September 3, 2013 US II CP 2

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Transcript September 3, 2013 US II CP 2

September 4, 2014
AP Economics
1. Attendance
2. Notes: Introduction to Economics
3. Informal Quiz: Do You Think Like an
Economics Introduction
“There is no such thing as a free lunch”
Every action costs someone time, energy, money…AND…
The opportunity to do something else instead.
So the true cost of a decision is measured in
forgone alternatives rather than in dollars.
Economics defined:
The study of how individuals, institutions, and
society make the best choices under conditions
of scarcity.
Limited goods, services, land, equipment, labor,
and talent.
Economics Introduction
People make decisions on what they believe is important to them based
on costs, incentives, and happiness.
Subjective Value (Everything has a cost; People choose for good
reasons to them)
Incentives matter
Success of capitalism (market economy) and failure of communism
(command economy) is prime example.
People gain from voluntary trade: that is they believe the trade has
made them better off (response to incentives)
Economic thinking is marginal (extra, one-more) thinking (evaluate
whether the marginal benefit of one more unit of something is greater
than the marginal cost.)
The value of a good or service is affected by people’s choices (This is
why trading is so important.)
Economic Actions create secondary effects.
This is all the “Economic Way of Thinking” 
Production Possibilities Curves
• Are we good with opportunity cost, scarcity, incentives,
and marginal cost/benefit?
• Society has unlimited wants, but…
• Resources are limited (scarce)
• 4 categories of resources:
1. Land
2. Labor
3. Capital
4. Entrepreneurship
• Society must decide what combination of goods/services to
• The cost of choosing one and giving up the other?
• The PPC: Illustrates Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Cost