Cover Letters
If a company does not request a cover letter –
do not provide one
If a company requests a cover letter – provide it
Include the following information
Position you are interested in
How you heard about the opportunity
2-3 skills you have that make you a fit (1 -2 sentences)
Contact information
Finding New Opportunities
Search the Internet
JobsHQ (for jobs in ND, SD and MN)
Career Builder
Craig’s List
Contact the Career Services Center for your alma mater and see if they
have an Alumni site on the web for job search and posting purposes
Look up the web site for companies you are interested in – go to their
“Careers” section
If they have an online application process – follow it to apply for a specific position
Get on LinkedIn and search for open positions
Send a post out on FaceBook and LinkedIn to your network/connections
that you are looking for your next great opportunity
Resume to Interview
Your contacts and your resume will get your foot
in the door…..
The interview will get you the job!
Time to get ready for companies to call you
Prepare a voice mail message that is professional
Have paper and a pen close to the phone for
Let family members/roommates know what to do
when a company calls
Interview - Preparation
Review the company’s web site
Make notes on things you find interesting
• Jot down some questions to ask of the interviewers
Print off directions to the company location
Do a test drive to ensure you know how to get there and
won’t be re-routed due to road construction
Print off 2 copies of your resume
Get a good night’s sleep
Don’t stay out late the night before the interview
Interview - Preparation
Dress Appropriately
When the interview is being scheduled, ask what the company’s dress code is so you can
dress appropriately
Unless they indicate otherwise, you should dress as follows for the interview:
Business Casual/Professional
Men – Wear a pair of slacks (Dockers/Khakis), and a button-up shirt
Women – Wear a pair of dress pants or a skirt and a blouse or sweater-set
Men – Wear dress slacks or a suit and a long-sleeved button-up shirt
Women – Wear a suit OR a skirt, dress pants or dress with a blouse or sweater set
Jewelry – Be conservative – don’t overdo it
Shoes – Wear nice dress shoes with hosiery (men – dress socks; women – nylons or dress socks)
General grooming – shower, brush teeth, brush hair
Wear deodorant
Don’t overdo the perfume or cologne
Refrain from smoking prior to the interview
Spit out gum prior to the interview
Interview - Preparation
During the interview, a company’s interview team is hoping to see how you
will fit in as a member of their staff
To assist them in this effort:
Arrive on-time (5-10 minutes early is fine)
Dress professionally for the interview
Be polite to anyone you interact with in the lobby
Be both professional and friendly throughout the interview
Shake hands firmly (but don’t give the Vulcan Death Grip)
Complete any paperwork that is requested of you in a timely manner
Listen to each question and answer it accordingly – don’t think ahead
Demonstrate your interest in the opportunity
Be the BEST “you” you can possibly be
The Interview - Purpose
Provide you with information about the
Tour of the building
Interaction with employees at various levels
Information on benefits
Details on the position
Provide company with information about you:
Skills and experience – as determined by your answers to questions
Culture fit
Level of professionalism and maturity
Work ethic and drive to succeed
The Interview – What to Expect
Be prepared to answer a full-range of questions
Technical capabilities
Work environment preferences
Conflict resolution
Culture fit
Be prepared for behavioral-based interview questions
Ask for specific examples of your experience with a situation or
More analytical and require you to dig deeper than a “yes” or
“no” response
Interview – Questions
General Questions:
“Why are you interested in our company?”
“What do you know about our company?”
“Tell me about yourself.”
“Do you have the legal right to work in the United States?
Would you require sponsorship to work for our firm/company?”
“Have you been terminated from a job? If ‘yes’ what were the
circumstances and what did you learn from that experience?”
“Have you been convicted of a felony? Do you have a warrant
out for your arrest? If ‘yes’ what were the circumstances and
what did you learn from that experience?”
Interview – Questions
Technical Capabilities:
“Tell me about your experience developing a new product.”
“On a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being ‘high,’ how would you rate
your skills with XYZ software. Talk with me about a project you
worked on using XYZ software that demonstrates that rating.”
Work Environment Preferences:
“Tell me the characteristics of your favorite boss. What types of
duties did they have you perform?”
“Tell me about your least favorite boss. What were the
characteristics of that individual?”
“Talk with me about some feedback that was recently shared
with you by a coworker or boss. What did you like/dislike about
the manner in which they shared the feedback?”
Interview – Questions
Conflict Resolution:
“Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a coworker. How
did you handle that situation?”
“Talk with me about a time when you had to provide corrective
feedback to a coworker or team member. How did you share
the feedback?”
“Talk with me about a time when you had to work on a team
project. What role did you play in the team? Was a leader
assigned – or did one emerge?”
“Tell me of a time when you owned a project from start-to-finish
with no assistance.”
Interview – Questions
Culture Fit:
“What have you found to be particularly appealing
about our culture?”
“How do you see yourself contributing to the culture
of our company?”
Interview – Your Questions
Don’t forget – you are in the interview to learn
about the company
Ask Questions!
“What do you enjoy about working here?”
“How would my performance be evaluated and by whom?”
“What type of training programs do you offer?”
“Does the firm sponsor Continuing Professional Education
to maintain professional licenses and certifications?”
Interview – Your Questions
Asking questions demonstrates that you have
an interest in the firm/company
Not asking questions reflects negatively on a
Leave the interview with a favorable impression
by asking questions – even if you ask the same
questions of each interviewer (you may get a
different perspective from each person you ask)
After the Interview
Thank each interviewer for their time
Let the interviewers know if you are interested
in the opportunity
Follow-up after the interview with a “thank you”
e-mail or card
Spell each interviewer’s name correctly
Call the person who scheduled the interview if you
are uncertain how to spell an interviewer’s name
After the Interview
If you are selected for a position, show your
enthusiasm and appreciation!
Respond to the offer in a timely manner – try to
get back to the company within one week
Follow-up with a “thank you” e-mail or card to
let the company know you are excited to
embark on your career with them
After the Interview
If you need to decline an offer, do so professionally. Get
back to the company as soon as you know
If you are not selected for a position, handle it graciously and
You may be next-in-line if a position opens up!
• Could be based on a business need – and not on how well you did
in the interview
In either of the above cases, do not bad-mouth or avoid the
Companies respect those who handle disappointing news with tact
and grace
Finding your next opportunity takes a lot of work
The rest is up to you!
Be professional
Be the BEST “You” you can be
Interviewing & Resumes
What’s New?